hey guys, i've beent hinking this up, and I think this Chapter has turned out quite nicely. :)

"BElla, are you feelling better today?" Alice asked, she was sitting on the edge of my bed. I shook my head, which was a big mistake because it shot pain through out me, and made me really dizzy.

"oh okay, I'll tell dad. You get better, okay? We really need you, and don't worry, we'll bring your homework to you" she said as she left. I rolled over and stared at the wall. I felt horrible, and i couldn't figure out why. I usually never get sick. I always seem to avoid it, but now, how did I end up sick. It all just made me more confused, i pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and fixed the icepac on the back of my neck, then fell asleep.

My nap was nowhere like I wanted it to be, I only woke up every two hours to violently throw up. "hey" some one was at the door, I didn't have the energy to look and see who it was. "Bella," it was dad "I came home early, and I called Dr. Cullen, He'll be over soon." I looked up at him, "why?"
"Because, you never get sick, and now you've been sick for two days. I'm just worried about you. Now do you want anything?" he asked standing back up. I shook my head, again a bad idea.
"Alright, I'll be just downstairs if you need me." He said then walked out the door. I went back to sleep, only to be woken up a few hours later by some one.
"Bella, honey, Wake up. Dr. Cullen is here." it was dad again. I slowly sat up as Dr. Cullen walked in the room, dad got up and left
Alright Bella, let's see, you've been sick for two days now and you rarley ever get sick. Your tired, you have a fever, and yu keep switching from beening hot to being cold, am I correct." I slowly nodded. "Alright, well, I have a question. Is there any chance you could be pregnant?"
My eyes widdened and I thinked I screamed no.
"Are you completley sure" I nodded again. "Alright then. I trust your word." After what was like a regular check up, just in my house he announced, "well its just the flu, take this and you'll be fine. but I don't want you back in school until you gone a day without a fever with no medicine" I nodded, ready to go back to sleep. "oh and no dancing" he added right before he left. I almost laughed, but I didn't have the energy, i ended up back asleep.

"Bella, gosh, dad told us what Dr. cullen said, thank gosh its only the flu. We thought you had some serious desiese!" Alice yelled, both of them started bouncing on my bed, I cringed then threw up in my bucket. After rinsing my muth with water I sat back up, the two were sitting there with disusted faces. "Sorry" they mumbled.

WE sat in silence for a few minutes then Rosalie burst out saying, "oh, I forgot, We got tired of people telling us to tell you to get better, so we made a card, and a bunch of people signed it, here" she handed it to me. I opened it and in big letters it said 'GET BETTER BELLA!!' then all around it were different signatures from people in our grade and some in other grades, all of them saying get better, or get well soon, stuff along that line. I smiled and set the card on the table.

They let me to my peace and get some sleep after a while, but soon Emmett came in the door, "Hey, I'm the messenger boy again today. Eddie sent me over here to give this to you." he handed me a peice of paper.

I heard about you being sick, I'm very sorry about that. I didn't want to sign Alice and Rosalie's silly card, so I made this, That way I couldn't get laughed at for what I'm about to say.
But as I wrote this, I thought it would be weird writing it all down. So I was hopping you would agree to go out with me as soon as your better so I can tell you.
- get well soon, Edward.

I looked up at Emmet, he just stood there, waiting for me to write something back, well, that's what I'm guessing, he was more looking around my room at the pictures I have on the walls. I grabbed a pen off the table and quickly wrote back 'okay, as soon as I get better, because you really have me confused. :) -Bella

"Get Better belly, I need my favorite little sister in school. Its not the same without you" he ruffled my hair, then walked out the dooor after I handed the paper back. Rosalie came in not long later, "hey Dad is ordering pizza, you want any?" I thought about it, I was hungry, but I was still throwing up, if I ate anything, it would come right back up in a few minutes. "no." she nodded and went back downstairs. I went back to sleep.

Three days later I was finally ready to go back to school, but it was a weekend, so I had to wait till monday. "Alright Bella, here's your work, get it in by the end of this week." My teacher handed me the stack of papers and list of assignments. I nodded and went back to my seat, when who should show up, the creeper.

"Bella your back. I was worried about you" Mike said. I tried to be nice, "thanks Mike, but I'm fine now, you can go sit down now." he frowned, but thankfully went back to his seat.

by the time lunch rolled around i had so much work to do, I had no clue how I was gonna get it down by the end of this week. I was late coming into lunch, so when I got to the table, everyone was already there. I sat down next to Alice and Rosalie. "Hey, what are we talking about?"

"We are talking about the dance next week. Bella, we have to go, it would be so much fun" Alice said, her high pitch voice ringing with joy. We laughed, she was like a five year old that was just told they were going to disney world.

"Maybe, guys we have alot of work to do. and I have alot to make up, i don't know how we are gonna get in all the practice, plus get my work done." She frowned. "oh but Bella, we can help you with the work, and you can tell us what you have planned and we can teach it to the guys, oh please Bella, we really want to go to the dance" her and Rosalie both gave me the puppy face. i tried looking away, but they made the pouty noises. "okay, fine, we'll go" "YAY!!!" they squeled, people at nearby tables stared.

they went on talking about dresses, I pulled out some paper and got started on the work. But I was having a hard time, its much easier having a teacher explain it, I had no clue what I was doing.

"Here, let me help" Edward sat down beside me, and moved my book over so he could see it batter. "okay which problem are you on??'

"number 4, I have no idea what I'm doing." I said truthfully, he took my paper. "well, you did these wrong, get a new paper." I got a new paper out and wrote my name across the top.

--------------------------------------------- E & B ----------------------------------------------------

The rest of lunch he explained what I was doing wrong, and helped me finish the paper, then he agreed to help me with the rest of my work after school today, as long as he didn't have to practice the dance. Let's say I didn't tell the girls about this, they probably wouldn't be happy, but oh well, they can go find some dresses for the dance.

"Hello, what are you doing here, the girls told me you weren't having practice today." I heard Charlie say as I walked out of the bathroom. I forgot to tell him he was coming over to help with my homework.

"Dad, he's gonna help me with my homework. I'm really stuck with it." I came down the stairs. Charlie stared at me with confusion. "Why didn't you have one of your sisters help you?" "Dad, imagine if they helped me, we would end up in a big fight like last time." he nodded, they went and sat in the living room. "Stay downstairs kids" he said. I grabbed my bag a went into the kitchen with Edward following behind me. At about 6:30 we finished good amount of work and i started making something to eat.

"So Bella, how about we go out this wekend. You promised" he smiled that sweet smile, I nodded and pulled out three plates. "Alright, you staying for dinner" he nodded. "dad, food's done." I made some macaroni and cheese, not really wanting to make anything else. Charlie walked in. "So, you kids are going out this weekend??"

Dun Dun Dun, daddy was listening.

Until next time,
Ashley and Ally