Hello this Mostly Harmless, returning back to Fanfiction. This is my shot at a bloodline Naruto story. Starts at Mizuki and goes from there.

Summary:"Naruto learns two things with his encounter with Mizuki. One, He is the jailer of the Kyuubi. Two, He is the reincarnation of the Rikudou Sennin. How will this new twist effect Naruto-verse. Read and find out."

Speaking "........"

Thoughts '.......'

Demon Speaking ".............."

Spirit Speaking "................."

A blonde haired boy was leaping from tree to tree in one of the many forests of Konohakagure. This young boy looked to be about thirteen wearing a bright orange jumpsuit that scream 'AIM YOUR KUNAI HERE!' with blue sandals, and a pair of green goggles on his forehead. Strapped to his back was a giant scroll with 'Forbidden Scroll of Seals' written on it in kanji. The blonde was the local neighborhood jinchuuriki, Uzumaki Naruto.

'hehe...Who would have known that Ji-san was such a pervert.' Naruto sighed in relief.


(Hokage's Office.)

Naruto was rummaging through the Hokage's desk. He emptied each drawer and checked each secret compartment he could find in the desk. Naruto stood and scratched his head.

"It must be around here somewhere." He searched the bookshelf, checking for any secret switches or panels behind or inside of the books. Naruto was about to give up until his eye caught small reflection of light behind the bookcase. He pushed it aside and found a metal panel which covered a large compartment that held a giant scroll.

'Thank you, Lady Luck.' He strapped the scroll to his back and turned to leave via the window.

"Naruto, Where do you think your going with the Scroll of Seals." a familiar voice called out. Naruto froze and turned to see the Sandaime Hokage staring at him seriously.

"Well you see Jiji....."Naruto began nervously, before an idea came to his head.


He formed a single hand-seal and grinned mischievously. "Oiroke no Jutsu" (Sexy Technique.) A poof of smoke covered Naruto to reveal a beautiful blonde female with clouds covering her....you know. The Sandaime was caught off guard and shot back with a stream of blood flowing from his nose and slammed into a wall. He laid sprawled and has a very pervert grin on his face. Naruto released his jutsu and stared mildly shocked.

"Ji-san's a pervert! Who would have thought."

Deciding not to count his blessings Naruto leapt out the window and began his trek to search for a meeting point with Mizuki and to learn a technique to pass the exam. Or so he thought....

(Flashback End.)

The blonde landed by what appeared to be an abandoned shack.

'Okay. This looks like a good spot to train until Mizuki-sensei gets here.' The blonde sat on the forest floor and set the scroll in front of him.

'Now lets see.....' Naruto unrolled the massive scroll. He eyes read threw the many jutsu that were hidden inside the scrolls contents.

"Nope not that one..............No...........What the hell! There is no way the Shinigami is going to eat my soul. Definite hell no!" He skimmed through more of the scroll's contents, stopping at one particular ninjutsu that caught his eye.

Kage Bunshin no jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique.) Rank: B

Naruto sighed. "Great more clones. Well, I can give a shot seeing as everything else in this scroll results in me dying."

(Iruka's Apartment.)


Iruka mumbled in his sleep but did not awake.


Iruka stirred from his sleep, tossed over, wishing for whoever was at his door to leave.


"Go away!"


Iruka groaned as he pushed himself out of bed and slowly dragged himself to his front door. He opened it to find an exhausted Mizuki.

"Mizuki?" Iruka spoke in surprise. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Iruka get dressed. Naruto stole the forbidden scroll." Mizuki spoke in a hurried tone.

"What did you say!"

"Naruto stole the scroll, Iruka!" repeated Mizuki.

Iruka's eyes widened. "He What!" He exclaimed before quickly throwing on his uniform.

"He stole the scroll of seals. The Hokage has dispatched all ninja within the village, chunin and up to locate Naruto and the scroll." explained Mizuki as they leapt from the roof of his apartment complex. They hopped from roof to roof scanning the streets, but could not locate a single trace of Naruto's presence. They had swept most of the village except the forest and the monument.

"Let's split up we might be able to locate him quicker that way."


The two split and shot off in different directions, Iruka near the forest and Mizuki towards the monument. Iruka gritted his teeth. 'Naruto, what were you thinking?'

15 mins. later.....

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu!"

Two poofs of smoke appeared to both sides of Naruto before clearing to reveal to exact copies of the said blonde. Naruto walked close and examined every little detail. Clothes, personality, everything was the same. It was literally a clone of Naruto. One final test, Naruto slowly took his finger and poked one clone on the shoulder.

