Ancient Nights

Characters and preview

Roxanne: Hey Guys! Welcome back to my awesome story!

The Hikarii's and Yami's: It's about time!

Roxanne: I know I know...School has been a hassle plus being punished from the computer when I'm outside of school dosn't help either... Gomen Nasi! Well any way here's the next chapter of Ancient Nights! Yugi, you know what to do!

Yugi: Roxanne Does not own Yugioh! She only owns the OC's and Ideas!


"Wait...I think I got an idea. What about Duke?" Marik suggests...

"Duke! I don't know...I mean Tea likes him but I don't know if he's all that crazy about her..." Yugi replies.

"Well its worth a try don't you think?" Says Marik with a half smile.

"You're right...I'll Text Duke and then call Tea if I can get him over here." Yugi replies with a grin and pulls out his cell phone.

Yugi's phone:

Hey, Duke it's Yugi. Do you wanna hang out with Atem and the gang later?

A few minutes pass when Yugi finally gets a text back from Duke.

Duke's phone:

Sure...I guess. What's the occasion? You don't usually ask me to hang out with you guys...

Yugi then texts back with a sigh.

Yugi's phone:

There is no I not allowed to set up a date with a friend so we can hang out together?

Duke texts back 2 minutes later.

Duke's phone:

No, No...Not like that...It's just a bit unusual...Any way...I guess I'll be there soon...wait...where are you guys any way?

Yugi blinks as he recieves the message then looks to Atem and the others for an answer.

"We're at my house Yugi...Duke knows where I live..." Isis says speaking up from the shadows.

Yugi's phone:

We're at Isis's house. See you soon :D

Yugi gets a message back a few moments later.

Duke's phone:

Allright, I'm on my way.

Yugi grins lightly and begins to quickly dial Tea's number. It rings twice when Tea finally answers.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hey Tea, It's Yugi. Do you wanna hang out at Isis's with me and the gang?" He asks her.

"Hey Yugi! Hang out at Isis's house? I don't know..." She replies with an unsure tone.

"Oh come on Tea...Duke will be here...I'm sure he'll be happy to see you..." He prods, trying to get her to come.

"Duke...Allright I'll be there in a few minutes!" She says then hangs up.

"Tea?" Yugi asks not knowing she hung up. "Guess she left..." He says as he hangs up. "Both of them are on their way!" Yugi shouts.

"This is going to be interesting!" Marik says with a grin.

About 10 minutes pass as both Duke and Tea arrive at the same time.

"Hey Duke..." Tea says blushing.

"What's up guys! Hey Tea...You look...nice..." He replies.

Yugi grins and thinks to him self 'So far so good...' then smiles as they both walk over to the crowed of people outside of Isis's house.

"It's good to see you both, how are you?" Isis asks as she greets them.

"I'm great! Thank you!" Tea replies with a wide smile.

"Good I guess, it's been a while since we've all been together." Duke replies.

Tea then turns to Duke and smiles.

"So Duke...What's been going on lately?" Tea asks him in a shy tone.

"Tending to my shop...playing know, the usual." He replies.

"Oh...Well...Uhm...Do you wanna go to a movie some time?" She asks making him blink. Moments pass as the others watch with wide eyes, waiting for Duke's answer.


Roxanne: -gets chaced by the Yami's and Hikari's for the Cliffie- Sorry guys! I just had to do it. Sorry it's a short chapter though...dont have much time to write theese now a days.. any way... read and review!