Runaway Fox

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Little Test Pilots

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and some other people who do the publishing and movies.  I own this story and the new characters.

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            Ron was amazed at everything that happened to him.  He and Hermione were married for about a year before she announced that she was pregnant.  The entire family, including Hermione's parents, was gathered at their house in San Francisco.  Ron had practically three mothers: his mother, Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Granger.

            They were all waiting for the birth of their child.  Little did they know, that they were having twins.  Ron and Hermione found out early on, but decided to keep it a surprise for everyone else.  Hermione was in labor for more than ten hours.  She was ready to hex and curse Ron if either of the babies didn't arrive soon.

            They were both grateful when their first baby arrived, followed ten minutes later by the second baby.  "Are we done?" asked Ron in amazement as he looked at his children.  He put the scissors that he used to cut the umbilical cords with.

            "That's it, Mr. Weasley," said the doctor with a smile.

            "Yeah, it was so much hard work for you," said Hermione in a tired voice as she held both of them in her arms.  They both had thatches of red hair like their daddy's color.  "What do you want to name them?" she asked.

            "Okay, I'll make you a deal.  I get to name one, and you get to name the other one," said Ron.

            "Fine.  By the way, who gets which godfather?" asked Hermione.  They were happy to have two babies that way no one would be left out. 

            "The first born goes to Harry and the second to Simon," answered Ron thoughtfully.

            "That sounds good, why don't you get them in here before they break down the door?" asked Hermione with a soft laugh.

            Ron walked out of the room and found everyone looking tired and anxious.  "Um…we're done," said Ron, careful not to let the surprise slip.

            "Thank goodness.  I was thinking something had gone wrong.  I remember the longest labor being the twins," said Mrs. Weasley.

            "Why don't we go?" asked Ron with a smile. 

            He let everyone go into the room first.  "Twins!" declared either Fred or George.

            "They're so cute.  Why didn't you say anything, Ron?" asked his mother.

            "We thought it should be a surprise," said Ron.

            Everyone cooed and awed at the babies until Harry asked, "What's they're names?"

            "Well, I got to name him," said Ron as he picked up the baby on Hermione's left.

            "Harry, I'm proud to introduce your godson, James Harry Granger Weasley.  I hope you don't mind," said Ron.

            "I don't mind," said Harry softly.  The little baby did look like a James.  The grandmothers and grandfathers let Harry hold him first.  "What a long name you have," he commented as he looked at his godson.

            "That's why he's Jamie for short," said Ron.

            "And Simon, for you, I present your goddaughter, Marissa Simone Granger Weasley.  Mari for short," said Hermione with as smile.  "She's a little younger than her brother by ten minutes."

            Ron looked a little surprised at Hermione's choice for her name, but smiled softly.  Of course, Mari was just her nickname, but he hoped that his daughter would be a little like the other Mari just the same.

            Everyone spent their time looking at the babies, during that time Ron had fallen asleep in Hermione's bed, holding her tightly.

            "Aw…he looks like his daddy.  Maybe, he'll be as big as his daddy," said Ginny as she looked around and said, "What do you think Ron?  Hermione?"

            "Too late," said Simon as he gestured to Ron and Hermione already asleep.  "Don't worry, Mari.  We'll beat those two," he said as he jerked his head towards the direction of Harry and Jamie.

            "I doubt it.  I learned how to be a godfather from the best," said Harry.

            "We'll see.  I've been taking care of my sisters for years," said Simon.

            "Oh, yeah?"


            "That's enough," said Mrs. Scott as Mr. Granger took his granddaughter out of Simon's arms, while Mr. Weasley took his grandson from Harry.

            "Honestly, they didn't have two children just for you to pit them against each other," said Mrs. Granger.

            "I think it's funny that the first born went to Harry, and he's been Ron's friend longer, while Simon's got the younger one," said Becky with a laugh.

            Everyone continued talking and left the room after placing the little babies in their basinets.  Hermione smiled in her sleep as Ron's arms tightened around her even more. 

            "We're a family now," said Ron softly as he kissed her lips. 

            "I love you, Ron," whispered Hermione.

            "I've always loved you," he told her back. 

AN: Perhaps this should have been called an epilogue instead of a chapter.  Oh well, on to the next fic, Angel of the Apocalypse.  And I guarantee, it will be much different from this, and it will also be original from other Harry Potter fiction.  Anyway, I would like to thank all of those who reviewed, and even those who said bad things and didn't like the story.  You review contributed to my numbers.  ^_^ LOL.   See next fic…~rin-chan.