This is a sequel to Dedication. Childhood, another of my bleach fics, takes place before Dedication.

Disclaimer:I don't own anything


Urahara looked his usual smirking self when the captains and company returned to his basement. He just waited patiently as Jushiro opened a gate to Seireitai and al but Yoruichi left immediately. They had to get th injured to Fourth division. Renji was critical, with Masumoto not far behind him. Nanao and Rukia were both injured, as was Ichigo and the captains sported their share of bruises and cuts. Urahara and Yoruichi wished them luck and returned to the living portion of their home to patch up Yoruichi.

She grumbled under her breath as she dabbed alcohol on her cuts. She hated getting injured, but more then that, she was a crappy patient. Urahara was in the front explaining the situation to the rest of his "company". Once that was done he would return and help her with the cuts on her back that she couldn't reach. Yoruichi was sure he would be very patient about it, calm, but Yoruichi wanted something to punch, not hte soothing words that were going to flow from his mouth. He was always soothing when she didn't feel good, however, being injured and being sick or depressed were very different things with her. He knew that, but he reacted the same nonetheless.

She screeched in annoyance and threw the alcohol and other utensils across the room. Growling she curled up and started to shrink. Being a cat had some advantages, like during the shrinking process she could momentarily speed up her healing slightly. Also as a cat any medicine or drugs would effect her quicker or leave quicker. She also didn't need to eat as much. She stretched in her feline form for a moment be prancing over to the milk Urahara had left for this very reason.

Yoruichi had just started to drink when she felt a wave of heat pass through her body. The room became incredibly sharp as she shook her head to relieve the pressure that her ear were feeling. A feeling of energy welled inher throat as the heat grew into an inferno. She curled into a ball as she waited for it to pass. As it didn't she felt Kisuke returning. Her feeling solidified into a single thought. She knew what she needed.

Urahara Kisuke walked into the room where Yoruichi was supposed to be tending to her wounds. He was unsurprised to find a black cat by the milk, ignoring the medical tools in the room.

"Yoruichi, I see you were feeling feline again." He watched as the cat unfurled from its previous balled form. He lost his easy smile as he noticed its body sway slightly as it walked towards him. He cursed mentally, leave it to Yoruichi to change when her cat form couldn't handle the damage.

"You seem out of sorts. Why don't you let me take care of your injurie-" He had closed the door and was about to sit when Yoruichi ran towards him. Changing in mid air, she pounced on him, pinning him to the floor. Kisuke let out an "umph" as he back connected with the floor hard. Looking up at the now naked Yoruichi was not helping him regain his breath either. She had straddled his waist, though her ankle were hooked around the top of his thighs. His hands were placed just above his head and her hands were on the wrists. Even if he dared to use force against her in her present condition, he doubted very much he would be able to do anything about their position except roll. Yoruichi was strong and trained to deal with people stronger then herself and rolling would injure her further.

"Yoruichi-san?" He kept his eye focused on her face as she stared down at him with frightening intensity. He lost whatever else he was going to say as she lowered her head to his cheek. He felt his breath catch as her wet, rough tongue traveled up his cheek in a clear feline marking. Kisuke tried to get his trembling back under control as he tried to rationalize what was happening. It wasn't easy. Yoruichi moved his hands together above his head, allowing her to free one hand and grip his wrists with the other. Kisuke tested the weight behind that grip and found it to be substantial. He was distracted promptly by her fingers brushing by the gentlest of touch across his neck.

As shivers raced up and down his spine, he was reminded of the feelings he had shoved deep inside himself the day he was banished. When they were young they had been the best of friends. Each other's half. When he became captain he was overjoyed. He thought he could finally show Yoruichi what he could really do, show her that her faith, her friendship with him was worth it. He hadn't figured it out until she had assisted him in the banishment, just how much he cared about that. He hadn't realized until it came time for her decision on whether to stay in Seireitai or to come with him just how much her presence meant to him. He had realized that he would have died without her support. He realized he cared for her far too much. He realized...he loved her.

