Shoot me as much as you want- I apologize for not updating. My life has been like way crazy and I finished a whole new story that was about Justin Bieber and yeah, that got really popular so I kinda forgot about this one and my other two..but I'm gonna finish them, okay?

If any of you out there are still reading and wanting more- thank you. I know I suck at updating and at writing in general but I love your reviews. So thank you. I missed this story so much! (:

Chapter 19

"Shane! No Shane stop!" He tickled me endlessly until I finally gave in.

"You have to tell me you are gorgeous and then I will stop!"

"No, never!" I couldn't do that I just couldn't but he was tickling me so hard and I couldn't breathe from laughing too hard. His fingers attacked my sides and my stomach and he was on top of me and I couldn't breath.

"Ok ok ok." I panted. "I'm gorgeous." I said it, there. He gave me a smile and stopped. "Are you satisfied now?"

"Very." He said with a grin. "Now you fully understand how gorgeous I think you are."

My face showed denial but he gave me a look- the "If you deny this I'm going to tickle you again and again." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I guess I'll understand."

"Good. I just want you to have the confidence you should have because you honestly don't realize how beautiful you really are."


"What, Mitchie?" He got off from on top of me and sat next to me, looking at me so concerned.

"I'm not beautiful, okay?"

"But you told me that you were gorgeous."

"You wanted me to do that, Shane. I'm not beautiful nor do I feel it and I probably never will."

"You can't love someone if you don't love yourself." I heard someone's voice say behind us and I realized it was Jenna. She was still mad at me from yesterday when she confessed she was jealous of me. I shook my head. "Thanks for the quote."

She didn't reply and walked out. I wish people realized that it wasn't so easy to feel beautiful. I wish I did just can't do it overnight. "Shane, I'm trying. From the months I've been with you, you tried teaching me to love myself and I mean I don't totally hate myself now..I used to totally think I was I just don't feel beautiful but trust me, when I do feel it, I'll let you know."

He sighed and held my hand. "Okay and I'm sorry, Mitch. I didn't mean for you to get upset and all and I really really love you, I only want you happy."

"Of course you do and I know you do and I'm sorry for making YOU upset. I don't know if I deserve you as my boyfriend, you are too amazing."

He laughed. "Trust me, we need each other a lot. I'm glad we do have each other. You make me happy."

"I do?" I asked.

"Of course you do! You're that special. Your smile brights up a room, your face is too gorgeous, your body-" He cut himself off. "Well let's just say I think you're perfect."

"I'm not-"

I tried to protest. "I think you are, it's my opinion."

I blushed. "Well thanks Shane, you're too good to be true."

"No you are."

"No you!"

"Nope you!"

"You are!" I fought back.


"YOU BOTH ARE NOW SHUT UP." I heard Jenna yell. She must love listening to us. My parents weren't home and Shane and I were in my room. I really liked the whole being alone thing, it felt like we hardly got the chance to do that.

"So I wrote a song about my insecurity." I suddenly say. It was called Beautiful and I only started working on it a couple days ago.

"Really?" His face brightened up. "I love listening to your amazing music, I wanna hear it."

I blushed and looked down. "Really?"

"Of course, baby." I smiled wide and grabbed my precious guitar who's been with me every step of the way. I started strumming the music that I thought would go well with the lyrics and then I started to sing.

I was so unique

Now I feel skin deep

I count on the make-up to cover it all

Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention

I thought I could be strong

But it's killing me

Does someone hear my cry?

I'm dying for new life


I want to be beautiful

Make you stand in awe

Look inside my heart,

and be amazed

I want to hear you say

Who I am is quite enough

Just want to be worthy of love

And beautiful

Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me

Fighting to make the mirror happy

Trying to find whatever is missing

Won't you help me back to glory

I want to be beautiful

Make you stand in awe

Look inside my heart,

and be amazed

I want to hear you say

Who I am is quite enough

Just want to be worthy of love

And beautiful

You make me beautiful

You make me stand in awe

You step inside my heart, and I am amazed

I love to hear You say

Who I am is quite enough

You make me worthy of love and beautiful

You make me worthy of love and beautiful...

I ended the song and saw a huge smile on his face. "Mitchie..that was perfect. So inspirational."

"Be quiet!" I pushed him lightly on the shoulder.

"No, I mean it. With your amazing voice and guitar playing and lyrical skills..that song could do really well."

I rolled my eyes. "That's my dream but unlikely to come true."

"Stop thinking negative, baby!"

"I'll try not to but it just comes naturally." I said as I shrugged. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Well I'm here for you, okay?"

It's all I wanted to hear.

Weeks passed on and it was almost the last week of school. Shane and I had tons of Summer plans but then he had plans with his mom and other family. I sighed, knowing that I truly would be a real loser.

I was at my locker when I heard someone cough behind me. I wasn't even listening correctly, I guessed it was Shane so I smiled wide and turned around- but saw someone else. James.

That evil douche who tried to hurt me and Shane..