"Ow why did you do that?" Naruto yelled for joy and gave his other clone a high-five. "Alright! I did it!" He punched the air gleefully.

"I definitely pass for sure!"

Naruto grinned before turning back to scroll. "Lets see what else I can learn." He searched and quickly found another ninjutsu.

Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Mass Shadow Clone Technique.) Rank: A

Naruto looked over the instructions, memorizing them before crossing his fingers in a t-shaped signed. "Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" A large cloud of smoke erupted in front of him and cleared to reveal ten clones. Naruto looked confused before returning to the instructions. 'Average is 20...so why did I only make ten.' He then noticed and important note he missed in the directions.

'Oh, so the number of clones varies from the amount of chakra put into the jutsu.' Naruto blinked.

'Maybe if I put twice as much chakra I used for these ten, I might be able to double the amount of clones.' Naruto squinted his eyes in frustration.

"This is going to take a while."

Iruka was currently leaping through the giant forest near Konoha. He wasn't able to find any lead to the Naruto's location so far.

"Damnit Naruto, when I find you ......" He paused. Iruka sensed a high concentration of chakra gathering east of his location near the old Shrine of Wandering Spirits.

'Naruto' Iruka quickly changed directions and speed off towards the shrine. He, however, did not notice the other signature that following him from a distance.

Mizuki landed one branch. 'That's right Iruka lead me straight to the demon-brat.' He quickly re-began his pursuit of Iruka to the Shrine of Wandering Souls.

Naruto collapsed from exhaustion. The group of clones dispersed as he released his control on them.

"Finally….I got it…down now." A rustle came from a bush near Naruto, and Iruka emerged from the bush.

"Just what the hell were you thinking, Naruto! Stealing the forbidden scroll is a crime punishable by death." yelled Iruka as he stared at the confused blonde. Naruto was completely lost at what Iruka was telling him.

"Hold up. Mizuki-sensei told me that there was a second graduation exam where I was to steal this scroll." Naruto points to the Scroll of seals, "and then learn one technique from the scroll and I will immediately be promoted to genin." Now it was Iruka's turn to be confused.

"Mizuki said what! Why would-" The swishing sound was heard by Iruka when a wave of shuriken shot toward Naruto. Iruka pushed Naruto out of the way, taking the hit himself. The momentum sent him hurling into the side of the shrine, making him a little dizzy.

"Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto looked around cautiously. "Okay who threw those shuriken at us?"

A sick laughter filled the forest. "Iruka, I must thank you for leading me to the scroll. Now I get to learn the scroll's secrets and kill the demon-brat as well." The voice seemed to project from all around him.

Even though he hated to admit it Naruto was slightly afraid. Iruka was temporarily taken down by a wave of shuriken and the assailant had the upper hand because he didn't know his exact location. As if the assailant could read his mind, It unleashed a wave of killing intent on Naruto. Due to being inexperienced, it was enough for to freeze Naruto on the spot. The laughter resumed and a figure emerges from behind in a tree. It revealed to assailant as Mizuki,

"What's the matter, Naruto, scared?"

"Mizuki....Why?" Iruka groaned to himself.

"Mizuki-sensei! You threw those shuriken?" Naruto points towards him accusingly. Mizuki simply sneered at Naruto.

"Yes, but I didn't expect Iruka to jump in the way of the shuriken. No matter I will still get the scroll and be able to rid the world of the demon-brat as well." said Mizuki.

"What! You too! Come on, I know I pulled a couple of pranks and some of them were a little harsh but seriously "demon-brat"? What did I do to deserve the title demon-brat?"

Suddenly Mizuki's face put on a sinister look before chuckling darkly. "So you want to know why, huh? Well allow me to clear some of your confusion? Tell me what do you know of the Kyuubi-attack 13 years ago?" Iruka panicked slightly.

"No!! Mizuki don't, it's forbidden!" Mizuki scowled at him.

"Shut-up Iruka! Like that's going to matter since I'm leaving anyway! After I kill both of you, a course!"

Naruto was confused at the dialogue exchanged between the two. "Kyuubi? Everyone knows that it was defeated by the Yondaime 13 years ago."

Mizuki smirked. "Wrong! That was a lie told to the younger generation. The truth is the Yondaime could not kill Kyuubi so he sealed it."

Realization donned on Naruto's face, causing Mizuki's grin to smirk to grow even larger. "That's right! You are the Kyuubi no Kitsune!"

Chapter One Complete. Review and send me some ideas.

Note I may not use them but somehow incorporat them into the storyline.