A/N: No idea where it came from, it's just something I thought about. Being firm and all. Hope you enjoy.
It won't be really long but it isn't an oneshot.
Please Review.
The Mess
Chapter One : To keep a secret, secret
So, I'm in love with her. So what? As long as I'm not going all smiley and giggly around her what does it even matter?
She will never know and I will never have to explain and apologize to anyone. And you know why? Well, that's easy. Cause , no matter what I'm never telling a living soul about it. And if you think I can't then guess again.
If there is something on me that I am really proud of –except of course for my stunning looks, my gorgeous face, my great performance in Quidditch and my extremely unlimited cleverness- that is my unbelievable ability to keep my secrets , well… secrets.
As a result, believe it or not, noone is aware of my feelings about that girl. Hurray! Nobody suspects me. Fellow Slytherins praise me for my excellent taste in girls. If only they knew… But they don't.
As for her… She certainly has no idea. Now what kind of self-respecting wizard would I be had I told such a ridiculous thing out loud and especially to her? Just asking.
And surely you will be wondering by now , what kind of self-respecting wizard am I exactly. To be honest with you, I'm the unlucky kind. Now I know, a grown-up man should not blame it on luck , but If only you hear me out you'll see I've got a point.
I mean, there are all those lucky bastards out there, that go , ask the girl they fancy out, she accepts and they end up behind Honeydukes snogging their eyes off.
And there is my kind. The fucked up ones , who wake up one morning , take a look around Great Hall and spot the only girl that despises them enough to throw a bowl of mushed potatoes on their faces –not to mention brand new suit- right before Yule Dance and decide they're in love with her. Just like that going from thinking how stupid she looked with crocodile saliva on her hair –ok, maybe I deserved that mushed potato attack after all…- to observing stunned how cute she is when she smiles.
Because she is pretty beautiful too. Trust me, I have a great taste on girls. I would never fall for anything less than her long, curly, auburn hair or her perfectly curved small body. About her eyes I'm not talking. No. No way. I've ridiculed myself enough saying all those things, but I'm not talking about her eyes. Not a chance.
If you want to hear about her beautifully shaped, ocean-blue eyes that make one wanna jump off the Astronomy Tower, you'll have to ask someone else.
So there I am again, staring at her during class. Who cares if my Fertilizing potion is almost boiling and I still haven't poured the frogs in? Not me, that's for sure.
Hey! Don't you think that after all I've said I'll be treating her better. We're still enemies, I just like her. It means nothing. It changes nothing. I'm gonna be as harsh and annoying to her as ever. I'm not the sentimental type , trust me.
And all those crap about letting one know with my looks…I believe nothing. I'm not telling her and nor are my looks for that matter. Are we clear?
"Hey, Malfoy! We all know you suck at Potions, but could you at least make one small effort to keep your boiling mud away from us?" Said a known voice from in front of me. No I am not going to comment on how melodic her voice is, even when she shouts at me . NO I am not.
"I am terribly sorry Weasley. I didn't mean to mix my mud with yours." I pause purposefully ." And I didn't mean your potion." I cleared up sarcastically. As I said before , just because I like her that doesn't mean I'm letting her win.
"Shut your mouth, you –you…" Her voice trailed off.
"Oh, don't rush because of me Weasley. Take all the time you need, I'm sure that eventually you'll find an adequate comeback." I smirked my famous smirk. But it was meant to leave my mouth a bit earlier than expected. The insufferable girl that roamed the corridors of Hogwarts under the name Rose Weasley had obviously seen Professor Curtling some moments before me. Damn her and her eyes.
"Mr Malfoy , ten points from Slytherin and detention tonight." I tried to protest. Made an effort to say it was her who started it, but it was pointless. As pointless as my falling in love with her actually.
"Well done Weasel." I muttered as I rushed out of the classroom not looking back.
I felt anger towering over me , since It was all because of her. One more detention was not something I needed at the moment. Of course if I am going to have one she's getting her fair share of punishment as well , I thought.
"Hey Matt." I greet my brown-haired friend with a pat on the back.
"Scorpius! What's up?" He's pushing my hand away disgustedly. Do you even need to ask why this guy's my friend? No, I didn't think so…
"I have a plan." I say elated.
"Spit it." He smiles sardonically like only he can. Ok , me too, and Al I guess , oh and James and Fred of course.. . Fine lots of people can but he does it better. Of that I am sure.
"I'm planning a huge prank for tonight. Are you in?" I ask. As if he can resist…
"Cool. Let's tell Al and James and Fred." Matt says and starts walking towards the Gryffindor Tower.
"Erm, actually, I think we'd better leave them off it." I mumble. Well, yes you guessed correctly my best mates are two Potters, one Weasley and a Jordan. Happy now?
"Why?" He said and crossed his arms. I knew what he meant. It was never funny to prank with half the team.
"Well, I wanna prank Weasley , cause she got me detention for tonight." I explained fast.
