This is my first Fanfic, so tell me if it needs improvement! DISCLAIMER: I do not own pokemon

OK Now with the story!


The Reverse World, it is a desolate wasteland. Nothing but black.....and more black. Completely opposite to Arceus's Temple.

All there is there is can you guess? White. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I Love the Darkness. How that Woman could stand all that horrible White! Everywhere you look, White! is the special day,where my plan is put into action. I, Giratina,the ruler of the Reverse World, Torn World,Distortion World, whatever you call it, will become King! My plan is simple: Mewtwo will start a ruckus, allowing me time to create shadow spores.

These "Spores" will corrupt everything it touches. Obviously you see what my is plan now? Or, at least VISUALIZE it. Heh heh,I can't wait until Arceus calls us for our Weekly meeting! I waited for about an Hour, until a Dragonite, obviously afraid of me to my delight, was sent to summon me. I Happily got up and flew on to the temple.

(Er...he's in his Origin Form in case you didn't know.) I arrived in about 5 minutes, I was usually among the first to arrive, usually. I looked on inside where the about 200 chairs were (Obviously where we all met) to see only Mewtwo,(who smiled at me darkly...) Darkrai (Who I'm started to like more, he's almost exactly like me) and Arceus.....OBVIOUSLY.

I took my seat next to Mewtwo we smiled at each other darkly.

"So our plan is put in action today right?" Mewtwo asked still smiling.

"Yes there will be no more Postpones, our plan WILL start today." I answered Also keeping my smile on my face. Arceus was reading a book about Who knows what as we all waited for the other legendaries to arrive. We only had to wait for about 15 minutes.

Soon Every legendary was in a chair waiting for the speech Arceus was going to give. Mewtwo winked at me and he stood up out of his chair, then looked squarely at Arceus. Mewtwo then charged up a Shadow Ball, and launched it at Arceus. She was hit hard and she was thrown all the way into a wall. She fainted on impact. The plan then really was put in motion. All the Legendaries (Except Darkrai who stayed in his chair)came rushing to Mewtwo, some inspecting Arceus.

They were all arguing with him and he telepathically gave me a thumbs up. I then took a deep breath, then opened my mouth,(Too much of a Halo 3 reference....right?) Dark spores came flooding out of my mouth all going for one legendary in particular. Each spore was assigned a Legendary. Mewtwo then Flew as high up as he could, too make sure he wasn't corrupted. Darkrai still stayed in his chair. (Like the spores could even do anything to him...) Soon all the legendaries noticed this and turned toward me. Some true anger in there expressions, some had utterly shocked expressions. The spores latched on to all of them. Some were instantly Corrupted, like Mew, and Celebi. Others like Groudon (Sorry my friend T~T)or Dialga, the bulky ones really, tried to get the spores off of them, but to no avail. I simply laughed at they're screams. I loved the screams off ones that think they have a chance, but don't! I Nearly died laughing at Cresselia's attempt to protect them! I made sure none of the spores went after my most prized possession, Arceus. I Flew over to her Fainted body. I smirked and Laughed,

"What a pathetic Waste! Easily knocked out by one of Mewtwo's Shadow Balls!" I laughed some more. Mewtwo then flew down. "Terrific Job Mewtwo! This went without a hitch!" I thanked him smiling darkly at him.

"My pleasure Gira-No I mean..Dark Lord!" Mewtwo Corrected himself.

Wow, Imagining being called that is one thing, but actually being called that...AND it being true, was well....A Completely different Experience! I took a look at My-soon-to-be Servants all on the floor, some still trying to stop the spores but then just gave up, facing the inevitable....

I soon saw that all of them were fainted. I simply just ignored them and turned back towards Arceus.

"What will we do My Lord?"Mewtwo asked looking down at her also.

"We will wait for our servants to wake, when they do, we will have them attack Arceus. By doing this, I WILL BREAK HER!"I exclaimed Darkly chuckling a little.