Of course he never actually came close to telling her. He was a coward, and half the world knew it. He had been content to just watch her back. It seemed fate finally decided to take its own hand into this.

"Yoruichi-san, come on, wake up. It me, Kisuke. The goof-off." his voice was trembling, but he couldn't help it. Her fingers traced up his neck and through his hair. Then in a move that belied the injuries she currently had, she lifted his head into a fierce kiss. Kisuke found himself pulling on his captured wrists as the woman on top of him plundered his mouth. He was fast losing his resolve to stop her. When the kiss ended, her hand left his face to travel the open V of his top. Kisuke's breath caught and his eyes strained closed.

"Yo-Yoru-Yoru-s-san. Please. Stop." Kisuke's labored breathing added to the distraction the cat-woman was making was making sentences a difficult thing. He bite his lip slightly as her gentle, skilled fingers found his nipple. The almost touches were tickling, a torture he wasn't sure how much longer he could withstand.

"Kisuke" Her whisper slithered into his ear as his eyes opened wide. He doubted he had ever heard anything more erotic. She bent closer in typical feline fashion, rubbing her ample bust against his partially exposed chest. His breath caught in his throat again. Had he been thinking clearly he would have wondered if the constant oxygen lose would kill braincells. He felt his hands fist as he started to strain against her. When his pelvis ground against her's, he was brought back to reality momentarily. He tried to rein in his passion. He would not harm her.

Apparently she liked that motion, for she repeated it. Kisuke couldn't hold back a moan as she ground against him. She smiled ferally as she slithered her free hand down his chest to play with the waist of his pants. Her other hand abandoned its post at his wrist to tweak a neglected nipple.

Kisuke rode the feeling for a moment before he took a deep reath to clear his head and brought his hands up to stop her. Mindful of her cuts and bruises, he placed his hands on her upper arm. In a move that she had taught him he rose them both to standing, holding her up by her upper arm. Both were panting hard. Her eyes were on fire as she tried to reach for him. He could see that her entire body was flush and he could feel her heart racing against his fingers. His analytical mind started taking over at this point.

"Gomen, someday, I hope that we can experience that together." He let go with one hand long enough to knock her out.


Yoruichi came to slowly. Everything was hazy. She looked around and determined that she was in Kisuke's lab. She grimaced as her cuts stretched as she sat up. She saw Kisuke working quietly at the table. She gingerly got out of her bed and walked up behind him. Placing a hand on his shoulder she realized how tense he was. That and he actually jumped when she did so.

"Yo-Yo-Yoruichi-san! You're awake. Are you okay?" Yoruichi nodded slightly. She didn't think her head was up for a full head nod just yet.

"What happened?" Kisuke sighed softly and looked down at his papers. He gathered them as he answered.

"Your cuts contained some sort of chemical. When you became a cat the chemical worked faster. I think I have a partial antidote." Yoruichi looked at him a second. Her sixth sense about Kisuke was screaming that he was being purposefully vague. She took a drink of the water in his water bottle as she tried to piece together for herself her last memories.

Slowly, but surely, they floated together until she had formed a fairly coherent picture of what had happened. She took a deep breath to steady herself as Kisuke's words came to her.

Gomen, someday, I hope that we can experience that together

When she returned she would have to make good on that promise, however for now.

"That antidote will be needed in Seireitei." Kisuke nodded.

"How many do you figure?" Yoruichi went back over the fight in her head. Renji, Rukia, and Nanao for sure. Ichigo and Masumoto were also hit by the volley that she figured caused this.

"Five, I think. Better pack an extra just in case." Kisuke nodded.

Yoruichi shouldered the bag as she turned to wave goodbye. She smiled at the goofy grin Kisuke was giving her. She wasn't buying it this time. She grinned her cat grin and shunpo to his side. A whisper in his ear was the last thing she did before disappearing to Seireitei.

Kisuke stood there completely stunned for several minutes after. The other three went inside and left him out there to gaze at the stars in amazement and hope.

When I return I hope that we can experience that together

Hi guys. This is a direct sequel to Dedication. It will have a sequel. it will be a series of oneshots, all self sufficient.