This story was influenced by the song Come Back To Me by David Cook.

Come Back to Me

Chapter 1


Harry's own screams work him once again, transferring him from the nightmare that plagued him every night to reality Sweat and tears poured down his face and body., drenching the sheets. He sat up breathing hard, looking blearily around for his glasses. Slamming them on his face, he swung his legs around and off the bed.

It was always the same thing. Harry was trapped and forced to watch as Voldemort killed off all the people he loved, one-by-one. It was always Harry's fault, and he couldn't do anything to save them… his parents, Cedric, Sirius, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Collin… all those he really lost and then Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna, George, those who where still alive.

It had only been a few weeks since the battle on Hogwarts. Harry had spent the first few days at the Burrow, but he didn't stay there long. They were still grieving for Fred, and after all, Harry was the reason Fred was gone. No one blamed him for anything, in fact the one time Harry had tried to venture past the protection of the Burrow, he was mauled by people wanting to thank him. The daily prophet now called him "The savior of the wizarding world". There was a massive pile of fan mail in the backyard for him too.

After the first four days, Harry was sick of it. He moved back to Grimmauld Place. Ron insisted on moving in with him. It took hours of yelling and arguing for Harry to agree, but he gave in eventually. It was better than staying there. Hermione left right from Hogwarts to find her parents in Australia, returning a few days later with them in-tow. She helped them get back to normal life and then, much to Harry's dismay, moved in to Grimmauld Place with Ron and Harry.

All Harry wanted was to be alone and wallow for a while. To disappear into the shadows that loomed on the edges of his mind. He had spent his entire life doing things for everyone else, and now he wanted to do what he wanted. He finally got fed up with Ron and Hermione's interventions and locked his door, commanding Kreatcher to keep watch and keep everyone out. Harry used the conjoining bathroom but spent a majority of his time lying in bed.

Ron and Hermione had given up trying to get in. The one time Ron apparated into Harry's room, he ended up roughly pushed into the hallway, blood streaming down from his broken nose. They hadn't tried since.

Harry stood, swayed a bit on his feet and made his way into the bathroom. The cold shower calmed him down and washed away all the physical evidence of his nightmare. He slipped into a pair of pajama pants and walked into his dark bedroom, towards his bed, intending on spending the rest of the day sulking. He stopped short when he realized that someone already occupied the bed. He grabbed at his pocket, searching for his wand.

"looking for this?" Ginny asked, holding up his wand.

Harry didn't answer, he just glared at her.

"So here is the deal. You no longer will be wallowing in this room. You're going to talk to your friends and you will eat something." Ginny was now standing directly in front of Harry, her eyes were flashing, warning Harry not to cross her.

"bloody hell," he whispered, realizing that there wasn't anything he could do, unless he had his wand. Before he could think about his decision, he sprang at Ginny, grabbing for the wand. But since Harry hadn't eaten much in the past few weeks, Ginny found it quite easy to pin him on the bed and keep his wand far out of his reach.

"Bloody Git!" she yelled down at him, "You're about as thin as a broomstick!"

"Get off me!" He growled as he wiggled helplessly underneath Ginny. She had both his arms pinned above his head and was seated on his chest.

"No," she replied calmly, "Not until you decide to have a life again,"

He was so frustrated that the words flew out of his mouth before he could censor himself.

"I don't deserve a life! They're all dead because of me! I should be dead! I wish I was!"

Harry didn't know what to expect from Ginny, but he sure has hell didn't think she would get that angry.

"YOU BLOODY BASTARD!!" she screamed as her fists pummeled his head.

"YOU saved US!! YOU are the reason we survived!! Without YOU Voldemort would have killed EVERYONE! YOU CAN'T GIVE UP! If you do, he wins" her voice had gotten softer as she spoke, the last few came out as a whisper.

Harry looked up into Ginny's rich brown eyes, "b-but…" he choked back tears, "I couldn't save them," he whispered before the dam finally broke, tears flooded down his face.

At a complete loss of what to do, Ginny scrambled off his chest and pulled him tight to her own, cradling him close to her as he released his pent up emotions.

After a while, the sobbing decreased and finally stopped. Harry's slow breathing made Ginny realize that he had fallen asleep. Instead of waking him up, she shifted slightly and closed her eyes.


The sound of Kreatcher's arrival startled both Harry and Ginny awake. They both looked at the rather embarrassed house elf.

"Sorry master Harry, but the Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are here."

Harry groaned and sat up. "Tell them I'll be down in a minute." He rasped.

