Title: Default

Author: Dark Angel Kaos

Fandom: -Man

Pairings: Allen x Kanda, implied one sided Lavi x Kanda

Rating: M (overall)

Warnings: Shonen ai, yaoi (in later chaps), language, OOCness (maybe), AU

Genre: AU, humor, romance, school life

Disclaimer: -Man and its characters do not belong to me or else the first meeting between Kanda and Allen would have been one fluffy yaoi scene, also if I did own -Man (which I don't) Allen would be in his sexy crowned clown form for every single episode (talk about some hot eye candy). So sadly no I don't own -Man.

Summery: An accidental meeting in the hot springs now an encounter at school? What's pulling the freshman Allen and the senior Kanda together? Is it love or just a really strong killing intent? And what do they have to do with the increase in monster attack?

A/N: Yes people this is my first ever fanfic! And I decided to do a -man fic. Now I just want to try a thing with -Man using all the funny things that happen anytime Allen and Kanda or Lavi and Kanda are within one centimeter of each other. This is in a modern day setting so they will be going to a normal school. There will still be akuma attacks I mean what's -Man without akuma attacks? Hehehe I'll try my best to make it as interesting as I can and also to make everyone in character if I can manage it. Let me end my rant early, you people deserve that much hehehe! Enjoy the story! Beta'd by Kyatione! R&R!


Prologue - Misunderstandings

A light blanket of steam covered the entire hot spring giving it a slightly eerie look. The door slid open revealing a person wrapped in only a towel, they stepped out and closed the door. It was impossible to tell who it was as the steamy mist hid everything from view. The figure discarded the towel and stepped slowly and gracefully into the warm spring. A content sigh escaped their lips as the person lowered, leaving their head out of the water.

Suddenly the sliding door to the hot springs was pushed open. A guy with short white hair walked in. His chalky dull gray eyes twitched in annoyance as he struggled to drag in a large knee length bucket filled with leaves. It was not that it was heavy it was just awkward to move. In his right hand he had a decent sized pole with a net at the bottom.

"Finally! After today I'm free," he sighed looking towards the hot spring. "I can't believe I missed my entire summer working here to pay off another one of Cross's debts! I swear I'll…-" his voice trailed off as he stared into the hot spring. There was someone in there! A blush burned his cheeks and he dropped the bucket and pole he was holding out of embarrassment.

"S-sorry I-I didn't know s-someone w-was here!" he shuttered, his blush darkening.

The person's ears perked up and they stood abruptly causing the towel that wrapped around their hair to fall out. Long silky raven hair flew from its confines dropping to cover their back. The white haired boy who looked no older than fifteen stared at the figure in awed shock.

That's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen…his blush increased at the thought. He then noticed that the person had their back to him and that their hair was just a little bit over their nicely firm pale ass, therefore he had a perfect view of said nicely firm pale ass.

His head felt really woozy, from the steam or from having this beauty before him he didn't know but one thing was for sure that sticky liquidly substance coming from his nose was not snot. He had to get out of there before he fainted! Turning quickly before the person could see him he ran out leaving his equipment behind.

"I didn't know there was a girl in here! Sorry miss!" his voice echoed.

The person flinched, turning around just in time to see the white haired person run out. A very pissed look crossed the face of the boy in the baths.

"Miss?" he growled, his irritation rising by the second. "Do I look like a girl to you!" he screamed stomping out of the hot spring.

He walked to the door entering the small room where everyone is expected to strip before entering the baths. He slid the door shut in anger as he grabbed up his blue robe, putting it on in a fury.

This was not how he wanted to spend the last day of his summer holidays. School was in a few days and all he wanted was to spend some time to him self – not like he got that throughout the whole trip – just relaxing and refraining from doing anything too stressful or frustrating. All throughout the trip his was annoyed to no end by his so called dad and brother who didn't pass up the chance to tease him about the bunch of guys who worked his nerves – and possibly raised his blood pressure – by asking him out. He swore if Lavi and Daisya didn't hold him back he would have killed every single one of them.

"Blind idiotic morons," he growled slipping his slippers on. To make matters worst some old geezer had the balls to call him miss. "Senile old geezer I'll castrate him the next time I see him."

An amused chuckle resonated throughout the small room. The raven turned towards the sound, even more pissed than before when he saw who it was. There blocking the exit was a guy with spiky red hair, he had a green head band around his head and a black eye patch over his right eye, wearing the same blue robe as the raven. His green eyes sparkled in amusement as he took a step toward the boy. He rested his right hand on the boy's left shoulder.

"Even old guys are after you," he smiled, closing his one green eye. "See I told you, you're really cute Yuu-chan."

"What did I tell you about calling me by my first name!" the one called Yuu raged throwing the redhead's hand off his shoulder.

"Come on Yuu we're best friends," the redhead pouted.

"Ch' it's still Kanda to you."

