Well Hello everyone. Long Long Long time me no write. haha.

Anyways, this story has been floating around my mind for awhile. Just let me know what you think of it please. . . . . .all opinions are liked.

Thanks so much and enjoy!


The East High Gang are Seniors . . .

(Gabriella's POV)

This Morning had not started off with a bang. Waking up I immediately knew something was wrong. My mouth was dry, my hair dampened, and my stomach in knots. I knew what the matter was but right now I was not in the mood to tell anyone or even deal with it.

Upon getting dressed I quickly darted downstairs to get some breakfast before Troy picked me up. My mother was hovered over her laptop finishing a last minute draft for work.

"Morning hija."

I swooped down, gently placing a swift kiss on her cheek, and then I poured myself a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

I heard Troy beep his horn from outside, "Hasta Luega Mama."

I slowly got into the old white pick-up that sat outside my house, "Morning Baby." Troy whispered leaning across the seat to plant a kiss on my cheek. I quietly moaned and closed me eyes, resting my head on the windowsill.

The short ride to school was un-normally quite, the silence almost unbearable. I knew that troy was bound to say something soon. Finally as we where pulling into school he exhaled loundly and asked, "What did I do?"

"Nothing." I whispered staring out the window.

He stopped the car right there in the parking lot., "Then why haven't we said a single word to each other the entire ride here Gabriella?!"

Shifting in my seat I turned to look at him. I shrugged my shoulders, "I jus' don't feel good." I could instantly see his heart melt. Taking his left hand he reached over and stroked my cheek, "Oh, I'm sorry babe." The car began to move again, easing inch by inch into the parking lot.

(Troy's POV)

As soon as I walked into school she let go, quickly darting twoards to bathroom without saying a single word. I stood there in the middle of the hallway dumbfounded and confused by what had just happened. I know she didnt feel good but a warning would have been nice. I debated for a second wheatheor not I should wait for her, I just made my way to my locker figuring I would see her in homeroom.

The bell rang an d an empty seat was still sitting in the back of the classroom. I saw Gabriella walk to the bathroom, but where had she gone after that? Five minutes later I saw my very pale looking girlfriend make her way into homeroom.

"Ms. Montez, pass please?" Ms. Darbus stood there holding out her hand.

Everyone expected Gabby to hand her a pass but instead she responded, "I don't have one."

A silent gasp escaped Ms. Darbus' mouth, "Well then young lady I will see you in dtention this afternoon."

Gabriella held her hand up, "If you'd let me explain." Now sitting at her desk Ms. D motioned for Gabriella to come over. I exchanged a worried glance with Taylor but we both rubbed it off.

When homeroom let out I stood against the wall outside waiting for Gabriella. She emerged from the classroom looking disshevled as she ran her hand through her dark curly hair. I stopped her in her tracks, "Hey." I said as I placed my hands around her waiste.

Her dark chocolate orbs looked up at me. She buried her head in my chest and let out a long sigh. I took two of my fingers and lifted up her chin, "Everything alright baby?" Rolling her eyes she responded, "I just feel like shit" I hated to see her not feeling good.

(Nobody's POV)

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" Troy asked Gabriella.

She shook her head, "No, I have a Chem. Test 5th Period."

They began walking down the hallway en route to free period.

"Ella, screw the test! You don't feel good at all babe."

"Troy, I don't like missing tests, or school." Gabriella whined.

He rubbed her hand with his thumb, "My baby is a nerd."

She slapped him playfully, "Shut up."

Three periods later the Gang where on their way to lunch. Gabriella still didn't feel good and all of her friends noticed.

"Gabi, honey, what's wrong?" Taylor asked with concern in her eyes.

Gabriella looked up at her, "Stomach." she simply said.

Chad looked over at Troy. They exchanged a look and it was dismissed.

After everyone got their lunch they all took a seat at the same round lunch table that they had sat at any other day.

But something wasn't right, and a certain someone was not telling her friends something.