Kreatcher dissapperated and Ginny looked at her watch. It was almost noon, they had slept for quite a while. Harry moved over and sat on the edge of the bed, bent over, head resting in his hands.

"They'd want you to live, you know," Ginny whispered from behind him, "a real life. Full, long and happy. It's what you can do for them."

He knew she was right, as she almost always was. That's why he got up off the bed, grabbed a shirt from the floor and pulled it over his head.

"Come on," he said as he reached his hand out towards her, she took it. "Let's go live."

Ginny POV

I watched him carefully for the next few weeks, I looked for signs that his depression might get the best of him , that the darkness that had so fully enveloped him would return. But it didn't, Harry was making an obvious effort to stay positive and keep living. He even left the house everyday to visit me at the burrow and play quidditch in the backyard. Mom had fussed over him immediately and insisted on him eating lunch with us everyday.

I gazed out my window, watching Harry zoom by on his new broom. He turned quickly and took off in a different direction, after the snitch he was playing with. A look of pure euphoria was plastered on his face, I couldn't help but smile at him.

"GINNY!" Mom called shrilly up the stairs, "Post is here, can you get it?"

Reluctantly, I ran down the stairs to find two large barn owls sitting on the windowsill. Each owl had two letters tied to their leg. I took the letters off and they immediately took off out the window. I stared down at the familiar seal with disbelief.

"Whatcha got there, Gin?" Ron asked as he and Hermione walked hand-in-hand into the kitchen. Those two had become quite serious in the past few weeks. Their relationship was strange, yet they fit well together. Kind of like my mom and dad, and Bill and Fleur. I looked up at him and hande3d him the letter with his name on the outside, then I gave Hermione hers.

"H-Hogwarts letters?" he whispered, "B-but last year should have been our final year," he looked over to Hermione, "How could they have re-built so soon?"

But Hermione wasn't listening to Ron, she had ripped the envelope open and was frantically reading the letter inside.

"What's going on mate?" Harry's voice floated in through the open window, "what is that?" he asked pointing at my hand, which was still clutching his letter. Hermione answered before I could.

"Hogwarts letters," she said crisply, "The letters say they brought in builders and fixed Hogwarts as fast as possible. Evidently, the old magic that it was built with, helped it heal itself." At that point Harry slumped down into a kitchen chair but Hermione continued anyway. "They invited our year back to finish 7th year, since there was no proper teaching last year."

"We must get to Diagon Alley!" Mom's voice screeched as she all but ran over towards us, snatching Ron's letter from his hand. She and Hermione started discussing book costs and the possibility of new robes. I looked back towards the chair Harry had been seated in moments ago, he was gone, but I saw the door open and close quietly. I followed the sound of his footsteps across the yard, to the large tree near the edge of the property.

"Harry?" I asked quietly. He pulled off his invisibility cloak and sat down, patting the ground next to him. I sat down and he wrapped his hand around mine. "What are you thinking?"

Harry sighed, " I think I want to go back to Hogwarts. It's the closest thing I have to a home." He paused, looking down at our entwined fingers. He smoothed his thumb softy against the back of my hand. "and you'll be there," he added softly.

My eyes snapped up to look at his face, he was smiling softly. We hadn't talked about US since Dumbledore's funeral, or maybe our interaction on his 17th birthday. I had been O.K. with that, Harry was going through a lot and I couldn't add more to it. No matter what I wanted. I had to make sure Harry was O.K.

"I'm sorry Gin," he whispered. "I'm sorry I haven't made myself clear on the subject of us."

"Har…" I tried to protest, but he cut me off.

"No, Wait." He stated loudly, "Let me talk." I pressed my lips together and nodded. There wasn't much I'd deny him. "You were the only one who wouldn't let me wallow. You snapped me out of the darkness. Don't take this wrong, but I used to wonder if you only liked me because I was Harry Potter, The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, The one with the lightning bolt scar. But you, Ron and Hermione see me." He pounded his chest with his free hand. "The insecure, scared guy. The one who would rather be flying or getting killed by Ron in chess or talking with you. I don't have to think about going back to Hogwarts, if you're there, that's where I'm going to be." He lifted our hands and pressed a kiss to mine. I exhaled shakily,. His face suddenly turned nervous, "I-if you want." He stuttered.

I smiled at him, "There's my brave Gryffindor." He smiled back at me and shrugged.

"Of course I want you."

O.K. My first try at Harry Potter. What do you think? Review me and give me an honest answer. Should I continue?
