Hey everyone! Thanks for all the great reviews! You guys all rock! I'm sorry it took me so long to update but I really had to think of a way to make most/all of you happy! I hope you like what I wrote! Enjoy! 3

Disclaimer: I don't own Hana Yori Dango/Boys Before Flowers

The main focus for the past two hours had been Kang San. Due to the sudden rush of cold and wetness, Kang San had developed a high fever that was not easy for them to bring down. All seven of them, including Yoon Seok Young, Ji Hoo grandfather, who was called right away, were gathered round Kang San's bed where he laid heavily breathing and sweating profusely. Grandpa Yoon told them they had nothing to worry about, he wasn't in any serious condition but his fever was extremely high and would have to be constantly watched until it went down, incase he had hallucinations and became anxious. Jan Di sat by her brother's side gently wiping away sweat from his brow. She had changed him out of his wet clothes and dressed him a warm pair of pajamas. Even though the atmosphere was heavy because Jun Pyo was not only there but they all knew he remembered, nothing was said on the topic and they all patiently waited for Kang San to fall asleep.

Grandpa Yoon walked out of Kang San's room and motioned for Ji Hoo and the others to follow leaving Jan Di alone to tend to her brother. Yi Jung was the last person out of the room and closed the door behind him. Grandpa Yoon waked to the door and began putting his coat on and got ready to leave.

"Don't worry about the boy; he'll be fine once his fever goes down." Grandpa Yoon assured them. "But don't ever let a young boy that age stand outside in the freezing cold rain! What's wrong with all of you?!" He scolded. They all held their heads down ashamed then slowly turned to look at Jun Pyo.

"Oi! It wasn't me! How was I supposed to know he was looking for me?" Jun Pyo defended himself. "You should all be thanking me. If it wasn't for me, little bro would have been run over by a truck! He might even be dead by now!"

"Jun Pyo, we didn't say anything." Smiled Yi Jung.

"Ahhhshh! You didn't need to! Those looks were enough." Jun Pyo turned towards Ji Hoo. "And you! Who said it was ok for you to propose to my girlfriend!?"

"YOUR girlfriend?!" Ji Hoo questioned angrily.

"Did you say 'propose'?" Inputted Grandpa Yoon. He looked over at Yi Hoo's neck. "Yi Hoo, where's your mother's ring you wore on that necklace?"

"I gave it to Jan Di…" Ji Hoo answered.

"…Did she accept it?"

"…Yes… she did."

"Walk me to my car, let's have a chat."

"…yes grandpa." Ji Hoo put on his coat and walked outside with his grandfather.

The room was very quiet after they left. In fact, they all felt very uncomfortable. Too uncomfortable to talk. Woo Bin's phone rang and he quickly answered it on the first ring. Anything to get him out of the draggy atmosphere.

"Hello? Ah that's great, good job. So how long? Good, good. Thank you very much." He hung up the phone smiling.

"Who was it?" Asked Yi Jung questioning his smile.

"Some of my men, they found Jan Di's parents."

"Jan Di's parents were missing?" Jun Pyo asked surprised.

"That's great! Where did they find them!?" Chimed Ga Eul ignoring Jun Pyo's question.

"Seems they were left on an island at a pit stop the company made during the trip." Woo Bin answered.

"Are you serious? That's all?" Yi Jung asked surprised.

"Yup, much ado about nothing. Leave it to the fuzz to make a big deal out of something so easy to figure out." Woo Bin laughed shaking his head.

"…the fuzz?" Jun Pyo questioned confused.

"Too true, good thing Jan Di has F4's Song Woo Bin as a friend." Yi Jung winked ignoring Jun Pyo again. "When will they be back?"

"Tomorrow morning." Woo Bin answered also ignoring Jun Pyo's question

"I'll go tell Jan Di the good news!" Ga Eul said standing up.

"NO! I'll go tell her!" Jun Pyo yelled standing up and blocking Ga Eul. "You three seem to enjoy keeping secrets from me so I'll give you another secret you guys to enjoy together! Ga Eul, Woo Bin told me last night while we were drunk that he was in love with you. Enjoy!"Jun Pyo ran to Kang San's room and closed the door behind him.

"You WHAT?" Yi Jung yelled slamming his hands on the table and looking at Woo Bin. Woo Bin's eyes were wide open and his face was a bit red.

"I-is that true?" questioned Ga Eul also turning red.

"It better not be! And why are you both turning red!?" Yi Jung yelled again not lowering his voice, only increasing it.

"I-uh-I was drunk I don't remember saying that." Woo Bin rubbed the back of his head and make a quick glance at Ga Eul. His face turned slightly redder as he quickly looked away.

"Hey, HEY! Don't look at her like that! HEY stop blushing! Woo Bin! Stop smiling!" Yi Jung had gotten to his feet and was now yelling like a mad man.

"Yi Jung, calm down." Ga Eul told him. Yi Jung looked at her blushing red face. He grew angrier knowing that her faces wasn't red because of him, but because of his best friend. He couldn't stand it. He wanted to be the only one who could make her blush like that. Without thinking, he pulled Ga Eul to him and kissed her more passionately than he ever kissed any women before. It was quite the long kiss. When he realized what he was doing, he quickly, but also tenderly, stopped the kiss and backed away. (Just a tad). But still not letting go of her. Ga Eul's face was even redder than before and she was also smiling. Yi Jung smiled and looked over at Woo Bin who sat there awestruck with his mouth hanging open.

"Hah! I got a SMILE too!" Yi Jung told him triumphantly.

Woo Bin slapped his forehead and shook his head astonished. "Yi Jung you never cease to amaze me. Nice job, Casanova. Nice Job."

Jun Pyo quietly waked into Kang San's room. He stood behind Jan Di who was tightly holding her little brother's hand. He had finally fallen asleep.

