Teal and Orange
By Confusion No Hime
Ichigo and Grimmjow met again at a club party after three years. Their first encounter was something that should be forgotten but their stubborn hearts prevented them from doing so. Hopes of picking up where they left off sparked but a painful truth shattered their chance when they found out that they're families are sworn enemies.
Grimmjow X Ichigo
Author Notes:
Hello, minna. It's me once again bringing you another product of weekend boredom. This is an AU fic so better expect OOCness and a whole lot of cheesiness(?). If you like it, please let me know. Reviews are very welcome. On the other hand, if you didn't like it, just pretend that you didn't read this, okay? Don't really need more flames to keep me warm since it's already
Yaoi, male to male, bad language, bad grammar and major OOCness.
I don't own Bleach. Damn!
Chapter 1: Destined Second Encounter
I hate parties and the reasons are as follows: 's loud, noisy and crowded. can practically die of suffocation due to the stinking smell of alcohol, smoke, sweat and perfume. 's a chance that you will get to see someone that you didn't want to see again.
I really, really hate parties. Especially this party. I wouldn't even be here if my great cousin Renji didn't drag me. Though I totally disagree on the idea of sneaking out of the mansion to avoid grandfather's endless sermon of responsibility and blah, blah, blah, I'm now regretting my decision. Big time. I think that's much better than what I'm experiencing right now. I squirmed in my goddamn seat as I look at the color that was causing me to be extremely nervous.
Like my resentment for parties, there are also three reasons why I hate the color. First, it reminds me of my stupidity three years ago. Second, it reminds me of my feelings while I was doing my stupidity three years ago. And third, it's the goddamn hair color of the guy who I did my stupidity with three years ago.
So, here's the equation:
Hate parties + Hate teal = seeing someone I didn't want to see again because it reminds me of my goddamn stupidity.
It's a hellish situation, right?
My heart skipped a beat as the person I was gaping at finally noticed my presence. He looked shocked at first but easily recovered. He was now flashing an arrogant grin and is now pushing his way through the crowd in my direction.
This is not good.
I'm telling you, this is really not good.
I turned and stood up, preparing to leave but a strong hand grabbed my arm, effectively stopping me. I snapped my head back and much to my utter horror, the human responsible for me wanting to leave this party early was also the man I was trying to get away from.
I felt electricity ran through my body and my heart drummed loudly in my chest as I stared at those aqua-blue eyes that I couldn't forget. I didn't really want to see him again. I was trying to goddamn stop thinking about him, his hair and his eyes… but all those thoughts seemed to disappear now.
Just because of his fucking eyes and his goddamn smile.
"Grimmjow…" I managed to utter his name as I felt his hand tightened on my arm.
I fucking hate parties.
There's a thousand and one reasons why I hate them and it'll take an entire life time to explain the goddamn reasons, but I guess I could share a few. First, you'll meet a lot of idiotic bastards shooting their mouths off on how boastful they can get. Second, women. When you're a handsome, six footer guy with teal hair and blue eyes, they just throw themselves at you and annoy you shitless. And third, I just fucking hate them.
My brother Stark invited me to go here. I didn't really want to but going with my lazy-ass brother is much tolerable than putting up with Ulquiorra's emo-whining and lectures about shit. And so, here I am, trying to have fun while I watch Stark get his hands on every booze he can get. Oh, and this is another fucking reason why I hate parties, especially if I'm with Stark. 'Coz I end up being his goddamn driver when he gets drunk.
I looked around, watching people have the time of their lives while I ignore the fucking bitches and bastards giving me predatory looks.
Then a flash of orange!
I looked back to where I saw it and stopped breathing as I instantly recognize where that flash of orange came from.
Orange hair, brown eyes, thin lips, beautiful scowling face…
There's no fucking mistaking it.
It's really him.
The man I met three years ago. The man who made me fall for him in the evening and broke my heart in the morning. Though I was hoping to see him again, I never thought tonight will be that fateful moment.
I guess parties aren't so bad after all.
A smile graced my lips as I realized he was also looking at me, shocked and yet still so enchanting. Adrenalin immediately rushed through me and without even thinking, I dropped my beer and pushed my way through the crowd. I only have one thing in mind at that time, to approach him.
I walked faster and almost ran when I saw him turn around and stand up from his seat. My heart beating faster and faster as I grabbed his arm, saw his face up close and heard my name fall from his lips.
