This is my first CSI: Miami Fan fiction. So you might not find it that great, I'm a just a beginner. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! Please don't sue me.

I apologize for my horrible grammar; I'm not really good at it.

R&R… =D

Pairings: Ryan/Natalia, Eric/Calleigh


"This jacket is positive for GSR." Ryan said as the liquid he sprayed on a piece of paper turned blue.

"Oh?" Eric asked. He squeezed a drop of concentrated solution on the cotton tip of one of the samples given to him by Calleigh from the car. He grinned as it turned pink and held it up to Ryan.

"This one's positive for blood." Eric's heart melting grin got wider.

"Busted." Ryan smirked. "I'll call H and tell him about this. You know he loves it when the evidence takes our side."

"This is enough proof to put Liam Grey in jail for shooting his girlfriend." Eric said as he put the freshly printed test results and crime scene pictures inside a folder.

Ryan took out his cell phone and pressed speed dial. It only took two rings before Horatio answered.

"Yeah," his smooth, deep voice said on the other line. "Horatio."

"It's Wolfe." Ryan said. "They all came back positive."

"Good." Horatio replied. "Bring them, please."

Ryan eyed Eric who was ready to leave with the folder in his hand.

"Yeah, Delko's on his way." Horatio hung up and Ryan snapped his phone shut.

"You're going to deliver them." Ryan grinned. "No excuses, you owe me."

"I heard you." Eric said, rolling his eye. "I'll catch you later then."

"Sure." Ryan nodded. As Eric turned to leave, Ryan suddenly said; "Hey, Delko?"

Eric looked over his shoulder to look at Ryan. "Yeah?"

"You wanna grab a beer later?" Ryan asked as he took off his lab coat and hung it on a coat hanger.

"Yeah, sure." Eric replied. "Bayside Palms?" he asked, suggesting a bar.

"Bayside Palms it is." Ryan laughed with a nod. "See 'ya."

As Eric left the lab, Ryan began to clean up. He threw the pieces of cotton and paper they used during their experiment, emptied the test tubes and beakers and wiped them clean. It was a weird habit that Ryan had, being OCD and all.

"You really are a clean little freak, Wolfe." A female voice interrupted. Ryan almost dropped the beaker he was holding, but managed to keep a tight grip on it.

"Well," he said, sarcasm and coolness in his voice. "I'm a neat person, Boa Vista. Is that against the law?"

Natalia laughed. "Not if you kill for it."

"Oh sure, I'll get arrested for dusting my apartment." He set down the beaker. "Priceless."

"So," Natalia began after a moment of silence. "Did the results come out positive?"

Ryan nodded. "Everything. Turns out that Liam Grey shot Sidney Marker after all."

Natalia shook her head in pity. "She was supposed to graduate this month." She said. "She's majoring in Chemistry and physics, wanted so badly to be a CSI."

Ryan paused and looked at Natalia for the first time since she came inside the lab.

"Oh?" he said in disbelief. "She wanted to be a CSI?"

Natalia nodded. She poked a piece of modeling clay on the table with her index finger.

"Sidney's parents arrived this afternoon." Natalia continued. "They came to claim her body. I met with them earlier." She paused to recall the moment.

"Actually, Horatio, Alexx and I met up with them. They told us everything."

Ryan cast down his eyes in pity. "Poor girl." He said. "She could've achieved great things."

"We did solve this case." Natalia reminded him. "Her death is not in vain."

Ryan nodded and closed the apparatus cabinet after he set the beaker inside.

"So," Natalia said after a moment of silence between them. "Any plans for tonight?"

Ryan grinned. "I'm going out for some beer with Delko later"

"Oh yeah?" Natalia laughed, "Where?"

"Bayside Palms." Ryan replied.

"Aw, crap." Natalia sighed. "Calleigh and I are supposed to go there later!"

"We can all go together." Ryan suggested, unable to look away from Natalia's beautiful face. She always had that effect on him.

"Nah," Natalia shook her head, her auburn hair bouncing gently. "It's a girls' night out."

"Suit yourself." Ryan shrugged.

"You bet I will." Natalia laughed. It was music to Ryan's ears. "I'll see you later, bye."

"Bye." Ryan replied and watched Natalia walk out of the room.

"Bye." He repeated softly to himself.

Once outside, Natalia pulled out her phone and speed dialed Calleigh's number. She was in the east wing of the building and it'll be a long walk to reach Calleigh who's on the other side.

"Duquesne." A dainty female voice with a southern accent answered.

"Hey Calleigh," Natalia greeted. "It's Natalia."

"Oh hey." Calleigh greeted back. "What's up?"

"Listen," Natalia replied. "We can't go to that new bar. Ryan and Delko are going there."

"Well, that would ruin our once a month ritual." Calleigh commented.

"So true."

"What do you have in mind then?"

Natalia grinned. "Plan B."

"Clubbing sounds great!" Calleigh laughed.

"Coastal Raves Club at 25th and main?" Natalia suggested.

"I'll get my outfit ready."


"7 at your place?" Natalia asked.

"Sounds great." Calleigh replied.

Natalia hung up and took her things from the lab and went down to the locker room.

Calleigh gathered her things and turned out the lights in her lab as she went out. She headed towards the elevator and pressed the down button on the wall. After thirty seconds, the doors parted to reveal Eric standing casually inside.

