Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural nor any of its characters; I do enjoy playing with them though.

Dean leaned against the trunk of the impala turning the brown football in his hands.

"You know you should really consider going out for the team in a few weeks." The large smiley football coach hand clapped on the shoulder after gym class.

"I'm not really the team type." Dean had started to walk away.

"You should really think about it, you could be great." The coach tossed him the football he'd been carrying.

"Dean!" John emerged from the now empty motel room. "Stop wasting time and help your brother with his bag." Dean looked back down at the football in his hands. "Dean. Now!" John barked the orders. Dean stood up and threw the football as hard as he could towards the jungle gym next door. He let himself watch the football fly through the air finally hitting the dirt.

"Hey why'd you do that?" Sam walked up behind Dean dragging a duffle bag behind him.

"We don't need it."