"I found you, Ichigo…"
I swore my heart made a 360 when I heard him say that.
What does he mean? Does that mean he was looking for me? Does that mean he also wanted to see me again? Does that mean he didn't forget me? Though the ugly feeling to hate him was still there, I can't help but be pleased at what he said and yeah, I know I look like a goddamn woman right now. What, with the surprised expression on my face and the blush on my cheeks, I know I definitely looked like a goddamn woman right now!
We just gazed at each other, speechless, motionless, ignoring everything around us. As if we're the only people in the world and the goddamn party doesn't exist. As if time stopped and we can just gaze at each other like this, like a dream…
Like a good fucking dream…
Until someone knocked him down and he fell on his butt on the floor.
Talk about timing.
I saved myself from being dragged into him!
Errr… right?
"Fucking shit!" He screamed as he stands up and lunged at the person responsible for ruining our little magical moment. He grabbed the man by the shirt and glared daggers at him.
Haha! Serves him right for spoiling our moment!
Wait, what?
While he glared at the other man who was now asking for forgiveness repeatedly, I noticed that he looked WAY better than he was three years ago. His body is much bigger now, with muscles rippling from his shirt and jacket. His face has become more strong, more detailed it made him look more matured. I guess that's to be expected since we haven't seen each other for three years. But there's still something that didn't change, his teal hair which was still standing up in spikes and his deep blue eyes, which was still captivating.
He is so freaking sexy and I think I wouldn't be able to control myself if ever he will--
I didn't think of that.
He let go of the man after a few death threats and looked back at me, yet again. His brows are still furrowed but the grin was still pasted on his lips. "I didn't expect to see you here again." He said a little breathlessly.
I fought the urge to twitch an eye. Though I'm almost dying of a heart attack here because I can imagine this certain activity where I can see him in the same breathless state, minus the clothes, plus a bed--
What the hell am I saying?
Nevertheless, I know I should still have my composure. I still have my goddamn pride, right? I gotta act normal.
"Y-yeah… me too."
His grin turned to an authentic smile and this time, my heart really stopped. I never thought I'd see that smile again.
"You with someone?"
"Yeah, my cousin. You?"
"My brother."
I let out a silent sigh of relief. At least the chances of me, giving in to him if ever he tries to get into my pants decreased by ten percent because he's with someone. Unlike when we met three years ago, where him and me were both alone and miserable and needed some company and--
I shook my head. This is definitely not the time to start thinking of the past.
"Where's your friend?"
"He's just somewhere here, fooling around. Where's your brother?"
"Drowning himself in booze, most likely."
"I'm glad you still remember me." He suddenly said, surprisingly in a very soft voice.
"Same here." I replied.
"I didn't really expect to…" He chuckled. "…meet you again."
"Same here." I chuckled.
"I'm really glad to see you again."
"Same here."
Is it me or did I really said 'Same here' thrice in twenty seconds?
With the kind of conversation were having right now, a warm feeling began growing inside of me and reminded me of the same feeling I had three years ago…
"Look at me."
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. The tears I held back, fell down on my cheeks as I endure the pain of having him inside me.
"You're crying."
I glared at him. "What do you expect, you bastard? Do you want me to laugh? It's my first time, you shithead!" I shouted as I cover my face with my hands, hiding my embarrassment.
He removed my hands and I felt his hand gently caress my face. His thumb wiping my tears as he looked at me with this serene look on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, urging him to continue. I felt a warm feeling form deep inside me as he slowly pushed his way inside, mumbling gentle words of affection and concern to my ear as he did so.
"It's okay… It's going to be okay, Ichigo…"
"Oi Ichigo…"
I woke up from my brief reverie as I heard him call my name. "Y-yeah?" Man, reminiscing those memories in full details is dangerous. Note to self: NEVER do that again.
"I was asking if you wanna get out of here." He repeated.
I blinked and looked carefully at him, making sure he's not joking or he's not drunk but he's not. It's this moment that I'm really afraid of, him, asking that question. Of course, I couldn't possibly say yes, right? I couldn't possibly do the same mistake again and I really didn't want to see and be with him again.
I'm not really sure…
But as I was saying, agreeing to him is just like committing suicide and just like saying I'm goddamn stupid! So, saying 'no' is--
"Yeah, sure."
Oh crap!