"Going down?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes please." Calleigh replied as she stepped in. she pressed the button of the floor where the locker room is located and the doors closed automatically.

"So," Calleigh started. "I heard that you have a date with Ryan later."

Eric laughed as he looked at Calleigh. "Is Wolfe bragging again?"

Calleigh shook her head. "No, Natalia asked him."

"He's always a sucker for Natalia." Eric grinned. "Sometimes loses his focus on what he's doing when she's around."

The automatic doors parted and the two of them went out. The entered the locker room and went to their respective lockers.

Calleigh opened her locker and placed her badge and her gun inside, Eric did the same.

"So, what are your plans later?" Eric asked.

"Guess." Calleigh smiled as she pulled out her handbag.

Eric paused and answered; "Clubbing?"

"Exactly." Calleigh replied, her southern accent harmonizing with every syllable.

"Classy." Eric commented. He closed his locker and locked it.

"What can you say?" Calleigh laughed musically. "Girls know how to have fun."

"Take care then." Eric whispered into her ear as he wrapped her arms around her slender waist. Calleigh smiled and gently brushed her lips against Eric's.

"Stay out of trouble." Calleigh said, her voice sweet yet her eyes were venomous.

"Yes, ma'am." Eric replied.

"Bye." Calleigh smiled sweetly, and left Eric with a smile on his face.

3 hours later.

"This is great beer." Ryan commented as he gulped down the remaining drink in his glass and motioned the bar tender for some more.

"Ryan, that's your third glass." Eric said with a chuckle.

"And that's your fourth." Ryan grinned. "I won't envy you in the morning."

"Neither would I." Eric replied.

The bar tender came with Ryan's glass and handed it to him.

"Thanks." Ryan muttered. "I'll just cut up to five glasses tonight."

"Yeah right." Eric said. "You usually get eight."

"When there's an occasion." Ryan corrected. "And besides, I'm usually knocked out on my seventh. That's my limit." And took a sip of his beer.

"I bet you can get up to twelve when Natalia's around." Eric smirked.

Ryan almost choked when Eric said that. "What?! No!"

"Don't deny it, man. Its obvious." Eric replied. "Its natural."

"Aw, shut up." Ryan muttered grumpily.

Eric laughed and took another drink.

The loud music made it difficult for Calleigh and Natalia to communicate. They sat beside the window over looking the ocean. Natalia took a sip on her lime margarita and stared out the window.

"You aren't thinking of Ryan, are you?" Calleigh asked.

Natalia almost dropped her glass. She looked at her friend and laughed. "Are you drunk already?"

"Who? Me?" Calleigh asked. "This is my second glass!"

"Alright. But that was a very stupid question." Natalia took another sip again.

Calleigh ate another shrimp cocktail and took a small sip on her drink.

"I was just asking." Calleigh remarked. "You've been staring out there for twenty minutes, which is weird because three guys already came up her and asked if they could buy you a drink."

"Really?" Natalia asked, surprised. "I didn't notice."

"I just told them that you weren't feeling well. You know, to save them from embarrassment."

"I really didn't notice. Sorry." Natalia replied.

"That's fine." Calleigh smiled. "But what are you looking at anyways?"

A chill crept up Natalia's spine and she shuddered.

"Natalia?" Calleigh asked. "You okay?"

Natalia nodded. "Yeah." She gulped down the remaining margarita in her glass.

"It's just." She continued. "There's a hooded figure down there, on that rock boulder."

Natalia pointed and Calleigh looked.

"They've been there for like an hour or so."

Calleigh peered harder into the darkness. "There're two of them. I think they're watching us."

"That's creepy." Natalia commented. Both of them looked away for a short while to get more shrimp cocktail and when they looked again, the figures were gone.

The two women looked at each other, curiosity and fear in their eyes.

Back at MDPD HQ…

Horatio cleared out his desk and placed back folders in their proper file cabinets. He then noticed an envelope on his desk. It was dirty and all crumpled up. He took it and carefully opened, as he opened it, its contents or rather, content, fell on the floor.

He bended to pick it up and froze as he stared at it. It was a photograph.

Suddenly, his cell phone buzzed. Horatio picked it out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Horatio." He said simply. "Frank? What's wrong?"

Frank Tripp was on the other line.

"Horatio, Greg and Ashton Winters escaped from prison."

"Escaped?" Horatio repeated in disbelief. He stared at the photo in his hands, its blank side facing him.

On that side were the words: 'As Promised.'

Then Horatio had a flashback.

"Greg and Ashton Winters." Horatio said, "You are under arrest for the rape and murder of Jenny Price, Annie Henson, Tiffany Eden and ten other girls in Miami."

As Frank and Eric cuffed them, Ashton glared murderously at Horatio.

"I will get you and your team, Caine." He hissed.

Ashton's brother Greg smirked at him. "I promise you that!"

"Get them out of my sight." Horatio sneered.

"H?" Frank asked, "You okay?"

Horatio snapped back into reality and replied; "Yes Frank, I am. Send out patrols and search for them."

Horatio turned the picture and a cold pit formed in his chest. It was their picture, during their Christmas Party last year, him and his team, all smiling faces and raised champagne glasses, Except, that Calleigh's and Natalia's faces were crossed out with red permanent marker ink.

R&R… again, sorry for the bad grammar. I'll update as soon as I can.