Silent Hill: Deception

Life only seems like a beaten butterfly, broken and bleeding, at times torn from its sanctuary in a lost amazement, disillusionment. Validation of life can only be determined through an analysis of the five senses. The minds recordings are deceiving. Yet, even then, does all that seem to be true really exist?




A quiet whisper descended into a maddening wave of rage as Isabel woke from her sleep. Quickly, she felt as if she wasn't alone. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, but what she saw, she knew, couldn't be real.

The quiet tranquil home in the New York countryside resembled the remnants of a battle field abandoned long ago. Her home was no more, something malicious had taken over. The walls were degrading and dampened with moisture. The scent of rotting wood was undeniable. Where her bed used to be, what she was laying on, was the very rotting wood she smelled intensely. She stood and examined where she once laid. There was a dark almost shadow-like image of her resting position on the wood.

"How long have I been here? Discoloration doesn't happen overnight."

A single window adorned the wall along side a grimy door in the small square room. Besides Isabel, the room was vacant. Already, something felt wrong, so wrong. Instinctually, like she did every time she woke up, Isabel glanced out the window.

"A fog? It's thick. I haven't seen anything like this since I was a child!"

It felt as if something was groping around inside her skull, searching for the key to begin chipping away at her soul, but she wasn't tainted enough yet because she hasn't really entered the town Silent Hill.

" Agh."

Isabel moaned is a confused daze. She rubbed her closed eyes in an attempt to wash away the absurdity. One foot in front of the other, she walked in the direction of the door, still rubbing her tired face.

She kept walking, walking, and walking. No door, no wall, nothing to stop her between madness and sanity. Realizing this, she opened her eyes. Astounded, she gasped,

"How did I get outside?" She turned around.

Behind Isabel was the little home she awoke in. The door was still shut, cemented shut and yet she was nearly twenty feet away from the door and she never opened it. Tentatively, she stepped towards the door, dumbfounded.


Her hand rested on the solid cool cement. It was real, right? She sighed whiled lowering her head, closing her eyes once more. The very solid surface her hand touched faded away. It was gone. Simotaneously, her eyes shot open. Her right hand was still touching the oddly cemented door.

"It wasn't there a second ago! What's happening?"

She knew, in that split second of horror when the door momentarily ceased to exist, her whole body leaned forward because the door was her support. Her central gravity was thrown off and, as fast as it went, reassured its normality when she opened her eyes.

"Oh, man...I'm in for it, big time."

Isabel's journey into Silent Hill has just begun and it's mysteries have yet to be revealed or in the least bit understood.