Yeah, okay. I admit, I really am fucking stupid, and stubborn and weak.
And probably in love?
I mentally kicked myself.
He flashed a self-satisfied smile and held my arm, pulling me gently as we forced our way out of the club. I'm not really sure if what I was doing was right, but one thing's for sure…
I. Am. Not. Going. To. Give. In. To. Him. Again.
And fuck Renji, wherever he is.
We both took a deep breath once we got out of the club, clearing our lungs from whatever air we inhaled there. Though I didn't want to let go of his arm, I did 'coz I have this feeling that he's uncomfortable with it.
"So--" I stopped short when I finally had a good look on his face. It's the same beautiful face alright, but he just looked a little strong. More… mature. But still beautiful especially with that orange hair and brown eyes that I couldn't forget. I saw a blush crept on his cheeks when he found me staring at him. I quickly looked away and asked, "Where do you wanna go?"
Man, he's so fucking adorable when he blushes. Reminds me of the time when we first kissed and I tasted his--
Woah, stop with those goddamn thoughts there Grimmjow Jeagerjaques! This is definitely not the time to think of that.
He cleared his throat and gave me this weird look that probably say 'I think this guy is a real pervert', but hey I'm not. "Anywhere you want." He replied with a nervous chuckle.
I looked at him again and just acted normal, though I really, really, really want to touch him. Okay, maybe I am just a little perverted. "Let's just walk around first, that okay?"
We walked out of the parking lot and onto the street. The first few minutes were bloody silence, and the silence is fucking killing me. I can be a very quiet person and as much as I want to, I don't like to talk but the situation right now is different. This person… I've been waiting for him to show up and I can't just blow off the chance of finally knowing him. Yes, know him 'coz ever since that night, his face, his voice, his moans didn't leave my mind. I yearned to know him, know more behind the face and the name he left me with. This is my goddamn chance so I have to say something! I slowly took a deep breath to gather courage. I was about to look at him and say something when he beat me to it.
"There's a festival nearby, do you wanna check it out?" He asked with a small, awkward smile.
I smirked.
Man, he certainly is goddamn charming.
"Fine with me." I replied and followed him, feeling more confident now. "So, what have you been doing?"
He glanced at me and bit his bottom lip, thinking.
I quickly averted my gaze and wished he would goddamn stop that. The lip thingy. It makes me imagine things… wicked things.
"I've been studying." He plainly answered. "How about you?"
The thought of lying briefly crossed my mind, but I shook it off. "Just got back from Germany." I replied truthfully. If I want to know him, I must be true to him, right?
Man, was that lame or what?
And I cant believe I don't want to lie for the first time in my life.
His eyes widened in surprise. "You studied in Germany?"
"Yeah, but it was fucking hell. The country's beautiful and stuff, but I didn't like my stay there."
"Oh… but that's where you're from, right?" He asked again.
I shrugged. "Yeah but I really hate that place. Anyway, where do you stay?" I immediately asked so I don't have to answer any goddamn questions about the hellish place I came from.
He immediately looked away and we turned at a corner. And he's at it again, the lip thingy. He probably does that when he's thinking but I really hope he'll stop that. "Well…" He uttered, probably contemplating if he'll tell the truth or lie, but seriously, he should really stop the lip thingy. I mean, I want to look away, but an unknown force is driving me to continue watching him chew his lip. That unknown force is also driving images inside my head that goes between kissing him and taking him to bed and… I stopped breathing.
He stick his tongue out and licked his bottom lip. Then started chewing again.
Holy shit.
"Stop." I quickly said.
We both stopped walking, me looking down on the ground and him, I know he's looking at me questioningly.
"Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly.
I looked at him. "You should stop doing that."
He arched an eyebrow. "Do what?"
"The lip thingy."
He furrowed his brows this time in confusion. "Excuse me?"
I took a deep breath and composed myself. "Biting your lip. You should stop doing it." I answered calmly.
His mouth formed into a small 'O' as he realized what I just said and stared strangely at me for thirty seconds. "Okay." He simply said then started walking again.
I sighed heavily and followed him, thankful that he didn't ask me why.
Cheerful music and different bright colored lights greeted us as we finally entered the festival. For some ungodly reason, I felt excited to be there. I guess that's just normal since this is the first ever public festival I have ever been to. You don't usually go to these kind of places if you have ten people, namely your fucking bodyguards, following you around, afraid that someone might fucking ambush you.