"Please get better San, I promise I'll take better care of you, just please don't leave me alone…" Jan Di whispered.

"…Woo Bin found your parents; they'll be home tomorrow morning. You don't have to worry anymore." Jun Pyo told her sitting down on the foot of Kang San's bed.

"Goo Jun Pyo!" she screamed startled. She was so absorbed in her little brother that she didn't notice that Jun Pyo had come in.

"Has his fever gone down?" he asked watching Kang San sleep.

"Ah… a little. He finally fell asleep." She answered looking back at her brother. "You said…Woo Bin found my parents? That's good…I'll should go thank him."

Jan Di stood from her brother's side and waked passed Jun Pyo. She was keen not to make any eye contact with him. Things where happening so fast for her, she didn't want another problem on her hands.

Jun Pyo saw things a different way. He had rememberd her. He remembered the love he had and still has for her. He saw the ring on Jan Di's finger, it wasn't one that he gave her. She shouldn't be wearing it. Jan Di was his girl, not Ji Hoo's. Jun Pyo wasn't about to let the love of his life slip through his fingers for something he couldn't control. It wasn't fair was it? It wasn't his fault he forgot. More over, he lost his memory for saving Ji Hoo, the person who was stealing the love of his life right from under him. It was Ji Hoo's fault! Ji Hoo should be the one watching HIM give Jan Di a ring. Ji Hoo should be the one watching HIM make Jan Di happy. Everything was twisted. And he had to make it right! Before she left, he had to straighting things out. He felt it was his only chance. They were alone. He grabbed Jan Di by the arm and pulled her in front of him so she was facing him.

"Jan Di…we have to talk." She looked away from him.

"No…" she told him pushing his arm away.

Jun Pyo stood up from the bed and wrapped his arm around her pulling her close to his body. With his other arm, he forced her face to look at his.

"Goo Jun Pyo!" She yelled trying to get out of his grip. But a man in love can truly be the strongest man in the world. "Goo Jun Pyo! Let me go we have nothing to talk about!"

"Jan Di! How can you do let me go so easily like this?"

"'Easily'!? You think it was easy!?" she hollered now looking him straight in the eyes. "It was tourture! You treated me like garbage! NO! You treated me worse than garbage!"

Remembering it all made a few tears start to fall from Jan Di's eyes. Sad thing was, Jun Pyo remembered it all too. In his memories he had seen himself yelling at Jan Di and truly treating her like trash. He was ashamed, horribly ashamed.

"Jan Di…" he lossned his grip a bit but didn't let her go "I-I'm sorry…it…it wasn't my fault I didn't know who you were…I"

"Just stop…I don't want you to explain, I just want you to leave…" she told him crying a bit harder.

"Jan Di…please I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want to lose you over something like this. This was all beyond my control. It's…it's not fair! Geum Jan Di, I love you…I'm so sorry…I'll never treat you like that again! I Promise Jan Di! I'm…I'm sorry…" Jun Pyo didn't know what else to say or do. He just wanted Jan Di back. He wanted her to be marrying him. All he could do was say he was sorry.

"If sorry…was enough…then we would have no need for police men." She told Jun Pyo through her tears. "There's…there's only so much pain I can take and I can't take anymore, not from you. When you cause me pain…I feel like dying. I can't go through this…please don't make me go through this anymore…let us be over…finally over…"

"Ja-Jan Di…no… I-I love you more than anything…you know that." Jun Pyo was trying his hardest to hold back his tears. His heart was not only being crushed, it felt like it was being set on fire.

Jan Di shook her head and pushed Jun Pyo away. "No more pain…please… no more pain." She told him crying as she slowly slid to her knees.

Jun Pyo's eyes were red as he backed away from her and saw her crying. Why did he always cause her pain? Was Ji Hoo truly the only one that could make her happy? He had never seen her cry with him, in fact, she would always smile while with him. The only thing he could do now to make her happy…was let her go. His tears finally came even though he fought so hard to keep them back.

"Ja-Geum Jan Di…he will never love you as much as I do! Never!" With that said, he stormed out the room and left Jan Di there alone to cry.

Jan Di covered her eyes and cried deeply into her hands. Was he really gone forever? Was it now offical that she and Goo Jun Pyo would never date again? She let herself cry, trying to droun out the pain with tears. It was over. It was really over, wasn't it? As she continued to cry her pain away, two warm arms wrapped themselves around her and held her tenderly.

"I heard the fire alarm go off in your heart again…I came to put it out the fire."

"Ji Hoo…" Jan Di sobbed.

"Shhh…it's ok…I'm here now."

"Ji Hoo…I…I" she didn't know what to say through her tears. She was just truly happy that Ji Hoo was there holding her. He deepend his embrace on her.

"Jan Di…I promise I will always be there as you heart's personal fire fighter." Jan Di finally smiled and her tears of pain truned into tears of joy. "I love you Geum Jan Di." He whispered softly into her ear and gently kissed her cheek.

"I love you too Yoon Ji Hoo." She told him leaning back into his embrace. "Thank you."


Ji Hoo tilted her chin towards him and softly kissed her with all the soft gentle love he could bring into being. He was truly happy at that moment. NOW he could truthfully die a happy man. But he had the rest of his life to live with the woman he loved more than anything in the world. The woman that made him see the world in a different, more beautiful way. Jan Di changed Ji Hoo's life forever, and now it was his turn to change her life in the same beautiful, loving way.

Thanks for seeing me out through till the end. This was my first fanfic I've ever finished. It's mostly thanks to all of your awesome reviews!

I hope you enjoyed my story! I really enjoyed writing it for you guys? How does a spin off sound? XD if so then pm me me!

Thanks for reading!

(Please Read and Review) ^_^