Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.....so...

Chapter 6

(Back to Giratina)

Damn it.....I was getting my ass handed to me. NOTHING could hit that damn ghost me thing. All of my attacks went straight through it...

"Why don't you just give up!? You can't hit it! You CAN'T WIN!!!"Zero shouted at me. If I had the opening to, I would blast his ass RIGHT now...

"....I won't let you beat me....."I said to myself forcing myself to get back up from the ground.

"Your only hurting yourself"Zero said grinning at me. God I wanted to blast him SOOO bad....

Shadow Giratina then charged up an Aura Sphere, once again in it's unusual Blood red color. It launched it at me and I barely dodged it in time.

"WHY WON'T YOU GIVE UP!?"Zero exclaimed at me again.

"Because I'm not about to lose to a worthless human like you."I said to him. I made sure he could understand my talking this time.

"Shadow Gira, destroy him!"Zero commanded.

…..........Surely, I knew some move that would allow me to hit it....wait...

I looked at the Shadow Giratina closely......! That thing was an ILLUSION!!!

"I'm......just seeing things...this isn't real....."I sighed to myself.

Zero, Cyrus, and the Shadow Giratina instantly vanished.

"For if I dought myself, Arceus made it do that to gain my Spunk back...."I sighed once more.

"I didn't even realize, the only reason I felt the pain was because I just believed they were real. Goddamn brain...."I said to myself. I then flew off in some random direction, until I felt something.....Powerful.

"That must be the light stone's power, it's around here somewhere."I stated flying closer to wherever the power seemed to intensify. I flew on, and then I found a deep Cavern, or cave I should say.

"Heh, this is the area where I fought the Sky Forme Shaymin and where those kids fled...."I chuckled to myself. I flew on above the cave and then I saw on the other side it had to have been the light stone. I quickly flew to it and grabbed it in my mouth. It then instantly disappeared and then I changed colors. I was now pure white....everywhere.

"Wow......I'm my most hated color.....JOY!!!!!"I exclaimed. It seems that that stone seemed to change my personality....just great...

"Back to seriousness, I gotta get back to the temple."I said opening my mouth and opened a portal. I then flew in, I had a Horrible feeling that I would face my love....Sadly I was completely right.....

Once that joy ride was FINALLY over, I then saw something I wish I hadn't. I flew out the portal and saw at the end of the room, a Dark Arceus, and a.....er....Dark Darkrai? WTF?

"You've arrived"The Arceus said in a voice completely different to the real Arceus.

"A...Arcy? I...Is that you...?"I managed to say. I was breaking in tears, I already knew that had to be Arceus.

"Why yes....yes it is"It said grinning.

"What the hell did Mewtwo do to you!?"I exclaimed to her.

"Master has Purified me, I now see the way I should have seen all along."Arceus Answered darkly.

"M...Master....?"I stuttered.

"Yes.....I have pledged forever loyalty to him.....I am his to command."Arceus stated.

"...O_e"I uhm....faced her?

"Arcy.....please tell me your still there!"I said crying visibly.


I then felt like something hit me with a sledgehammer....Damn....she's attacking me...she....she must have truly pledged her loyalty...to that...that...

I was then hit with a Shadow Ball like no other....It must have been like multiplied by 20 in power!

"Gah!!!"I grunted falling to the ground in a heap. There's no way I could fight after the fight with that illusion Shadow Giratina!

Arceus then chuckled Darkly."Come on.....I'll kill you if you don't fight me"Arceus threatened.

I then felt...more Powerful....The Light Stone must be activating! I then glowed a brilliant bright white..it engulfed me and transformed my body....


......In a deep void....I saw nothing but white.....I tried turning my head...but for some reason couldn't.

I then felt or I mean heard something...

Giratina....the power of the Light Stone has been activated....

"How am I to use this power?

It will simply come to you.....Giratina,you must stop Mewtwo at all costs. Do not let him take over!

"I will try...."

