Don't own nothin'

The human race was in chains below me.

I stood above them all, my ears deaf to their cries, my eyes sightless to their suffering.

There was only one thing on my mind. Master. . . .

An arm wrapped around my waist. I turned to look into my master's face. He was covered in blood his green skin dyed red. His eyes glowed like dying coals and he had on a zipper tooth smile. He was beautiful.

He pulled me closer and whispered, "Do you like the view?" He smirked, not expecting an answer. In this state I don't 'like'.

"What do you desire, Master?" he never came to me, unless he wanted something.

His face split into a bigger zipper tooth smile as his antennas lowered to frame my face. I felt the arms around my waist tighten.

"What do I want?" he said, lowering his face to mine.

"YOU!" he commanded right before his lips touched mine.

My eyes flew open.

I stared at the Irken symbol on the ceiling as I gasped for air.

Was that a good dream? Or a bad one?

My stomach chose that moment to grumble. I hadn't eaten in 2 days. I heaved a sigh and got up not bothering to put on pants, and just walked out of my room in a tee shirt and under-wear. I walked to the kitchen and searched for a good 20 minutes and all I found was Coke and pudding. It'll do.

I started eating as I went over my dream. Bad points; I was in 'S' mode, and Zim was covered in blood. Good points; Zim kissed me. And when a boy kisses me I think of it as a good thing.

I finished my Coke and pudding and dropped the leftovers into the sink. I looked at the clock I had brought over. 2:00 am. I had 4 hours to kill.

I turned to leave when I saw Zim rise out of the toilet randomly placed in the kitchen. We both froze. I was in a long tee shirt and panties and he was covered in glue.

I took a slow step backward toward my room, when suddenly and from NO WHERE! Flew Gir. He soared through the air and landed spread eagle on Zim's chest.

The entire world was silent.

Then I started laughing. OOOOOHHHHHhhhh MAN! You should have seen his face! If you have ever seen a WTF look on a human it holds nothin' to a WTF look on Zim! Because not only do his eyes almost pop out of his head but his antennas go straight up! He looked like one of those squeeze toys!

I was rolling on the floor holding my stomach, so I didn't see Zim turn red, first from embarrassment then from anger.

I felt my body hoisted into the air by my tee shirt. I saw the homicidal look on his face and I was about to apologize when Gir started to sing 'Taco Flavored Kisses.'

I didn't stand a chance.

I started to laugh again and Zim looked homicidal. He suddenly smiled and pulled a remote control out of his P.A.K. he pressed a button and suddenly I couldn't speak.

As he watched me freak out he smirked, "What's wrong Huuuman? Smeet got your tongue?"

I was pissed. I kick at the universal 'no no place' of all males. He caught my foot and his smirk grew. "Trying to hurt your master? Ah Ah Ah, bad slave you must be punished."

I am sorry to say that the first thing that came to mind was bondage, but I quickly disposed of that idea. He's not a pervert, I don't think. I am wearing a COLLAR, which he was going to put on a boy.

He fiddled with his remote till he found the button that he wanted.

Pain. Crap the pain was bad. Like scrubbing your entire body with a lobster.

My eyes stared to water and then I was crying.

Oh shit.


My head started to spin as my breath came faster and faster. My eyes were going blurry around the edges as my brain tried to suffocate itself.

Zim's eyes became wide as he saw me start breathing like there was no oxygen in the air. He stopped the pain but I was going and I couldn't calm down. Nothing could stop me I would just have to pass out.

Zim was panicking. "ANN! What are you doing! Stop this instant!"

I couldn't respond as my vision grew even fuzzier, not much longer now.

"Human! If you close your eyes than ZIM will have no choice but to do a full medical scan to see if you have been damaged."

My eyes slid closed and my last sight was Zim's sexy antennas going wild around his head.