Yes, I'm rich and Ichigo has no idea about it but I plan to tell him.
We looked around us, taking in the joyful environment, a big smile painted on our faces. The place was practically packed with people, all of them, having fun. Unlike in the club party, the atmosphere here is the type where you can really have good, clean fun and I like it. There were also lots of stalls selling food, gift items, old books, toys and even traditional masks and what caught our attention was the large Ferris wheel located at the middle of the venue.
"You like Ferris wheels?" I heard him asked as he seemed to stare dreamily at the gigantic machine.
"It's okay though I prefer roller coasters. You wanna try it?" I asked, thinking that this might be the right chance to talk to him, in private, about real things.
His gaze fell from the big wheel to the very long line of people waiting at the foot of the ride. A brief flash of disappointment crossed his features but he quickly replaced it with a forced smile. "Nah, it's okay." He fixed his eyes on me and smiled widely this time. "Let's try the game booths!" He invited excitedly.
Though I also felt a little sad, I tried my best not to show it. "Sure."
I really wanted to try the Ferris wheel but somehow, I felt thankful that we didn't get the chance to go for a ride. Being alone with him in an enclosed place is not good for me, though I really, really wanted to.
When I asked him to try the game booths, we first went to this shooting game, where I lost to him for three rounds and he got a prize for it. He's one great shooter, I have to say. Then we tried the goldfish stall where we both failed in catching even one fish. Seems we don't have the talent for it. And as childish as it seems, we also bought cotton candy for the sake of fun and ate it while we talked about the things we just did.
Frankly speaking, I was having the time of my life. I've never felt this happy ever since we met three years ago and the best part is I don't feel that nervous being with him anymore. Perhaps… But I'm just enjoying this.
This moment that we have right now.
A moment that has to end later on.
I felt a pang in my chest at the thought.
"Hey, you okay?" I heard him asked.
I blinked at him. "Huh?"
He smirked. "You spaced out again." He answered, looking pointedly at me.
I let out a nervous laugh. Why the fuck do I always do that? "Sorry, I just thought of something."
He rolled his eyes and I secretly found the gesture very interesting. "Hey, I'm tired. Is it okay if we sit down?" He asked when he saw a bench.
"All right." I replied and just noticed that we're nowhere near the festival anymore. We're at this small park by the bay and the place was goddamn deserted. There was nothing but the sea, the benches lined up along the bay and the full moon whose reflection on the dark water made the place romantic.
I swallowed hard.
We sat on one of the benches, sat beside each other, but we were neither far or close. It's just a casual distance so I guess I have to calm down a little. We just watched the sea in silence, listening to the soothing sound of the waves that didn't soothe me at all.
My heart is practically beating like a goddamn jackhammer right now!
"Ichigo…" He called out.
"Yeah?" I answered without tearing my eyes away from the sea, trying to sound not so anxious. This is really getting uncomfortable, this you and me, alone in this adoring place setting. This is like the time where we talk about personal things and be personal with each other.
"Why did you leave that morning without saying anything?"
I knew it.
I looked at him, eyes wide in what? Confusion? Honestly, I really don't know what to say. "I… just thought that… what happened was…"
"Wrong?" He finished for me.
"Not really." I answered shakily as I looked away, avoiding his gaze and swallowed hard. "I was just shocked, I guess. It was my first time, you know."
He nodded. "It was mine too."
"So, are you involved with anyone… recently?"
My heart was threatening to burst out of my chest. This is definitely leading to…
"No, you?"
Hey, I want to know too.
We're silent again, but somehow, I was relieved to know that he wasn't involved with anyone but of course, that doesn't mean I want to get involved with him and start a--
Does that mean he was really waiting for me?
"I never really thought I'll meet you again." He said again after a few seconds of silence.
"Me too." I said with a small smile. For the first time in the evening, my heart and body finally agreed. I guess being true to yourself is sometimes good.
Great! I am slowly being pulled by him.
Just great…
"I looked for you before I left for Germany."
My heart skipped a beat. I looked at him. "Why?"
"Because I wanted to see you again." He responded as he slowly turned his gaze towards me. He still has this smug look on his handsome face, but I can feel what he said was real. Although it was true, what he said both cheered and wrenched my heart as I remember the times that I found myself thinking about him and that time I kept coming back to the place where we first met. A small, painful smile graced my lips. "Really? So, why did you want to see me again?"
