A/N: This story is co-written with my friend (her parts is the reason why this is rated M). Read and review!

This is for F.H. - who can write anything! (And then I mean anything^^)

Harry had thought that dreaming nightmares would be over after what had happened in the end of the previous year when he'd finally visited the department of mysteries after dreaming of it for several months. Even though he no longer dreamt about locked doors other frightening images had begun to haunt him during night time. Draco Malfoy was now not only constantly on his mind during the days, when Harry spent a great time wondering what his was up to, but also in his dreams. Harry often woke up covered in sweat from pleasurable dreams. His thoughts dwelled in trouble, aching to know why his night life had become so confusing. He couldn't ask Ron or Hermione for advise, he was too ashamed of himself.

It always started the same, how he ambled along the deserted school corridors. Somewhere along the way he'd stumble onto Malfoy, his shimmering pale face never containing any trace of his usual evilness. Instead he was eager to tell Harry something, dragging him along the Hogwarts grounds to a remote place. It could be the astronomy tower, Hagrid's hut, the forbidden forest or just an empty classroom – it didn't matter as long as they were alone. Once they were there Malfoy would push Harry up against the wall and look deeply into his eyes, telling him the bizarre three words; I Like You. After that, Harry couldn't quite say how, they always ended up snogging passionately and Harry would wake up when they started pulling off each other's clothes. In the dreams he enjoyed it very deeply.

It didn't take long before Harry started dreading to go to bed. He'd toss and turn under his covers, afraid of what he would see if he closed his eyes. He couldn't seem to help himself to think of what a good kisser Malfoy was in his dreams, and a small part of him, which he tried to deny deeply, wanted to drift to sleep and re-live the pleasure he felt when they were together. He had a bad conscience over these feelings and one night he couldn't take it anymore – he went out of bed, put on his invisibility cloak and walked out through the portrait of the fat lady.

His first thought was to visit Hedwig, but stopped himself rather quickly, reminding himself that she probably was out hunting. He decided to sneak down to the kitchen instead, he would mostly likely get something to eat and perhaps meet Dobby or Winky. Even Winky's endless talks about Mr. Crouch would be a better company than wandering around alone with his thoughts.

Harry walked down the stairs to the kitchen but stopped abruptly when he rounded a corner. In front of him stood no one other than Malfoy himself, he was down on his knees holding a lantern, obviously looking for something.

"Come on", Harry heard Malfoy muttering for himself. "I must have dropped it here… Accio wand!"

Harry's heart skipped a beat. A wand less Malfoy was standing in front of him, in a deserted school corridor. There would never be a better time to hex his enemy and getting away with it. He couldn't get a sweeter revenge in his life. But on the other hand… Harry got a sudden notion, he could do anything he wanted to Malfoy, hit him with his fist if he fancied, all he had to do was casting a forgetting charm on him when he was done.

He quickly pulled off his invisibility cloak and stepped forward.

"Hello Malfoy", he said and sniggered, "dropped something?"

Malfoy got to his feet, turning around. His eyes narrowed fiercely when he saw who spoke to him and Harry saw to his delightment how his enemy realized what a weak position he was in. Malfoy shifted his weight and eyed Harry without speaking.

"Wand less today, are we?" Harry said in a cheerful tone.

"What do you want, Potter?" Malfoy snarled.

"Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?"

Since Harry had his wand raised, Malfoy couldn't do nothing but obey. Harry put the cloak over both of them and began walking with his wand tip in Malfoy's back. He led him to an empty classroom and locked the door securely after them before pulling of the cloak.

"What are you doing?" said Malfoy and immediately took a step back. "I'm warning you, if you do anything to me my dad will have you expelled…"

"… that might be a little difficult for you since I'm armed and you're not", Harry broke off. "And don't you worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

"What? Then why are we here?"

"Because I want to try something."

Harry didn't feel like himself anymore. He felt like a dangerous part of him had over powered his body and erased all his sensible thoughts. His emotions told him to do go for it, do the forbidden actions he craved to do some many nights.

Malfoy looked like if someone just had told him that Santa Claus wasn't for real. He backed into the wall when Harry approached him. Harry felt a slight excitement, he just wanted to know the truth, he was utterly curious. Harry stepped forward until he was just inches away from Malfoy and looked into his eyes. It was hard to tell what his enemy was thinking at the moment, but Harry frankly didn't quite care. He leaned forward and pressed his lips smoothly against Malfoy's.

What happened next was certainly not what Harry had expected. Malfoy must have got insane or something, he thought, because the blonde one completely forgot that he was threatened, he just placed his hands around Harry's neck and pulled him closer into a deep kiss. Harry dropped his wand in astonishment. It wasn't the first time he kissed someone – but it was certainly the first time someone snogged him so deeply. Malfoy was practically all over him, his tongue was far back in Harry's mouth and his hands were on his ass. Harry couldn't believe what was happening, the only thing he knew was that Malfoy was just as good as in his dreams.

Harry pulled away, he took a step back and looked at Malfoy. Both boys stared at each other in shock.

"What are you doing?" Harry rudely blurted out.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy raised an eyebrow. " You were the one who kissed me."

"You were the one who started to snog."

"Well, you didn't seem to have anything against it."

Suddenly Malfoy seemed to have re-conquered his own assertive self. He smiled mischievous at Harry and had a dangerous look in his eyes.

"I-I didn't know what I was doing", stammered Harry.

They eyed each other, not moving a muscle. Harry could feel his heart beating in a hundred miles an hour, he was utterly confused but excited as well.

"Oh", Malfoy snarled, "you are ridiculous."

He took a step forward and grabbed Harry's collar and pressed his lips onto his in a passionate kiss. Harry felt like his mind had stopped working. Malfoy kissed him like nothing else in the world existed and he was welcomed to go on all night as long as Harry was concerned. Feeling Malfoy's strong hands on his back and they're hard cocks pressing against each other's was literary a dream coming true.

Malfoy's hand travelled underneath his t-shirt and stroked his chest with circular movements. It found his nipple and started to caress it with oh-so pleasurable movements. Suddenly Harry froze – he felt Malfoy's other hand inside his boxers. This made Harry wake up from his dream like state and brutally realized what he was doing. He was aware of Malfoy's hand, and was pretty sure on what Malfoy wanted to come with this. What do you do when you're arch enemy is about to jerk you off? Moan, ask for more? Get dominated and fuck the hell out of him?

Malfoy became so much more real and Harry became so much more insecure. This wasn't a dream, he couldn't predict what was about to happen. Panic started to rush through his mind – what was he doing? Malfoy's hand grabbed his member at the same time as his tongue pressed deeply against Harry's lips. That was simply too much for Harry to handle. He instinctively broke free and turned away from Malfoy, rushing out through the door without looking back, and ran all the way to the Gryffindor tower.

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