"Man… I thought we weren't pranking family." Matt objected. I know , but she's not my family… I mean it would be way too gross. Not that It will ever get any further than a thought but…you get it right?
"She's James's and Al's and Fred's family and they're not pranking her." I pointed out matter-of-factly. He nodded. Like he had a choice.
"So what exactly do you have in mind? Is it devious enough?" He asked to know and of course I was happy to oblige.
"I'm bringing her know-it-all face to the floor mate." I hissed .
"I can feel the cries for help." Matt pretended he was shivering. And I was about to explain my new-found plan when…
"Hello everybody!" A seriously canny voice whispered from behind. James of course. Only he can be so mischievous even with his friends.
"James cut it out." Muttered my soulmate Al . Ok kidding. It's just that he's the one I always agree with.
And now I suppose is the best time to explain myself. Yes , I am friends with half Weasley's family, yet I remain enemies with her. For what you might be asking. Firstly, she's the only one who ever challenges me in homework. And I hate being challenged in studies. I mean competing with James for the Snitch is one thing byt trying to overrule Weasley in Potions –especially when she puts herself in front of me– is another. Plus there is that little incident in first year, when I accidentally tripped on the missing step and pushed her over the stairs with me. No I seriously tripped! Not like this time that I pretended I was dizzy to throw ink all over her, or that other time when I had supposedly lost control of my broom and landed it on her, or when I …well, I'd better stop now…You get it don't you? So we're rivals and pretty good at what we do and they all lived happily ever after only... I had to go mad and fall for her.
"Where's Freddie?" Al continued , talking to me of course. None of the others would be able to get the meaning of such a complicated statement.
"No idea. Haven't seen him since breakfast." You know when I was half-staring at your gorgeous extremely annoying cousin… Hahahaha, yeah sure, like I would ever say it.
"Snogging Amber again …the brat." James thought loudly.
"No James, that's what you'd be doing." His brother said bored and we all clutched.
"Aaaaal… I'd never date such a book-worm." James wined like a three-year-old. And yes people he is older than me, believe it or not.
"If Amber is a book-worm then what exactly is your cousin huh?" Matt smirked . That's my mate! I thought. Because I really wanted to say that myself but it would seem like I cared and…no way.
"Rosie's a genius mate." Al laughed lightly. Oh cut the crap man. I mean she is but do you have to rub it in?
"Ohohohoho. Albus don't say such things in front of our precious Scorp. His pride is already scarred by her biting him in O.W.L.s last year you needn't press it." James could be a real pain in the arse sometimes have I mentioned that? Well he can and now I have. Fifth year was not good for me ok? And she got just one O more.
"Thanks James." I said grimly.
"Don't mention it, son." He replied satisfied at my reaction obviously. He also has the habit of calling me and Matt his sons. Fred's the mum and Al's the old uncle. He's been playing that game since my first and his second year.
Whenever I ask him why, he says that I looked like a little orphan –which I didn't- that first day at Hogwarts Express and they –Fred and himself – had the idea to adopt me . Matt came short after, being adopted too and Al… Well according to James he will never quit being the serious, contained kid he was so we just call him uncle, which, again according to James, is safe enough for our reputation.
Now if you didn't really understand a thing never mind. I never did either.
"So, I heard you earned yourself a detention today Scorp." Al suggested. Good now James knows…
"Wow! Another one son? Now come here, give dad a hug. Made me proud , again you did!" James opened his hands widely but I didn't respond to his call. I never did. Thankfully, Fred came and my dad's attention was turned to him.
"Oh! Here comes mum." We all grinned. Obviously the unluckier in this family game was Fred who was in seventh year , just like James and so got to be mum. But he didn't mind …a lot.
"Hey James! I've told you a thousand times , I'm dad and you're mum." He played on.
"Why?" The black-haired seventh year wined.
"Cause you're the emotional one." The other explained simply. He's got a point.
"Never mind that crap. Where you've been?" I asked too bored with all that game.
"Just talking to Rosie." He said plainly. Grrr, I'm killing him right now. For me it's a day's work to get a simple , 'get lost' from her mouth and he had been talking with her. Hahaha , hilarious how they can all play with me.
"So? What happened?" Al asked. What happened about what? Why am I oblivious about this? Oh right cause I never ask a thing about her and act like I don't care. Aha, that must be it.
"What did you expected uncle-Al? She said yes." Yes? Yes? Yes to what? To whom? Merlin I hate this. Breath in , breath out…
"Of course she did. Now give us the juicy details. Do we have to kill the bloke?" James interfered and Matt and I exchanged oblivious looks. Juicy details? Ok , who are we killing?
"Not much to say. I'm afraid the bloke stays alive for now." Good. Good. Not for me of course…no! For the bloke who just escaped death by inches. But, wait a moment , what does not much includes? Because I'm guessing their not much is somewhat more than mine.
Crap, I seriously hate this. Breath in breath out… Rose Bloody Weasley , for Merlin's sake! Rose Bloody Weasley…