Hi, people! I'm back as TequilaMockingburd! Don't you just love a good pun? XD

Anyways, I had finished a science test at school before anyone else and had pulled my notebook to do some homework. This came out instead. CURSE YOU, LUCKY MAGICAL TEST PENCIL! WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME DO MY HOMEWORK IN PIECE?!

Whatever. Okay, this is only a oneshot, but if you like it, I'll continue.




"Freddie, come inside, it's freezing out there! The weatherman predicted rain all through the week, and I don't want you getting hypothermia (Hyperthermia? Which one?!)!"

"Yes, Mom," I said, coming in from the balcony. I didn't really feel like fighting with her today. I'd had enough fighting today.

Earlier that day..... *3rd person*

"No, Sam, you can't mail Freddie to Timbucktu for iCarly!" Carly said with an exasperated sigh.

"C'mon, Carls! Why not?" Sam whined.

"Because he's our tech producer, our FRIEND," she pointed out, stressing the word, "and he never did anything to you."

"He handcuffed me to Gibby."

"NO, Sam."

"Fine," Sam said, defeated. "Wanna hit Groovy Smoothie later?"

"Sure," Carly said, grabbing her Algebra book from her locker and stuffing it into her bag.

They were at school, chatting by their lockers as they waited for their next class. Sam had a slightly different schedule, so she wouldn't see Freddie until lunch, the period after, but Carly would see him next.

The bell rang, and Carly and Sam walked to their respective classes: Carly, about to spend 45 minutes in Algebra II; Sam, in remedial English. Freddie popped up by the door next to Carly just as the bell rang.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hey, Freddie. We're heading over to Groovy Smoothie before rehearsal."

"'Kay. Did Sam suggest another way to make my life more miserable?"

"Yeah.... Don't worry, though, I said no. Poor Sam."

"Poor Sam? Carly, have you gone mad?!"

"No, Freddie, it's just that I'm worried about her. Lately, she's been less... What's the word? Samish. She's been quieter lately, and she's suggested less violent things to do to you."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"NO, Freddie. I'm really worried about her. Promise me you'll try to help me find out what's wrong?"

"Fine. At rehearsal. But you're my backup if she tries to attack me."

"Deal. C'mon, the warning bell's ringing."

They walked into the classroom.


"Three Blueberry Blitzes, please."

They sat down with their beverages and began to discuss a few ideas for the show to throw in before rehearsal.

Sam was unusually quiet. She occasionally made the usual Sam-like remarks, but even Freddie noticed the lack of enthusiam.

"Okay, that's it. Even I can't stand to see you like this. Sam, what's wrong?" Freddie ventured.

"Nothing, FredDICK. Stop being such a pussy."

"As if you would know: you barely have one."

"Are you questioning my feminity?"

"Wow. Big word for you. And YES, I am, you tranny."

"What crawled up your pants and died, Fredweird?" she said, looking hurt.

"Your fucked-up attitude is what! You walk around sulking all week, then you ask ME what's wrong? You're seriously fucked up, Sam."

Sam looked like she was about to cry. It was gone in the blink of an eye, and she stormed out of the shop.



I couldn't go home. I just couldn't.

Now that my dad was back, nothing was the same. I didn't feel like myself anymore, and people were starting to notice.

It started to rain. Great, I thought as I put a newspaper over my head. I walked aimlessly down Main Street, and soon, I found myself near Freddie's house.


He cared. He must care if he had the guts to confront me about that. It's a good thing he didn't see the cuts and bruises. When I was little, I learned to keep them hidden under long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Then my dad went to prison, and I was safe. Safe from the abuse. Safe from the molestation. Safe from the fear of my own home. I became a juvenile delinquent, drifting in and out of juvy, never truly fitting in with the real world.

Then, I met Carly and Freddie. Carly helped me get back on track again and be a slightly better person. Freddie was my cute and lovable punching bag, always there when I was frustrated and never fighting back. Even when I was really mean to him. Without them, I probably wouldn't have lived to this day.

I walked towards the subway, aiming to hitch a ride to the trailer park and stay with some of the hoboes who lived nearby. As I walked, I saw someone looking out from the balcony of Carly's apartment building. It was Freddie.

I walked to the apartment complex and went around back: I was NOT in the mood to deal with Lewbert.

I took a deep breath and climbed up the fire escape.

A/N: I was gonna make this a one shot, but I decided to leave you guys in suspense. HAH! NOW YOU'LL HAVE TO REVIEW TO GET THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!! It's five reviews or bust, people.

