Authors note: This story is dedicated to one of my best friends who are also my beta


Disclaimer: although I wish I had the privilege of owning Edward Cullen, SM owns all. (:

Chapter 1 - Nightmares.

Bella POV

Staring happily at the two people I loved most in the entire world, a goofy grin found its way to my lips. Seeing the undying love between my two parents was the only encouragement a person would need to believe that fairytales had some sense behind them, and not just silly stories about falling in love. We had spent the day at the local park, playing on the swings and feeding the ducks. Our journey home was a comfortable silence with the soft sounds of Clair de lude filling the car.

As the car my father was driving tried to slow down to a stop he looked loving into my mother's eyes and smiled, then his eyed found mine, seeing the look of terror and pure love in his eyes truly scared me.

I heard the screeching breaks as my father tried to stop the car making the hair on the back of my neck stand up, as if someone were scraping their nails down a blackboard, the train's horn trying to warn us to move out of the way and the agonising screams coming from in front of me. I saw the front of the car being hit out by a train, taking the most important people in my life with it.

Time seemed to stop for a while, and I could only see into the blackness staring me straight in the eyes. I heard people starting to panic and trying to talk to me, but I couldn't respond my body froze as the memory replayed in my mind. Realisation hitting me of what had just happened. I felt something around my waist and then picking me up, all I could do was scream for my mommy. I needed her hug, to calm me. Her scent to wash over me, and send me into a tranquil state. Although I knew she saw probably dead, all I could do was scream for her, hoping she would come to me.

I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes, letting out a small part of the pain I felt. Strange people kept asking questions, but I just couldn't get the courage to open my eyes and look at them and the wreckage that had caused my parents death. Those final memories of my parents loving gaze and happy smiles were what was holding me together at that moment.

When I could finally open my eyes and look away from the blackness that was attempting to consume my mind and body, I was met with two beautiful golden eyes and a mop of messy bronze hair.

The shock of once again seeing those spectacular features on his face filled with concern woke me from my nightmare. I had never heard his name or had another chance to see him after that moment.

I wiped my shakey hand over my sweaty forehead, and let out a small sigh that I had finally woken from my nightmare.

Every night for the past 4 years this nightmare had filled my mind, and once again terrified me. Reminding me I would never see my parents again, except for those last moments I relived every night watching their death.

Hope you all enjoyed.

Please review.


Love you guys.