He let out a very loud sigh. "Isn't it goddamn obvious? I'm interested in you." He replied confidently, way too confidently that I felt my cheeks burn. It made me scared and confused and thrilled at the same time.
Now what should I say? Should I tell him I was also interested? If ever I do, I have to tell him who I really am, right? If he found out who I really am, is he still gonna be interested?
I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. I just stared at him like I'm going to die if I said something.
"You don't have to say anything." He said, his voice still confident. "I just wanna tell ya."
How can he say something like that with a straight face? Man, he's really something and since he said that, I guess I don't have to tell him what I really feel--
"I'm interested in you too."
I suddenly blurted, out of nowhere, with a straight face. Man, I can't believe I can also do that.
Me and my big mouth.
I felt worry tug at my insides as I saw a grin formed on his lips. "So, it's not going to be a problem if we get to know more about each other then?" He asked eagerly, his brows arching suggestively.
Oh no.
This is bad. I should say no. Even though I had half a mind of telling me who I truly am, I should say no! But why should I say that if I want him? Saying yes, would make things easier, right?
However, there's this thing about…
Yeah, I should say no.
I am really digging up my own grave here, don't you think? My mind and body, their not cooperating again.
"Cool. Let's start with names. Our real names." He said, giving emphasis on the last three words by stressing on them.
"Okay, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." I answered truthfully. I mean, what's the use of lying from him anyway? Besides, I want this too… right?
"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques." He said as he held out his hand.
I looked at his hand for a moment and as the stupid creature that I already am, I reached for it and got instantly pulled by him.
I now find myself face to face and my god, skin to skin with this teal-haired man in front of me as he locked me up in a tight embrace. My heart started to race and I felt a current run through my body as I felt his breath waft on my face. I can smell the scent of the strawberry flavored cotton candy he ate a while ago and I swear, my mind went blank.
Oh shit.
I don't really like this.
"What are you doing?" I squeaked as I stared at him with a horrifying expression and perhaps, a big blush on my face.
"You're so dense. Isn't it obvious?" He replied cheekily. "You said you're interested."
"I know I said that but will you goddamn let go of me?" I demanded though it was in a hoarse voice.
He smirked. "I don't see you struggling, so why should I?"
Am I not moving?
Am I not struggling?
Oh yeah, I didn't fucking realize!
I tried to move but my body can't… or wouldn't. As I said, my body was not responding to my mind.
"Even so, let go of me."
I tried to glare at him. "I'm serious."
"I know."
"Then why the hell are you doing this?"
"Because it's fun."
I gasped in shock then glared at him again. "So it's fun to see me looking like a goddamn loser?"
"No, it's fun to see you looking like this." He replied in a low voice, all the while looking at my entire face, as if he was in a trance.
"What the fuck do you mean by that?"
"It means I want to do this."
He closed what little space is between us and pressed his lips into mine.
Really. This is awful. This is what I'm so afraid of. To give in to him.
To give in to him!
I opened my mouth when I felt his tongue licked my bottom lip and kissed him back.
I know I shocked him. I never intended to be fast, but I can't help it. He was so irresistible. He didn't respond when I kissed him. Heck, I didn't even feel any movement, but still I continued. I licked his bottom lip, asking for permission, though I know it was really late for that. He opened his mouth, granting me access and I immediately shoved my tongue inside. Tasting him and the sweet taste of orange from the cotton candy he ate. I placed my hand at the back of his head, deepening the kiss.
Oh yes!
Finally, after three years of satisfying myself with just a memory!
It was marvelous.
It was goddamn amazing.
His lips, his mouth, his taste…
It was still the same… It never changed.
In fact, it was more exquisite than before and I know I'm going to be addicted to it.
And to him…
I felt his hand snaked around my neck as he passionately kissed me back, responding to every lick and lash my tongue gave him and I wished this will never end.
I wish we can just stay like this forever.
If not… at least, just let me fucking kiss him a million times before I die.
I'm in love with him.
I completely admitted to myself as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Thoughts of avoiding him, of forgetting him, of pretending I never met him, flying out the window as I revel on the sensation of his soft, sweet lips doing wonderful things to me. The lips that I've been dreaming to taste again for three years.
I just responded.
I just feel.
I just let myself fall… for him.