"Yeah, yeah," he stopped when he remembered why he was there and grabbed Kanda's hand. There was something he wanted to ask in private.

"Hey what the-" Kanda yelled trying to maintain his balance as his friend started running, pulling him along. "Lavi! What are you doing! Let go!"

"Sorry Yuu but your dad wanted to see you," Lavi said with a smile, Kanda shot him a deadly glare for calling him by his first name again, but its didn't affect Lavi. He just smiled more and continued running. "I told him I'd go get you." Hehe he'll come for sure.

"Tch," Kanda muttered trying to catch up with Lavi's pace, while thinking of ways to torture Lavi for holding his hand so intimately.

~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~

"Ah! Allen are you finished with the men's hot spring?" a man asked.

The boy called Allen looked up his hand holding his nose trying to stop the bleeding. He had made it out of the spring in one piece. The lady that was there didn't get to see him that he was glad for or he was sure she would have a. screamed b. laugh at him for having a nose bleed or at his innocence for blushing so brightly or c. if she was really a freak she would have caused him to have a really bad hard on. He sighed and turned to face his boss.

"No I a…well someone was in there and…" he blushed brightly as he remembered the lady. He shook his head trying to rid his mind from the image. "…I'll go do it before I leave."

"Alright, wait a minute, Allen what happened to you? Your nose is bleeding."

"Oh this, it nothing," Allen replied turning towards the door. "I'll just go into the bathroom and clean up a bit."

Before the boss could stop him he had already ran off.

"Allen! Well okay," he sighed shaking his head. Poor kid he works too hard. I should give him a bonus when he leaves today.

Nodding his head in approval he walked towards his office, preparing to write Allen's last pay cheque.

~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~

Kanda and Lavi came to a stop at another sliding door. Lavi smiled knowing that he still held Kanda's hand. He turned to Kanda, with that same goofy smile in place.

"Here we are Yuu-c…ow!"

Lavi instantly grabbed his hand back using it to clutch his left eye which was on the receiving end of Kanda's punch.

"Stop whining you stupid rabbit you deserved it," Kanda growled sliding the door open. "Hurry up and come."

"Ah Yuu-chan you're so abusive!" Lavi whined he ducked his head just in time to dodge Kanda's incoming punch. A smile graced his features at his close miss. "But that's why I love you!"

Kanda growled but decided to let Lavi's comment slide just this once. Lavi smiled at his good luck, knowing full well of Kanda's level of violence and how deadly he could be he know that, the black eye wasn't all he would have gotten if he wasn't Kanda's best friend. That was one of the benefits, although it doesn't mean he would escape Kanda's violence, just that it wouldn't hurt as much.

Lavi watched as Kanda entered the room, he waited for a while before entering. When he entered he saw Kanda sitting on the chair closest to the left window, but he wasn't alone two other persons was with him. Damn…

"What is it now Kanda?" a calm fatherly voice asked.

"Nothing," Kanda muttered. "You called me here, what do you want?"

The old man who had a curly sort of grayish brown hair stood up, he adjusted his glasses while using his left hand to scratch his rugged chin.

"Ah to the point as usual," Lavi chuckled, he seemed nervous for some reason as he walked over to the old man. "Hey Teidoll is this how Yuu used to act when he was growing up?"

Lavi ducked as the right foot of Kanda's slipper flew over his head. He smiled at his second close miss then raised his head only to have the left one hit him in the face.


A guy with spiky brown hair burst out laughing. He had a purple slash under both eyes, which ran all the way down to his cheeks.

"There's never a dull time when you two are around," he chuckled after his laughter subsided. I swear they're like a married couple.

"Daisya you talk too much," Lavi muttered.

Daisya just laughed at his weak retort.

"Come now boys we need to calm down," Teidoll said with a warm smile. "Life's like art we must cherish it and-"

"Enough of the preaching," Kanda snapped. "Could you tell me why did you call me here?"

Teidoll looked at him blinking several times.

"I didn't send for you," he replied as innocently as he could.

Oh no, time to escape. Lavi thought as he slipped out the room.

A vein throbbed in Kanda's forehead, he turned his enraged gaze towards where Lavi should be but saw that Lavi wasn't there.

"Gomen Yuu-chan!" the voice echoed throughout the halls, another attempt failed…again. He sighed as he tried to get as much distance between him and Yuu. It was a simple plan get Yuu in an empty room and then confess and if it turned out bad beg him to accept him, but Teidoll and Daisya happened to be in the room and that ruined the plan completely.

He ran faster. Yuu won't like being tricked; I better make myself scarce before he catches on.

"Lavi! You idiot!"

Man, too late.

He looked behind him seeing Kanda hot on his trail with Daisya also chasing after them, probably to stop Kanda from killing him. The bastard was even laughing.

