Exclamations of the Irate

Entry One:

Joined up with Natalia's group today. Luke was a moron, as usual. Tch, what's with all the, "But I don't know how this works oh no, Natalia, please talk to me for THREE HOURS SO THAT MY PITIFUL BRAIN MIGHT UNDERSTAND" crap?

I may or may not have poisoned his food.

But Natalia was cooking anyways, so it didn't make much of a difference.

Entry Two:

Natalia threw herself off a cliff today. Or she tripped. Either way, I still had to grab her hand and pull her back. Honestly, that girl. Is it so difficult to watch where she walks? Is it really necessary to throw herself into danger at every possible opportunity?

I told her as such. She looked rather hurt, and Anise and Tear were both staring at me like they wanted to rip my head off. So was Guy. But he always looks at me like that. (Seriously, what's his problem?)

I guess I was too--mean, or something, since she ended up snapping, "I'm sorry Asch, but if it really troubles you so much, perhaps it would just be better for you to let me fall," and then stormed off in a huff and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Tear is shooting me pointed looks. Anise is not-very-subtly attempting to push me off high areas so I might better appreciate the role reversal. I thought Guy didn't really care, since he was spending all of his time hovering around his princess and cheerfully doing whatever she asked and basically going out and buying her a pony.

Except that, at one point, when I approached the campfire, he turned around very slowly and drew his finger across his throat, giving me a very nasty look.


Entry Three:

Anise finally succeeded in pushing me off a cliff today. I don't know how, exactly, since she was ten feet behind me, but I KNOW IT WAS HER.

Naturally, as I was falling, I grabbed onto the thing nearest me. Which was Guy. He whipped around and dove for me, crying, "Prin—" and then, realizing who I was, got a slightly demented look in his eye and tried to push me off.

I clung. And called him a damn moron, and he called me, (ME) a stupid ass, and then Natalia tried to help pull us back up, but really only succeeded in toppling us all over.

They ended up both landing on me. I feel that I was distinctly better off when I was traveling alone. At least monsters don't know the meaning of emotional blackmail.

Anyway, when I came to, Natalia looked slightly abashed, Guy looked slightly comatose, and I apparently looked slightly dead. She kept on apologizing to the both of us, but Guy had apparently been overloaded with the stress of full-body contact and had not yet been able to do anything but quiver. Pathetic. (Wasted opportunity.)

I don't think I've ever seen Jade smirk so hard. And I did not appreciate his little, "Well, it's a shame Asch couldn't have been in the middle, isn't it?"

Which was apparently enough to revive Guy, as he tried to comfort the now beyond-flustered Natalia. It seemed to work, since she got very imperious and ordered hot chocolate.

I can make hot chocolate.

I think I might need to break off on my own again.

Entry 4:

Took extreme offense to every minor detail of Luke's being and left the party in a huff.

I wouldn't have minded if—

I miss—

I should have brought along a healer. I guess I'll just have to be more careful from now on.