Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the things you don't recognize! Song credit to Boys like Girls

I've spent most of the day studying and just now remembered that I should finally put up the final chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks again for those of you who supported this fic. And hopefully I'll be able to spit out a sequel, no promises though.

"Now I'm heels over head, I'm hanging upside down."

Heels Over Head

The day was finally here; after five long years of hard work. Which was one more year than ideal, but I had to do a year of student teaching. I guess it was kind of strange that I even wanted to teach children, especially since the thought of being a teacher had horrified me back in high school. But not all kids were heathens like half of my graduating class.

I'd also decided that I would stay away from junior high and high school kids all together; it was the hormones that ruined everything. Sure younger kids had demonic moments, but at least there wasn't sexual tension thrown into the mix and the confusion of hair in places they had never imagined.

Plus I would be specializing in what I loved; English. I realized that I would have to listen to the slow reading of kids every day, something that had annoyed me to no end when I was younger. (I had been a strong reader for a very long time) But someone had to teach these kids how to read properly and I felt like I should be one of the people in the world to do it.

So as I woke up in my dorm room for the last time I sighed in a mixture of relief, sadness, and severe happiness. The only thing I was sad about was the fact that I wouldn't be seeing Kenny as much once I moved to La Push to take that teaching job.

Kenny was also graduating today, also as a teacher, which had surprised me when he announced it our second semester of freshman year. He was going to specialize in social studies for kids around the same age as I was going to teach. We then spent the next four years imagining the two of us working in the same elementary school, our rooms across the hall from each other.

Sadly La Push elementary only had one position open, but as soon as the position he needed became open I was going to call up Kenny. It might be sooner than later too, especially since Kim told me that old Mrs. Jennings was getting a bit senile.

Most of my belongings were in boxes except for all the things I would need to get ready for today, but they would soon be packed away for Jacob and my brother to move out.


It was like déjà vu. The green hats were being tossed up into the air, green and white tassels spinning as the hats careened back down towards us. There were way more hats than there had been five years ago, so I made sure my eyes were shielded and stealthily caught my graduation hat once again. Ha! I was pretty spiffy.

Most of the others hit the auditorium floor and instead of little '08's falling off little '13's fell off and onto the floor. What had I been feeling five years ago? Not what I was feeling now, that was for sure. I found Kenny first and threw myself in his arms.

"Congratulations Silvia Laken, you just graduated what will you do next?" Kenny asked in an announcer's voice.

"Go to Disney!"

"Oh I thought you'd say get married."

"You have to be asked first, smart one." I replied with an eye roll.

"Oh I'm sure that's right around the corner, don't worry about that."

I didn't get a chance to reply because I was being pulled into my Mom's arms as she told me how proud she was of me, and then I was passed to Scott, then to both the Meyers before I got to my sister in law, Heidi, and then finally Jacob.

"It's my turn for you now." He chuckled and I knew that in more way than one.

I laughed even harder when my one year old niece reached out for me frantically. I turned my attention away from Jacob and pulled her into my arms. I gave her a big fat kiss on the cheek before I tickled her side a bit. She was the apple of Scott's eye and I still got teary eyed when I remembered the day she was born; the proud tears in his eyes as he announced the birth of his daughter: Ellie Anne Laken.

"Who's hungry?" Mr. Meyers asked suddenly.

"Me!" Jacob said quickly, which caused us all to laugh.

"You always are." Mom shot back at him to which he grinned and patted his oh so muscular stomach.

Mrs. Meyer's eyes swept over him appreciatively like they had ever since she had first met him. He still had yet to see how much he flustered that lady. Even now her cheeks were pink from him just rubbing his stomach; I'd hate to see her if she saw him without a shirt on.

"Well let's go; dinner is on me." Mr. Meyers continued and certainly did not hear any arguments from us.


My backyard seemed so empty without Brewster. I had been broken up when he had died at Christmas break and only Jacob had been able to comfort me after I had to have Brewster put down after his stomach flipped. While he comforted me he promised me that he would get me a new dog in La Push; a dog for the both of us. I had to laugh at that especially since he was part dog himself.

