A/N: Oh goodness. This fic scares even me. ono;; Toris is ooc here, but only because I wanted to write him 'yandere'. This piece was inspired by art sea-dragon on deviantart.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, sadly. :c If only...

Before He Knew It

Besides being a loyal servant to Russia under the Soviet, there were other reasons that Lithuania wanted to forget that time. Most of the time during Russia's ruling he had stayed himself. Even if he was worn and abused by the larger nation he refused to change, refused to show the pain on the outside. Of course, he never thought of the consequences. After all, holding in your emotions isn't something healthy people do.

But there was one time when he let out all of the things he had kept inside himself....

- - -

Toris sat at his desk with a throbbing headache and a pile of paperwork messily scattered on his desk. Behind him, he could hear Ivan's deep breaths. He could feel the soft gusts of air exhale from the larger man's lungs and onto his neck. The man was always cold, even inside a building his breath was still remained chilled.

He also always seemed to have the smaller under a close watch. Toris felt like a house dog kept tied to his master at all times. The brunet massaged his temples, attempting to lessen the pain in his head. Ivan's breaths were growing increasingly loud as his head pound louder and louder..

Couldn't Ivan let him be for just one hour?! He could settle the papers, deal with his headache.. he wouldn't be there as he bit his lip and furrowed his brows. If he just got one break. The Russian chose just that second to place his hand on the smaller man's shoulder. Toris could hear his mouth open to say something, but he would have said is still unknown.

Toris felt his fist connect with Ivan's jaw before he even recognized what he was doing. His body seemed to move on its own as he grabbed the man's collar and proceeded to bash his face in. A smirk grew upon his lips and a loud stream of maniacal laughter erupted from his lips.

He continued his attack on the man, Ivan himself was too paralyzed with fear to even make a hit. Toris pushed him onto the floor, straddling him. He tore the man's scarf off, a present from his dear sister if the Lithuanian remembered right.

"Why do you always hide your neck Ivan? Huh?" he asked in the deranged tone. He sounded nothing like himself.

Ivan gulped, his eyes widened in fear. His mouth opened and closed awkwardly. There were no words to describe the utter terror and exasperation that could be seen on his face. Toris felt in control for one time in his life. Adrenaline rushed even faster in his veins and his smirk grew.

"Oh, I'll give you a reason to hide it..." Toris said huskily with another spurt of laughter.

He took a short pocket knife out of his pants and opened it with a, 'click'. Something snapped in Ivan's head and he immediately attempted to grab the knife from the crazed man's grip. Toris tsk'ed him and proceeded to slam his head into the blond's. Ivan cried out in temporary pain as blood trickled down his temple.

Toris lowered the knife down onto his capture's neck. He carved long, tantalizing lines, writing something in his own language into the other man's neck. Ivan gasped and attempted to protest, his hands clawing at Toris's own neck.

Toris growled and squirmed around Ivan's desperate attempts to relieve himself of the pain. The brunet merely smirked happily as he finished the last letter.


The brunet proceeded to pass out.

- - -

Lithuania still shuddered at the scene till this day. Russia had never looked at him the same since. The man still held an uneasy fondness for him, but Lithuania could see the slightest bit of fear in his violet eyes at the same time.

Vienišas means 'lonely' or 'alone' in Lithuanian.