This new form that will be given to you is forbidden to Extreme Life or Death situations.

"What is it?"

It is called.....the Creation Forme.....this was originally only for Arceus....but it seems things do happen.

"T...The Creation Forme?"

Yes....you must use this new form to stop Mewtwo's plan..The Creation Forme is fueled by all the Light in the World...if Mewtwo succeeds with his plan, all the Light in World will vanish forever, Earth would be just a lifeless rock. Good Luck.....and be careful.......

The Brilliant White Light then Faded....leaving my new Transformed Creation Forme in it's wake.

"What Madness is this!?"Arceus Exclaimed in surprise.

I took at look at myself. I was Pure White......My wings.....instead of just Shadowy Masses...were now like Angel's Wings....but still were separated like in my Origin Forme. It's hard to explain, I didn't have a mirror, but I knew my head looked different...or maybe my Mouth Covering is...I dunno.

I then looked back at Arceus, and opened my mouth. She was then sent flying into a Wall. She was instantly Knocked Unconscious. I could even see that she was returning to her normal colors.

Dark Darkrai then Charged up a Shadow Ball, but I was Far too quick and I knocked him Unconscious as well.

"Wow......I'm so fast.....and strong...it's amazing."I said looking at both Arceus's and Darkrai's body.

".....Mewtwo, I'm coming for you..."I said flying out of the room at a blinding speed.

I then arrived at the Main Hall. It was completely warped. It was Pure Black, it stunk of Darkness.

I flew on though. My MAIN concern was that I find Mewtwo, and bring him down.

By Instinct I knew where to go. He was in Arceus's secret room. It was the Biggest room in the entire Temple. When I got there, I flew on in. I saw all 30 something legends in a big line.(Uh.....what's the word.....crap IDK....) on both sides of me. They didn't attack. They must have been told that This was mine and Mewtwo's fight, NO ONE else's.

I saw Mewtwo in a chair. Facing the wall.

"I admit...you've surprised me a lot by unlocking the Creation Forme....but that won't save you."He said turning around in the chair.

Mewtwo looked Horrible. I reeled back. He must had unlocked the power of the Dark Stone.

All the legends then left the room. Closing and Sealing the Door.

"Not talkative I see, well makes it easier on me."Mewtwo said jumping out of the Chair and landing straight in front of me.

"I hope your ready, this is Life or Death."Mewtwo said to me.

"I'm ready..."I said.

-Cue uh.....hmm......Dialga/Palkia remix battle theme?- (No seriously, listen to it!!!! You THINK I'M KIDDING YOU!? LISTEN TO IT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!)

Mewtwo then took on a battle stance. I was ultimately prepared.

He launched a Super charged Shadow ball at me.

I quickly dodged it and launched a Aura Sphere at him. It was an Direct hit.

"Humph...!"Mewtwo Grunted.

He disappeared in the shadows.

I then Quickly closed my eyes I saw him and dodged the hit. But he suspected that and countered with another hit I didn't expect.

I was sent flying into a wall completely on the other side of where we were.

"GRAH!!!!"I shouted executing a Judgement at Mewtwo.

There is no known way to dodge that so Mewtwo was hit extremely hard.

"Your good."Mewtwo complimented.

He got up and grabbed me, launching a SUPREME powered Aura Sphere at me right in the head.

It stung, but not enough to cause permanent damage.

I countered the hit with a Light Force. (XD Come on what did you expect?)

He was hit hard, and it did Double the damage since he was currently Dark.

"......Gira...."Mewtwo said.

He Jumped high in the air and then made multiples of him.

But he tricked me because Mewtwo vanished and hit me from behind.

"Your so easy to trick!"Mewtwo said from behind me.

"....."I then used Judgement and he was sent back into a wall across from where we were.

I then used Spacial Rend to Injure Mewtwo. Missed!

"Takes too long to charge it Gira!"Mewtwo yelled at me.

