Sitting in the park on such a day like this was a normal thing to do for the blonde haired boy recently. He would just sit on one of the benches, staring up at the clear sky. He held his hands together, never taking a glimpse away from that sky. The boy's name was called by many people, but he never replied. It was almost sunset, and the boy finally stood up. The boy whose name was Len, noticed a white ribbon on the ground. He picked it up, memories filling his mind. His eyes widened, he no longer looked to the floor. He had remembered something. Today was that girl's.. "Birthday..." He whispered to himself. The wind kicked up, blowing his hair around.
He took a seat once again, hands on his head. How could he forget something like that? He didn't know. That girl he had loved had been dead for a couple monthes. It hurt him, even though her last wish was to forget about her. A single tear ran down his cheek as he clutched the ribbon and held it to his chest. He then said outloud, holding back his sadness. "Happy you." The ribbon was all he had left to remember her by. Len closed his eyes, the ribbon blew out of his hands. All he did was watch, repeating softly. "Happy birthday..." He curled up on the bench, tears falling down from his face. The sun had set, it was now dark. A familair sound echoed in his head and he looked up to the sky. "...Your right. I should go on." He said to himself.
A small smile appeared on his lips as he got up. "Thank you...Rin." He said, before walking away. Len started to cross the street, the green light flickered lightly before changing. A car zoomed by. Not a single cry was heard. Len just sat there in the street, a red light could be seen. Blood on his face indicated major head trauma. He knew it was soon. The boy was left to die. The ribbon flew next to his dead body, a smile still pasted on his small lips.
"Happy Birthday...Rin."