"Long time no see. I kept my promise, I wouldn't be gone forever."

I didn't know what to think at the moment. Where was Shane? Where was Nate? Or Jenna? Anyone? I looked around and no one even noticed. "What are you doing by me?"

"I missed talking to you, Mitchie. How have you been?"

"Great until now, thanks." I rolled my eyes and closed my locker door. I tried walking past him but he stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Lunch, duh. Shouldn't you be going too?"

"Naw." He said simply. "I'd rather talk to you. You look extra sexier then you had, Mitchie."

I was grossed out by now. His attitude was the first thing but now his words made it worse. "Um, thanks. Look, I-"

He cut me off with his hand against my mouth. I started to freak out. "No, you fucking stay right here or I'll have to rape your ass."

Are you serious right now? I tried screaming out but his hand had to much force. "I'll take it off if you shut the hell up."

All I could do was nodd. He let me go and pushed me hard against the lockers. I tried not to wince at the stabbing pain in my back.

"So you still with that Shane asshole?"

I wanted to say he wasn't that but I didn't. All I did was nodd. I saw him make a face and then he rolled his eyes. "God damn, he doesn't even like you."

"What do you mean-"

Before I could continue, he pushed into me and his lips crashed onto mine. I tried screaming against his lips but it was impossible. I squirmed and tried to get out of his embrace but he had his hands on my waist a little too hard and by now, I couldn't breathe.

"What is going on here?"


James stopped and pushed me against the lockers again. I fell to the floor, by now tears were pouring down. He turned around and looked at him. I looked up at Shane through my tears but he wasn't looking at me, he looked so pissed off.


"Shane Gray, what are you doing? Looking for your cheater of a girlfriend?"

"No, I'm about to kick your ass."

He walked up to him and before I knew it, Shane punched him the face. James fell back to the floor but got back up. His nose was bleeding but it didn't stop him. He punched Shane in the eye and automatically, he cried out, putting his hand to his eye.

"Guys!" I tried to shout but no one apparently heard me. They both pushed each other and before I knew it, I had enough.

"STOP IT!" I screamed. Thank God no one else was around.

They both stopped and looked at me. I got up from the floor and looked at both of them. "Stop it! Seriously! Why are you two doing this?"

"Because he's a loser." He said quickly.

Shane groaned, getting more mad. "He's fucking all over my girlfriend! I don't deal with that! How could you let him do that, Mitch?"

I bit my lip, trying not to get upset. "He was all over me! He said stuff and even threatened me!"

Shane sighed. "I believe you, Mitch. He's the fucking physco douche bag." He turned to James again. "What is your problem, bro?"

"I don't like you and want your girlfriend, okay? You don't deserve her, I do."

I was almost in disgust. Or maybe I was. "I don't want you! Never in a million years! Why don't you just leave us alone and go find a porn star or something?"

"What? Taylor?"

"Maybe!" I said back to him. "You're friends with her, right?"

"Fine. Maybe I will but I'll tell her to fuck you two up. I'm done. By the way, maybe I don't fucking want you. You're not even that pretty and you have terrible confidence, it shows."

I felt the tears pour down but I tried not to let them. "Fine, I don't care." Was all I said. He gave us one more look and then he walked out.

I turned to Shane and before I knew it, I was in his arms, crying to death. "Shane..."

"I know you weren't all over him. I just..couldn't bare to see you kiss him..and he fucking threatened you?"

"Yeah saying that..If..I didn't-shut-up..he'd..rape me." I could barely even speak.

"Ugh." He said with disgust. "I hate him and I hate Taylor and basically everyone at this school. Baby, I am so sorry..You don't need this."

"I know. I'm sorry you had to see that..and go through this." I looked at his now swollen black eye and he probably didn't even realize how bad it looked.

"I'll deal." He said with a laugh. "I'm sorry..dammit if I would've came to get you earlier.."

"No Shane, it's okay, I should've tried to run away..I mean I did but he stopped me and-"

He cut me off and before I knew it, my lips were against his. I'm so glad he did that. He pressed his lips against mine hard and I followed his exact moment. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close and my hands were now in his hair.

All of a sudden, we jumped at the sound of the bell- meaning lunch was over. "Shit." He cursed under his breath. He had a smile on his face and kissed my cheek. "Well...I guess I'll see you at the end of the day? I have something planned tonight."

"What? You do?" I almost forgot it was Friday.

"Yup. I love you, okay Mitch?"

"I love you too Shane."

He waved and was off to his class and I walked to mine- almost dazed from our kiss. It wasn't our first but still, I always felt weak from them.

He always knew how to make me feel better.

Specially after a creep like James would hit on me. And kiss me.

Shane was my super hero.

And I hope he'd never leave.

So the ending sucked. The whole thing sucked but I wanted it up.

I doubt no one is even reading but whateva. If you are- I love you and here's a cookie!

If you love Justin Bieber, check out my other stories.

I wanna end this story too soon..prob like at 25 chapters.

Or sooner.

Love you all!