"I'm going to kill you Lavi," Kanda threatened, he figured Lavi was trying to ask him something or try to tell him something in private but Daisya and Teidoll happened to be there thus interrupting his little private meeting. Fate must really love him and hate Lavi. He smirked.

Daisya was slowly catching up to Kanda who was catching up to Lavi. Then as if out of no where, Lavi tripped falling to his face.

Perfect. A sly smile crossed Kanda's face as he stopped in front of Lavi. Lavi's body flinched slightly when he saw Kanda's shadow over him.

"Um…Yuu I can explain," Lavi shuddered in fear.

"Did I not tell you to stop calling me that!" a sadistic smile appeared on Kanda's face. Oh he was going to enjoy this.

Lavi gulped, the look on Kanda's face was promising murder and he was sure Kanda would follow through with that promise. He pleaded with not only his voice but with his eyes and body but that got him no where.

Kanda raised his foot to stomp some sense into Lavi who brought his hand up to cover his face hoping to protect it from Kanda's attack. Just as Kanda was about to step down a white blur rounded the corner stepping past Lavi's head and knocking into him. He lost his balance and fell on his butt.

"Ah! Sorry!" cried the bundle on top of Kanda, which turned out to be Allen. "It's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going."

Lavi looked up wondering why he wasn't out cold as yet. He got up – glad to be conscious – and looked before him. He gasped when he saw Kanda sitting on the ground with some white haired brat straddling his hips. A part of him wanted to thank the kid for saving him but his other side just wanted to beat the crap out of him for touching his Yuu.

Allen looked at the person before him and blushed. It's her! The beautiful lady from the baths!

He tried to compose himself after all he wanted to make a good impression, this lady was very beautiful and even thought she must be eighteen or so and might not look his way he wanted to try. He didn't want to admit it but he had fallen for this lady. It's like they say 'Love at first sight.'

"I'm s-sorry m-miss," Allen began.

Kanda's eyes narrowed. He remembered that voice, he looked up seeing shaky dull gray eyes. The left one had a weird red tattoo like slash that ran through the eye, starting with a pentacle above the eye and ending in a line below his cheek. There was a curvy short line under his left eye. What weird eyes. He found him self thinking.

His eyes then caught a mess of white hair. White hair? Realization dawned. He roughly pushed the guy off him and sat up.

"You're that old geezer from before!" Kanda yelled surprised to see that the old geezer wasn't really a geezer or even old. It was a kid, a bratty kid who happened to call him miss again!

Allen flinched at the harshness in his so called dream lady's voice. He froze as Kanda's voice registered in his mind. Oh my god.

"You're a guy!" Allen yelled shocked as if it wasn't already obvious.

"No duh moyashi(1)," Kanda snorted. "I should kill a brat like you for calling me that word more than once."

Allen stood there stupefied, one thought running through his head: OMG I fell for a guy!

He was freaked out to no end. Can a guy be that cute?

"Kanda are you ok?" Daisya asked holding his hand out to Kanda.

Kanda grumbled a 'yeah' and took his hand, allowing Daisya to pull him up. He turned to the moyashi – as he called him – with a sour look on his face. There was a slightly freaked out expression on Allen's face and he was sure the brat probably fell for him. Eww. He shuddered, not again.

"Yuu! Are you alright?" Lavi asked rushing to Kanda's side.

Kanda ignored him and looked at the boy before him who had his mouth wide open gaping like a fish.

"Shut your trap, stupid moyashi," Kanda snapped.

Allen's mouth instantly snapped shut. His anger at being called moyashi repeatedly began to grow. Sure he was a little short but he was only fifteen; he was still growing!

"My name's Allen! Allen Walker not moyashi," Allen retorted.

Kanda just snorted.

"I don't care you're still a moyashi."

Allen's face burned red in anger, his dream girl was just as it states a dream, but even if its reality why did the person have to turn out to be this much of a jerk! And a guy!

"I'm not a moyashi! Baka(2)!" he shook his fists while puffing his cheek out like a kid, when he saw how pathetic he seemed he sighed letting out the air, something clicked to him and he smirked, "At least I don't have girly hai- "


He never got to finish his sentence for all he saw was darkness.

~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~

A/N: (1) Moyashi – all -Man fans must know what this means already but for those who don't it's the name Kanda always calls Allen (he never once addressed Allen by his name) Beansprout.

(2) Baka – idiot / stupid

So how was my first attempt at fanfiction? Was it good? Was it bad? Was everyone IC (in-character)? Or were they OOC (out of character)? Please write and tell me. Review plz! I need to see your comments only then will I be motivated to write more that's only if you want to read more! If you people can't guess it, it will be AreKan if I continue, that's my forte I just love seeing Kanda as uke and Allen as seme I live for those fics not to mention there's not enough of those fics around, so I'm trying to add to the little that's there. Don't forget to write and tell me how you like (or not like) the story thus far. Review onegai.

Ja na