" THAT is worthy of true Evil!"Mewtwo laughed. I laughed with him then abruptly stopped. I turned my head to where Darkrai was sitting, he was STILL in the EXACT SAME POSITION!

"Hey Rai! You OK!?" I asked looking at him.

"oh, yeah I'm fine don't worry."He answered. Then sat up and started examining the Others. I let him be and then went back to looking at Arceus.

"Hey Wake me when she's awake alright?"I told Mewtwo.

"Sure"He simply said still looking at Arceus. I looked at him,then back at Arceus. I wondered what exactly he was looking for. I KNEW it was something, because he only does that when he's looking for something in particular, and it usually ends up being important...Usually...

I then left the Hall and went for Arceus Quarters. I'm sure you remember our talk at the beginning, but Well I had to sleep somewhere, so why not there?

I opened the door leading to her room and was nearly blinded! "GAH!!! TOO BRIGHT!!!"I Yelled shielding my eyes with my wings. When my eyes finally adjusted to all the whiteness, I started Flying to her bed which was at the VERY end of this Ultra Huge Bedroom. When I finally got to the end, I plopped myself on Arceus' Bed,Quickly falling asleep.

2 Hours Later...

I was awoken to Darkrai's extremely painful claws. I awoke suddenly yelling in pain.

"Ow! Darkrai that hurt!" I Yelled at him.

"Sorry, by far the best way to awaken someone"Darkrai said floating a few feet away from me.

"So I take it she's awoken?"I asked flying out of the bed.

"Yup she's awake, better get there quick though."Darkrai warned. I got the message and quickly flew out the room,Darkrai close behind me. I arrived in the hall to see Mewtwo straining to keep a forcefield bubble up to stop Arceus.

"Mewtwo! Let me out!"Arceus Yelled at him.

I flew even faster toward her until I was Facing point blank(sort of...) at her. She immediately stopped struggling to face me.

"You! You Monster! Look at what you've done!" She yelled, true anger echoed from her voice.

"Oh why thank you!"I teased her, making her even more furious. She was about to counter my statement when I suddenly yelled "Awaken my servants!" to the others. All as if robots, quickly got up facing me then bowed down.

"...Gira...hurry I can't keep this up longer!"Mewtwo Struggled to say, now sweat staring to form. I nodded and then yelled to my servants: "Attack Arceus,Full power blasts!" I yelled at them. "Mewtwo, on my count!"I exclaimed at him. He nodded and then I waited...Most of them knew Solar Beam, so that was almost all the attacks I saw charging up. 1....I saw most of the attacks almost ready....2....Now they were all in they're firing positions,ready to launch they're attacks when I commanded.

"3! Mewtwo release the field! Servants! FIRE!!!"I exclaimed To the both of them.

Arceus didn't even hit the ground before all 30 something attacks hit her. She screamed Bloody murder and hit the floor. She was a god, so she could take more hits, but that doesn't mean she still can't feel pain! I then walked over to her a whispered to her in her ear:

"Join me my love, together we will rule this world...make every living thing obey US!"I assured her smiling.

"N...N..E..V..E....R"She struggled to say trying to stand up. I shrugged and told my servants to charge up for another attack, but as I was about to tell them to fire, she Whispered stop.

"Y...You win Giratina.....I...I give up....."She said looking at me with sorrow in her eyes.

I Smiled and then left the room. I broke Arceus, no need to corrupt her. I smiled and went back to Arceus room. I was Truly Happy.

"Part 1 of my Scheme complete!" I Laughed silently.


WOW I was going to just separate the two parts but since I got into this story so quickly, Just forgot about it and just wrote and wrote until I couldn't think of anything else to write! I am pretty mad I actually decided to do this story...Because I can be a pretty dark person at times. -Shudder- Anyway, R&R!!! Oh and If you care, this story has...OMG!!There's about around 1500 words, that's CRAZY!!!!!