Disclaimer: I own nothing
A/N: okay here we go.... The final part....
Nothing to Fear
Lost at sea,My heart beat is growing weak,Hoping you'd hear my plea,And come save my life,As the storm grew fierce,An angel was certainly near,I knew there was nothing to fear.
-City and Colour
The warm sun beat down on her pale skin. Warmth blanketing her body that was lying down nonchalantly on the deep green lawn. She closed her chestnut eyes and smiled deeply as she touched the soft green blades of grass, dipping her fingers in and out of the keen stems carelessly. The grass was softer here. Everything was softer here. In this place. This beyond that had somehow become her reality.
She opened her eyes and sat up on her elbows. She looked out across the lake. It was still and calm. The once darkened waters were now a bright blue. Yet soft. She couldn't explain it, and she had no reason to. There was no one here to explain anything to. There was no reason to explain anything. Only understanding of what was.
She was dead.
Her life cut short by evil. Yet looking back on it she smiled again. How wonderful her life had been. How perfect. She had a loving family and group of friends. They were all with her now. Visiting her by the lakeside. At first they had wondered why she refused to leave this place. Why she wouldn't let her spirit travel throughout heaven like it was meant to but now they understood. They knew she was waiting.
For him.
She slowly stood. She smoothed out the wrinkles in the white dress she wore. The angelic fabric was hugging her skin lightly. She was no longer the twenty-seven year old she had died as. She was once again the seventeen year old girl that had smiled. The girl that had forever messy hair and sass.
The girl that was never broken.
She slowly walked to the waters edge and dipped her foot in. Sending ripples across the surface. Braking the calm. How long had she waited for him. Sixty years had gone by since the last time she had kissed him. Last seen him. So many times she had looked back on that morning.
The morning she had left him.
She knew she would never see he again. Had a feeling her time was ending. There was no denying it. Her side was going to lose. As it did. Harry falling only a few weeks after her own death. Joining Ron and her in the world of forever. At first she had been scared for the world. Afraid for those still living but then something she had never expected yet always understood happened. He, her love, had turned away from his father and the Death Eaters and formed a new rebellion.
He had gone on for them all.
She plucked her foot out of the water. Watching the water trail down her skin. She was about to go for a walk when something caught her eye. Off to her right was a figure. Turned away from her staring at the waters edge like she just had. It was a man she knew. He was tall very tall with long blond hair that looked more silver the sand. A man she knew so very well.
She didn't move. She was afraid it wasn't real. She was dead, yes, but her mind still had the ability to play tricks on her. She blinked a few times before she realized the man wearing black standing by the lakeside was real. She glared at him. It was only natural. She began to walk towards him. Her bare feet picking up speed. Suddenly she was running to him. Running faster then she normally could. He didn't move. She reached his side and looked up at him. His eyes staring straight ahead not looking at her. Deja vu.
"Hey Granger." His voice was distant. Lost. This was not the reunion she had expected.
"Hey." She said meekly. Her voice small. He didn't look at her. She knew what he was thinking. Dying is something that takes a while to get used to. And as she looked up at him she figured he was in a small state of shock. He died at the age of ninety-seven but now here in this place he was seventeen again. Beautiful. "Are you happy?" It was a whisper. So soft she was sure he hadn't heard it. She was wrong.
"I am." He sighed. "Mostly surprised." She lifted an eyebrow in confusion. What was wrong with him?
"Why?" He turned and faced her. His movements so graceful yet strong. He was smirking. His hands reaching out and touching her cheek.
"I made it here. I made it to heaven and you, you waited." She felt the burning in her eyes. The weight in her heart lifting. She smiled and closed her eyes. Turning her cheek into his hand.
"Yeah, I did." She opened her eyes. And looked up at him. His pale eyes alive. How ironic. "I waited for you like I promised." He grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her into a deep hug. Her eyes giving away to tears.
"You were right about something Granger. Time can't change everything." His voice so husky. So adult. She would never know the things he lived after her death. Everything he had seen after she was killed. The fighting and the blood. The never ending heartache with the memories of her. The loneliness that had plagued him sixty years. Even Heaven couldn't erase those memories. He was seventeen but his voice held the wisdom of a grown man. "I love you Granger."
She pulled her face out of his chest. Meeting his eyes she smiled. No longer star crossed lovers. Faith couldn't touch them anymore. Couldn't drag them apart. Force them to live and die alone. They didn't matter anymore.
Only the boy with pale gray eyes and the girl with deep chocolate orbs.
He smiled at her slightly before bending down. His lips touched hers and she trembled. He caught her mouth again and she knew then that her heaven was complete. She grabbed the back of his neck out of habit and felt him smile. She pulled him closer deepening the kiss. Exploring him and giving into him. She pulled away slightly and laughed lightly.
"I love you to." He kissed her forehead and laughed. It was strange for her in a way. To hear him laugh so carefree and honestly. She was almost positive he had never laughed when he was alive. He smirked at her.
"I knew it." His smirk grew. She cocked an eyebrow sarcastically.
"Knew what Malfoy." She knew what was coming. Knew he couldn't resist. She was glad.
"That you were totally hot for me Granger. It was only a matter of time." She glared up at him. He was still Draco Malfoy, the individual she loved and hated. How strange there relationship was.
"Yeah you were right. Time doesn't change everything." She shot back. He was about to say something but she caught him off guard and pulled his lips to her.
And that was it. They had their forever. Their secrets and stolen kisses alive. And their strings of fate tied into one knot. Unbreakable.
Time was finally on there side
A/N: Alright I hope you all like it!!!!! I really love this story with my lil heart and soul and I hope you guys did to!!! Please review!!!! PLEASE!!!