Hi guys! Unfortunately, my original computer crashed, taking all my files with it. I really shou;d back it up more often. So anyway, it'll take me a while to remake the chapters of things I was supposed to update. But anyway, for now, since I'm high on Gundam, I would like to bring you guys another Interview fic. I know I should start with the first one I watched, Gundam SEED, however, right now I LOVE 00, so I'll be starting from that! Haha! I can't wait to interview Allelujah/Hallelujah...heck with it! I'll do his first! YAY!! This is going to be fun! So, if you want to see Saph get hassled by a really ticked off Halle, or if you want to see Lockon/Neil/Lyle snipe something, or Setsuna going all "I AM GUNDAM!" on me in the middle of an interview, stay tuned! Please review and ask any questions you wish for our victims-I mean, guests. Nothing inappropriate please, like what they wear underneath the uniform, or how many chicks they've scored with...well, maybe that would be a good one to ask Lockon...anyway, keep it clean, and I want lots of questions. I like Lockon, but Alle/Halle is going to be funner to do! Anyway, let's go! I declare the Gundam Interview Fic (GIF, no, not the image type thingy) in session! *Goes off to ponder how he's going to get Alle to join us... "...leave a trail of strawberries...no...a trail of blood will get Halle...OH! I got it! I'll say I've got Marie!!!...Oh darn, I'm still typing..."*