And I hoped I'll just continue falling… and continue kissing him even if I die of suffocation. But whether we liked it or not, we broke the kiss to breathe again. A long trail of saliva, connecting our bruised lips as our eyes gazed at each other heatedly.
"That was awesome, Ichigo Kurosaki." He whispered with a self-satisfied smile, catching his breath .
"Yeah, it was awesome Grimmjow Jeagerjaques." I panted with a smile.
"You wanna do it again?" He asked teasingly as if he has to ask.
I just smirked at him and I felt him dive for another kiss when suddenly I felt a strong force pulled me away from him. My vision slightly blurring as everything moved so quickly.
What the hell is happening?
I closed my eyes as I felt the wave of slight dizziness, only to open them again when a cold metallic object touched my temple. I gasped as I saw him, Grimmjow, being held captive by-- What the hell! Renji? A gun was pointed at his head and there was not only Renji I saw, but ten other men in black suits were standing behind him with their guns pointed at my direction.
I gasped once more as I realized the cold object on my temple was also a gun.
Someone was goddamn pointing a gun at me?
I struggled to take a look at the person who was holding me captive but whoever that person was tightened his arm around my neck, choking me in the process. "Don't move." A low voice said near my ear and smelled the scent of alcohol reeking from whoever it was.
"What the fuck!" I growled as I looked fearfully and confusingly at Renji then at Grimmjow, who has also the same expression as mine. Mixed emotions running wildly inside me as I try to find answers to the millions of questions now swimming inside my head.
"Let go of him, you fucking bastard." Renji said to whoever was holding me.
I heard the person behind me smirked. "That's fine with me, but you'll have to release that idiotic hostage of yours first."
"Stark! What the fuck are you doing?" Grimmjow demanded as he strained to get free from Renji's grip on his neck. He seems to know the person taking me prisoner.
What the fuck is going on?
"Renji, why are you here? I goddamn left you at the club!" I demanded as well while I stared murderously at him. Of course, I have to say something and not act like a damsel in distress here even though I'm scared.
Not for myself, though…
But for Grimmjow.
"I'm here to save you, little brother." My hostage taker said and my eyes widened in shock.
He's Grimmjow's brother?!
Grimmjow growled. "If you didn't notice, I was not in any fucking danger before you guys came. Just fucking let go of Ichigo!"
"Not until that bastard there, releases you."
"Wait a goddamn second, what the fuck is going on here? Why the hell are you guys pointing guns at each other and Renji, will you fucking release Grimmjow?!" I screamed as confusion flared up my anger.
Renji cocked his head, agitated. "Ichigo, you fool! I left you alone for a moment and the next thing I knew, you're nowhere to be seen and was kissing somebody! Don't you have any goddamn clue on who are you lip-locking with huh?" He asked, looking pointedly at me.
That was really scary. What he said… and the sharp look.
Whatever he means by that, I think I don't wanna know.
I don't really want to know.
"What do you mean?" I blurted.
Okay, so maybe in a way, I really want to know though I know it would be very, very scary. My curiosity sometimes get the best of me.
He sighed impatiently. "He's one of our fucking enemies! He's Las Noches! Those guys holding you, are fucking Las Noches."
I gasped.
I gawked.
And I think I will be dying.
Las Noches.
I heard those words a thousand times already. I heard it came out from my family, from the members, from the organization. I don't really know much about it, but I remember that they said Las Noches is our organization's mortal enemy.
"Are you serious?"
"Fuck, yeah! Do I look like I'm joking?"
I knew it.
I knew it would be scary but I was definitely not prepared for this!
So, the man I've kissed, had made love with and had fallen in love with is a goddamn enemy?
Fuck that!
Fuck that!
If this is a nightmare, I want to goddamn wake up.
There's no way…
There's no way I'll fall in love with an enemy!
I watched in silent horror as I saw Ichigo's reaction from what this dumbass behind me said. Yes, it's true. I'm a member of Las Noches, a mafia organization in Germany and I'm not just an ordinary member, I'm the boss' sixth son and is in line of handling our operations here in Japan. Ichigo's face twisted as he seems to remember and know what Las Noches is.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I saw Stark smirked. "I can also ask you the same thing, Grimmjow." He said sarcastically.
I glared daggers at him. "Just fucking tell me what you mean, bastard!" I hissed between my teeth though deep inside I'm nervous as hell.
