Okay, I must explain myself before anything else. About a month ago, someone put it into my head to femslash Stormy and Moonglo and to write a story about the two. At the time, I was against doing it. Yes, I am a femslash author, as anyone looking at my Power Ranger oneshots will see. Over time, I thought about it. One night, I wrote a short story about the two, but only posted it to my journal. It got some good feedback. Today I wrote another story featuring the two, and have decided to create a collection of short stories instead of posting oneshots. The reason for this being that the Rainbow Brite genre is very small and not often posted to. So every chapter will be a new story, akin to a oneshot.

I rather enjoy the challenge of writing about innocent, childlike love with this genre. If you think it's an easy task, it's not. I do not follow the theory for aging the characters based on the timeline of events. Therefore, the two are still childlike in body but not mind. It is just as though someone were writing about Red Butler and Lala Orange or Patty O'Green and Buddy Blue. I am amply warning you that this is femslash, and that reviews flaming the story because of this element solely will not be tolerated. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Final Warning: This story features a femslash pairing. If that's not your cup of tea, don't read and don't review.

Story #1: Gentle Caress

She groaned and shoved the pillow over her head before quickly removing it. It made her feel too hot and sticky, even for that brief moment. She tried to take in a deep breathe, but that only caused her to cough roughly. She groaned, rolling over onto her back. It wasn't often that she got sick, but days like these were the ones she hated most. She couldn't get comfortable, she couldn't breathe, and she couldn't go very long without coughing. She was glad she wasn't throwing up as well because that'd just make things even worse. She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, or what would be the ceiling. Her room was kept in a blanket of darkness, one that she preferred. It was a very simply kept room overall, as she spent most of her time off in the clouds. Today though, she couldn't even find the strength to move from the bed. So she laid there. She was certain that everyone would forget about her and not even wonder where she was. She rolled onto her side. Being sick was no fun, and being alone when sick is definitely no fun!

Staring up at the ceiling, she tried to will herself to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. She just kept feeling the same achy pains, the same stuffiness, and the same sores in her throat. She heard a gentle knocking at her door, so soft she almost didn't hear it at first. She thought she could have been dreaming, but then the knocking came again, a little louder this time. The door opened, and a line of bright light streamed in. "Stormy?" called the voice softly. "Are you in here?"

The soft voice was very familiar to Stormy and she sat up, only to suddenly feel quite nauseous by doing so. Her hands moved to her stomach as another pair of hands slowly guided her back onto her bed. Stormy closed her eyes, hoping that the nausea would soon go away. She hated throwing up. She always kept herself from doing so if she could. "Lie still," the voice whispered, and Stormy let herself listen and follow the instructions, having no energy to refuse or want to refuse.

"Moonglo?" she called. "Why are—" A finger to her lips stopped her from answering anymore.

"Rest, okay?" Stormy could only nod in reply as Moonglo placed the back of her hand on Stormy's forehead and cheeks. "You're really hot…I'm going to go get something to cool you down." Without another word, she slipped away.

Stormy was left feeling confused. Moonglo had really cared about her, and was helping her out. She hadn't expected anyone to notice her missing, simply taking her absence for a disappearance into the clouds. Skydancer would have gone to the clouds and stayed until she called. No one would know the difference, but Moonglo still found her. She closed her eyes and sleep washed over her. She drifted off to sleep, questions forgotten.

When she awoke, she was aware of a soft light to her left side. She was also aware of something cool on her forehead and a hand caressing her cheek gently. The touch was so gentle, and Stormy leaned into it, feeling comforted. It just felt right to her. "Feeling any better?" Moonglo asked her, resituating the ice pack on Stormy's forehead.

Nodding, Stormy replied, "Yeah…thanks… I'll pay you back for it someday."

Moonglo shook her head. "No need to. I did it because I wanted to."

Stormy attempted a smile, but ended up breaking down into a coughing fit. Her throat ached after it subsided. She tried to sit up slowly, and Moonglo helped her into a sitting position before handing her a glass of water. Stormy slowly sipped the cool liquid, and her throat felt somewhat better. "Does anyone else know I'm sick?" she asked, knowing the answer to that.

Moonglo shook her head. "No. The Color Kids are busy, and Rainbow's gone to Earth. I woke up this afternoon and everyone said they hadn't seen you. So I came looking for you."

"They wouldn't care if I was sick or not," replied Stormy. "They don't like my storms anyway."

"I do," whispered Moonglo softly.

"You're just saying that. No one likes a good thunderstorm. Storms ruin plans, scare children, flood areas… The—"

Stormy was cut short as Moonglo leaned forward and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. She pulled back and smiled down at a shocked Stormy. "And they create patterns and rhythms and a beauty all their own," she finished.

Stormy merely stared wide-eyed at her, not knowing what to say. She was speechless, a truly rare thing indeed. "What… I…" she blabbered, not able to find the right words.

"You don't have to say anything," replied Moonglo, a slight blush apparent in the soft light. "I just wanted you to know I cared."

Reaching out, Stormy took Moonglo's hand in her own. "Thank you. It means a lot," she replied, squeezing Moonglo's hand. She smiled when she felt a squeeze in return.

"Sometimes, you have to look at a person, really look at them, to find out who they are," stated Moonglo as she stared off into the darkness. "You might be surprised at what you find inside." She directed her attention back to Stormy. "It's getting dark…I can feel it. I have to go, but I will come check on you when I come back."

"Don't worry about me," protested Stormy.

Moonglo took the lantern in one hand and Stormy's hand in the other. She leaned over and kissed Stormy's forehead. "You can't stop me from that," she replied softly as she disappeared from Stormy's room. Stormy was left to wonder what had truly happened and why she liked it so much… it seemed so strange and yet… it fit.