For those of you who haven't read Dead Center, here's some info on Viking beliefs etc. Hlin is the goddess of consolation, Freya is the goddess of love, but being a Viking goddess she is also a Valkerye (a supernatural female warrior). "Kära du" means "dear one" in Swedish
CH 1
Eric entered the sacred grove just as twilight shifted into night. It was new moon and the Milky Way poured out across the deep blue velvet depths above him. It was good, he mused, to recognize the vast scale of the nine worlds. In comparison even his millennium of existence seemed minute. After much searching, he had discovered this circle of ancient live oak and ash years ago and had placed the effigy of Hlin, the goddess of consolation, in its center. He had carried it with him for many ages and she had been his powerful protector and his physical link the Aesir—the gods he had worshipped since his human childhood. It had been almost three months since the takeover and all of his time had been consumed in consolidating his power base and assuring his survival and the survival of his people. The Great Reveal of the Weres and Shape shifters had only added to the chores and distractions of the past few months.
A small breeze whispered through the canopy. Deep in the woods a great horned owl hooted. Eric closed his eyes, as he centered himself and entered the clearing within. The power of the goddess pulsed from the ground, entwined with the great roots and flowed in waves from the weathered icon.
He knelt before the goddess touching his head to her feet, feeling the ripples pass through him. Only here, in this sacred place, could he put aside the armor that his position required.
A soft voice spoke, like the breeze's whisper. "So kära du, you return to me after many years."
Eric looked up. A tall woman with long braided auburn hair smiled down at him. She was simply dressed in an embroidered linen tunic.
"But I have always reverenced you and the Great Ones, my Lady. And tonight I need your guidance " I love a woman—she's stubborn, and beautiful, a fighter, she's caring and loyal —even now I feel her and she is waiting for me to speak" …" He looked up into her infinitely deep hazel eyes, unable to say the words aloud even here "…and I am afraid…"
The Lady smiled, offered her hand, and raised Eric, "We are aware of the young part Fae beauty Erikr although she has no knowledge of us. It has been many ages since you have met your match in a woman! Your glamour won't work on this one, and you have nearly lost her twice before. Your pride and your fear of vulnerability have held you back! The Lady Freya herself manipulated the witch's curse, so that the girl Sookie would see your true nature," Hlin sighed, "but afterwards you put your armor back on and you wouldn't bend. That night when you made her reveal what had happened you should have given her what she hoped for…
"I tried my Lady…"
Hlin threw back her head and laughed." You tried to use your beauty and power to make her have sex with you! That won't do in this case, kära en. You must overcome your fear and open up to this one or you will lose her forever. She is desirable to many in the supernatural world. The man she loves, the man she desires above all others, is the one she sheltered—the man inside the casing you have built around your truer self. "
Eric's eyes hardened, " I have become what I must to survive…to succeed."
The goddess shook her head and said gently, "You have succeeded in so many ways Erikr, but you won't be complete until you offer yourself to this woman. She is waiting for you behind her own layers of fear and pride. To find your way into her heart you must open yourself to her totally." Her eyes sparkled and a slight smile quirked the corners of her mouth, "The rest will take care of itself."
She kissed Eric on the forehead.
"Go to her now. She's waiting."
Sookie glanced at the clock nervously and checked herself in the mirror. Her thick blond hair fell past her shoulder blades and with her light tan she'd only needed a bit of blush, lip gloss, and a touch of mascara to look up to scratch. For tonight, she'd chosen a breezy yellow sundress and flat comfortable sandals. It was a warm night but she's thrown a light jacket in the overnight bag with a nightgown, panties, toothbrush, and hairbrush. They were going to the garden estate of one of Eric's friends. He was out of the country and they would have the place to themselves. Sookie assumed that the friend was a vamp, because if their chat got longwinded, Eric would have to have a safe place to spend the day. They'd sort of left the latter details open ended, and as she wasn't working tomorrow, that was fine, in a lame assed sort of way. She knew they might take a walk and that they might spend the night…depending… and she figured that the sandals would do unless they were going on a rock scramble—in which case he'd just have to carry her!
A warm rush of pleasure and comfort welled up within her before she'd even heard Eric's car crunching up the gravel driveway. It was 10 minutes to nine. Eric was always punctual. Sookie took a deep breath. This was a big night for both of them and she had no idea what Eric might have to say. Of course, she had her fantasies, but Eric could be very pragmatic, even cold when he was on the defensive. She'd defended her own heart with bitchiness on a few occasions herself. She felt as though she and Eric stood on the edge of a precipice. They could either jump together to safety on the other side or just give into their fear of being hurt and remain in limbo. No, wavering wasn't possible, wasn't tolerable anymore. It would be better to end it all tonight than to continue to circle each other warily. She sucked in her breath in a half sob. The thought of loosing Eric for good was more than she could bear.
She had the door half open before Eric knocked. A wave of complex emotions rolled across the bond in both directions. They both looked at each other and laughed. Eric arms engulfed her as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him. He parted her lips with his tongue and their kiss deepened. She couldn't read his mind, but Sookie was sure that he was sharing her thought that the bedroom was only a room away. Eric pulled back with an effort. He regarded her for a moment his blue eyes blazing. He put a few inches between them and held her hand, rubbing her palm with his thumb.
His voice was husky. " We should go now…"
Sookie gave his hand a little squeeze, " Is it far?" They needed some place quite , but close enough to get back if things…Sookie hauled back. That kind of thinking wouldn't get either of them through the next few hours.
Eric smiled and pushed the door open. " It's only about an hour from here, but it feels like another world."