i don't own ben 10 man of action does...
Ben sighed as his mother rambled. He was seated at the computer trying to do his report but she just kept talking.
"I don't think you get it." Sandra said.
Ben did get it and he had added the note into his paper he was just to stressed to tell her.
Gwen, Kevin, and Ben had finally beaten the DNAliens, but now Kevin had gotten in a fight with Gwen. Gwen wouldn't even say what it was about she would just giggle and say she was glad Kevin had said they wouldn't work. "Glad?" Ben thought with another sigh. "Mom," he said as he tried to stop from getting a migraine,"I finished the report, I don't need any more help." His mom sadly left the room. "Glad?" he thought again, "Glad that one of the sexiest guy in Bellwood...not sexy...sexy..." he struggled with a fight he had had with himself many times. "Back to what I was thinking before i thought Kevin was sexy which he isn't...yes he is...ARG!!!" Ben's migraine was not getting any better. "So Gwen had to go tell Julie why she and Kevin wouldn't work...and for some reason this makes Julie break up with me..." Ben sighed. "I wish I understood girls."
Gwen and Julie giggled. "Tell me the story again please?" Julie begged. "
Gwen sighed. "Fine, fine."
"You obviously care about me, if not why did you stop me from going all crazy alien?"
Kevin growled. "Look...I like you, but I like someone else more, but if that someone were to lose you, and I could have done something to stop it h- that someone would be really mad and we would have no chance of getting together because that someone still doesn't trust me."
Gwen looked down at her lap." knew he liked someone else...and I think I know who that someone is...I've already been rejected might as well see how much I can find out." she thought. She lifted her head up and looked at Kevin, "Will you at least tell me one thing?"
"Anything." Kevin said still feeling bad.
"Is the person Ben?" she said. She had to hold back a laugh as she saw Kevin's face flush.
"I...uh..h-how..how did you know?" Kevin said trying to regain his composure.
"I just guessed. I mean you two have that wonderful buddies/used-to-be-rivals thing going on...so I don't know...Ben's like me...kind of, and he would be super mad if you let me get hurt.
Julie squealed. "That's so great!!!"
"But," Gwen added,"I'm still mad at you for breaking up with Ben."
"But, how could I stand in the way of their love?" Julie said practically in tears.
Gwen couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah..."
to be continued? Please review...and I will