Mewtwo then somehow hit me straight in the face. But wasn't he down there...?

"Extremespeed"Mewtwo stated still in front of me.

...wait...I felt as if I was getting weaker by the minute.....

"The Light in the World is disappearing"Mewtwo grinned at me.

He then kicked off of me and I was sent flying into the wall. Now I was starting to get seriously injured.

"And I'm getting more powerful!"Mewtwo exclaimed at me launching a super fast Aura Sphere.

"Damn it....it's....it's gone...."I said aloud. All my Powers were gone. I still looked like it, but I didn't have the Creation Form powers anymore.

I pulled myself from the wall. There's no way I was going down like this!

"If I'm going down, I taking you with me Mewtwo!"I Shouted to him.

I then felt some of my powers come back.

"We'll see about that!" Mewtwo said from somewhere.

I then felt my powers go. I then knew what was happening....Arceus......Arceus was dying!!!

"No.....No.....Not Arcy....."I said looking to the ground.

"I then felt it all go. My Creation Forme then vanished. I was back in my Origin Forme.

"No......"I said.

"Hmph.....Now I can take you out easily!"Mewtwo said appearing in front of me.

He launched a Shadow Ball at me, but it did nothing. I was growing Darker and Darker by the second.

Mewtwo had Killed Arceus.....He was GOING to die for this.

I then Vanished in the Shadows and went behind the Dumbstruck Mewtwo. I hit him Full blast in the back.

He fell to the ground and I saw him returning to his regular colors.

I was still growing Darker and Darker....

Mewtwo then turned around, a look of Fear I his face.


"Giratina...what....what are you doing?"He said. He put his arms in front of his face to block.

I grabbed him with my wings. And held him up to eye level.

"I am going to kill you Mewtwo, if you don't heal Arceus."I said Darkly. My red eyes Glowing brightly.

"I will."He said.

I set him down, still wanting to kill him on the spot. He ran out of the room to where Arceus was.

I then saw the Dark Stone appear where Mewtwo was just a second ago.

Great Job, now use me to fulfill your destiny!

I then Launched a Full scale Light Overload on the Stone. It was instantly destroyed.

I then returned to my regular colors, I even changed to my Altered Forme as well.

I walked on to where Arceus was when I'd fought her.

I noticed that all the Legendaries were gone. Maybe they're with Arceus?

I then ran to where Arceus was and when I got to the room I saw all the Legends were there. I walked in and Saw most of them crying. Arceus was Dead.....

I walked to where she was I then cried....I loved her......I never told her.....truthfully anyway...

"Giratina, you can save her, she needs the Light Stone."Shaymin said still looking at her.

I then closed my eyes. I already knew what I had to do somehow. After about 1 minute. The Light Stone appeared in front of me, floating.

"You did it!"Cresselia said.

I then opened my eyes and saw she was right.

I then told the Light Stone to go inside Arceus, She needed to be saved.

It did as told and went inside Arceus.

At first..nothing happened....I thought we had lost her.

But then I noticed that She started breathing.

I then got closer to her and made sure she was OK...

"Arcy......ARE you OK!?"I exclaimed to her holding one of her....er...hoofs.

I then saw that she opened her eyes. I was So overjoyed right now.

"Giratina...?"She struggled to say. She then sat up to see all the legendaries looking at her with true joy.

Arceus then looked back at me.

"You....You did it...didn't you?"She asked with a smile.

"Yes...I stopped the Dark Stone from corrupting Mewtwo....and me."I answered standing back up.



"I Love you..."

End Of Story

Wow......that was crazy.....Was this good? Or Bad....? I dunno....I think I wrote WAY too much. I've been writing since 12:56am, now it's 3:11am. HOLY CRAP!!!!! Also There's A TON OF WORDS. This was definitely my LONGEST Chapter. Did you play the music? If you did.....Awesome. If you didn't....I'm gonna Kill you.......XD PLZ REVIEW PEOPLE'S!!