"Seiretei." He simply said and found myself in the same condition as Ichigo.
Seiretei is our organization's fucking enemy.
Ichigo is a goddamn member?
"How did you not know, Grimmjow? I believe Ulquiorra lectured you about them, right?" Stark followed, still in a teasing way that annoyed the hell out of me.
I looked at Ichigo, looked through his eyes, silently asking if it was true. But all I saw there was fear, confusion and… sadness?
Goddamn it! Really! If this is some sick, twisted joke, I would have laughed but it's true. It's fucking true. My heart twisted in so many ways that the pain was almost unbearable. I want to scream. I want to run. I want to run to Ichigo and… and what?
What's gonna happen now?
"So now you guys know who's who, can we continue with the goddamn exchange?" The Renji-bastard suddenly declared behind me.
"Fine with me." Stark said coolly.
"On three."
I felt the arm on my neck loosened and a palm shoving me forward. That fucking Renji guy pushed me so hard, I almost landed on my face. I immediately stood up and fixed my eyes on Ichigo who was now a few feet away from me. Thank goodness he's okay but his face…
His face looks sad.
I looked down, my heart racing in fear and in pain. I don't wanna see his goddamn face. Not because I hate him because he's my enemy, but because it's fucking breaking my heart. Like I fucking feel his pain.
"Ichigo… I…" I uttered after I looked at him again.
"I know, Grimmjow." He said hoarsely as he looked down, avoiding my gaze. "We both didn't know."
"Ichigo, can you fucking come here you idiot!" Renji whined. "You wanna get caught again?"
"Shut the fuck up! Just give me a goddamn second here!" He snapped at him.
I threw a cold look at Stark and to his men. "Don't you dare make a single move!" I said threateningly then slowly approached Ichigo. I felt like we're helpless rabbits, surrounded by hungry wolves as I come to him. Stuck in the middle, with nowhere else to go.
My heart stopped beating when he looked up, his face flushed, looking miserably at me though he was trying to keep a straight face.
"Don't look at me like that, Ichigo." I said, my voice barely a whisper so the other's can't hear me. "You're sad face is breaking my heart."
He put on a little smile. "Idiot." He mumbled. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"It's okay, we both didn't know anyway." I took a deep breath, forcing myself to keep my cool and looked up at the sea. "This is really funny. We just met and then this…" I let out a pained laugh. "Is this goodbye for us?"
I looked down. I don't really know what to answer, but the question is just like a knife, driven to my chest. The pain that it caused was agonizing. I don't want to say goodbye. We just met again. It's so early to say goodbye.
"I guess we should."
It's funny, on how fate played this big fucking joke on us. We met three years ago, made love, I ran away, got heartbroken, we met again, hoped to continue what we started and still ended up heartbroken.
What a big, fucking joke and I wish I can laugh.
"If you'll say that you love me, I'll grab you and run."
I quickly looked up at him, staring at him with wide eyes and mouth hanging open. "What?"
He looked down at me, gazing directly through my eyes. "If you'll say that you love me now, I'll fucking grab you and fucking run away from here." He repeated pointblank.
To me, even though the lines had curses in between, the offer sounded wonderful. I could say yes if I want to, and I really want to but…
"You're crazy." I chuckled. "I'm not in love with you."
He just stared at me, his face giving away no reaction.
"I don't love you."
It's not true. Actually, it's the other way around.
"And even if I do, I can't because you're my enemy."
I don't care if we're enemies.
"But thanks for the offer, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques."
He didn't say anything for a while, he just looked and I just looked back, staring at him intently. For all I know this might be the last time I'll see him, so might as well memorize everything about him. His face. His teal hair. His beautiful blue eyes.
He took a deep breath and smirked. "So, I guess this is goodbye then."
"It was a pleasure to meet you again, Ichigo Kurosaki." He said then turned back and walked away.
Don't go.
"Same here." I replied though I doubt if he heard it and since he won't hear it, I might as well say it. What I truly feel…
"I really love you, Grimmjow."
Author Notes:
Well, that was it and I hope you liked it. I know some parts are unclear but details about it will soon be revealed on future chapters. Ichigo and Grimmjow's a little(?)OOC here, but then the plot requires them to act differently.*blushes* Anyhow, that's the first chap and I will be really, really happy if you'll leave a REVIEW to motivate my lazy-ass. Thanks and ja ne!