To my dear friends and readers,

As some of you may or my not have noticed, my story ,"Captivated", is no longer on Fan fiction (dot) net, so I wanted to take a moment out and explain why for those who are wondering what is going on.

First off : no, I did not give up on the story. Even though I do not post regularly, there is no way I would ever give up on a story that means so much to me. Especially when all you readers have been so supportive. You guys are amazing and I owe it to you guys to finish the story off right.

With all this being said though, Captivated will no longer be on this site. Fan fiction (dot) net does not allow stories based on real people. I've known this for a while and hoped I could fly under the radar;

but that is not the case. Someone reported the story many months ago (some of you will recall the authors not I posted waaay back) but I had no idea what was going to become of my little story. Well, this is what happens when you ignore the rules- your story gets deleted with out any prior warning. Just a cute little e-mail letting you know that your story violates the rules (which is pretty much what you already know), it has already been taken down…..and you can not post any news stories a period of time. Really charming stuff, actually.

So, with my story being deleted and me on ff(dot) net probation, there is only one other way to go…., no more Captivated on ff. Luckily, I kind of saw this coming, and have since posted 'Captivated' on Twilighted (dot) net as a sort of back-up plan. I hope you all will join me over there and continue reading my story. I'm saddened it has come to this, but I am trying to make the best out of a crappy situation. I just wanted to post this author's note and let you guys know what is up with the story. I will continue to update my other story, and even write other stories on here, but my main priority is my first story.

Here is the link to the story: http://twilighted(dot)net/viewstory(dot)php?sid=4611

Or just search for it by name.

Once again, I love you all---

Paulette 3