But I guess it made saying goodbye easier since nothing really looked the same as it had in my childhood. Scott's room was now storage for all the junk Mom had accumulated over the years, and I was pretty sure mine was going to be converted into a guest room. Especially since Scott told me about Mom's special man friend. The thought of my Mom dating five years ago would have scared me, but I wanted her not to be alone now. I guess I could be grateful that Scott, Heidi, and Ellie only lived seven miles away from her.

I was putting the last item in my suitcase when Mom walked into the room. I smiled up at her and she returned it with one of her own.

"I know you're twenty three now, but I feel like I should really say something about you living with Jacob." She began.

"If it's about sex, I'm waiting until we're married."


"Thanks Mom though."

"Do you have any questions about it?"

We had never ever had a proper sex talk; most of my information had been learned from health class and internet surfing with Kenny. And now here I was twenty three years old and she's gonna tell me now?

"I think I've pretty much figured it out over the years." I replied and witnessed her face fall. "No! Not like that Mom! I'm a virgin, I promise."

"Oh okay." She sighed in relief. "That's good; there's something special about giving that away to the one man you're going to spend the rest of life with. Of course it didn't quite work out that way for me."


"You better call me, Silvia."

"Of course I will." I smiled before I pulled her into my arms.

I would miss these Mom hugs; I had missed them enough over the last five years but I had only went months without them, but moving across the country seemed so final compared to East Lansing.

When she pulled away I saw the tears in her eyes and blinked back my own. Oh jeez tomorrow was going to be a freaking flood of salty tears. Not just from me but from Heidi, Mom, Ellie, possibly Scott, and definitely Kenny. I really needed to find him a girlfriend.


As predicted the day I got onto the plane that was taking me to the rest of my life had been full of tears from everyone. Kenny and Scott hadn't bawled as much as us girls, but they couldn't hide the shininess in their eyes as they hugged me goodbye.

But the sadness had been erased away when Jacob had scooped me up into his arms at the airport and carted me back to the house he had bought last year and fixed up just for us. It wasn't anything huge, but it was perfect. A nice two story house that we could raise a family in.

"So what do you think of the house?" He asked after he had shown me around the entire house.

"I think it's great." I smiled.

"Well it's missing one thing, let me get it." He stated before he disappeared out the kitchen door and came back inside with a little mixed puppy with a bow tied around its neck.

"Oh Jacob!" I squealed as he placed the black and brown puppy into my arms. "What's his name?"

"Whatever you want it to be." He replied.

"Brownie." I replied.

It really was fitting since he did look like a peanut butter brownie that the MSU cafeterias had made so well. How I would miss those, but not as much as the cheesecake. I could go on for days about their cheesecake.

"One more thing." Jacob stated as I set Brownie down.

When I looked back up where Jacob's eyes should be, I instead saw the wall behind him. What the hell? A small chuckle had me looking down to where Jacob was done on one knee before me. Oh goodness he was going to propose. Sure enough he pulled something out from his pocket and grinned up at me.

"I told you I would wait for you, and well…I'm sick of waiting."

"Are you now?" I teased, deliberately not making this easy for him. I was so evil, but like one of my friends at college always told me; examine the goods first.

He held up the simple silver ring with an oval shaped diamond to my gaze and I couldn't help it I gasped. It was sparkly! I never had been a big jewelry person; I hardly ever changed my earrings and I had never taken off the bracelet Jacob had given me.

"Does this convince you? Or should I tell you how much I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you?"

"Both." I grinned. "So yes, I will marry you."

He grinned as he slid the ring on my finger and then jumped up, promptly picking me up in his arms and spinning me around.

"I love you so much." He whispered by my ear.

"I love you more." I countered before his lips met mine.

Well at least my proposal hadn't been too cheesy, and I was defiantly grateful that it had been private. I hated when guys proposed to girls at events or in front of their families. That was just bad taste in my books and I had warned Scott that if he ever proposed that way I would slap him in the face. Thankfully he didn't.

But how could you really avoid cheesiness with romance? You really couldn't. I had never been the girl that made up fantasy weddings in her head, but I was pretty sure that if I had known Jacob Black when I was a little girl I sure would have.

End…for now