Disclaimer: I do not own That 70's Show or it's characters or the actors or the stage they worked on anything from the stage. Although I would love to own those little owls that are on the shelf in the kitchen they are just soo cute! But I don't own those. To be short…I own nothing!
Author's Note: Hello All, thanks for coming to check out my story! I'm really excited about it and I hope after reading this you all will be too! This chapter may be a little difficult to understand,(hope it's not) because it's a little different. You see the other day I went to the movies and the previews were on. Now I'm the kind of person who has to see the previews before the movie. And on the road home, I'm the one asking which one looks like it'll be a good movie. So as the last preview ended and the movie began I started thinking I should write a preview for my stories!
I was already working on this one so I figured why not start with this one! It will be pretty long like a movie So I got to work, and this is what I came up with. It's just a little preview of my story "Learning to Fly" Think of this chapter in the format of when you see previews at the theatre! Enjoy and please let me know if you think it sounds good! Didn't add everything of course, still some stuff that didn't make the preview! On with the Reading!
Updated AN June '12: Because I don't want to take the risk of the fic being taken down I have deleted the lyrics that had previously been posted as part of this opening chapter. However you can still read this chapter and to get the whole experience by listen to the song that had once been on here which was ''Learning to Fly' by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers or any other song you might think would go well. Sorry if it's a bit confusing and I hope you'll continue to read the story :D
Ten years ago…
Steven Hyde entered the motel room to find Jackie lying on the bed flipping through the pages of a magazine.
"Steven what are you doing here?" she asked walking to him
"Uh…" he struggled, "Nothing had some free time. Thought I'd check out Chicago. How's it going?"
"Um good. Hey you wanna go take a walk? Maybe get something to eat?" Jackie asked pointing at the door.
Before Hyde could answer, that same door opened and Michael Kelso entered, carrying a bucket of ice while wearing only his watch and a white towel.
"Jackie I checked. No one can see us doing it from the parking loooottt!" Kelso exclaimed as he saw Hyde and let the ice fly in the air.
The three stood in silence, not knowing what to say. Finally Hyde spoke to Kelso.
"You're dead."
Kelso made a dash out the door, succeeding in getting out but leaving something behind.
"I'm nude!" Hyde heard his now ex-best friend yell as he griped the white towel and turned to look at Jackie.
Now Hyde's life is going the way he wants, keeping him away from that little town he once called home…
"I've got a good life out in California man. I'm my own boss, got all the money I need, a nice apartment, and don't have to answer anything to anyone." Hyde says as a clip of him walking with a medium sized package is seen.
Until he finds out he has to back…
With his mouth full, while sitting in a recliner, a piece of paper in his hand, Hyde says, "Shit." Fade to Black.
The new scene fades in and it's Hyde climbing out of an El Camino in the Foreman's driveway.
"Hey Forman, those kids are only a few years old and they're already cooler then you'll ever be!" Hyde shouts across the way the driveway
Eric Forman swiftly turned around recognizing the voice instantly. "Hyde?" he asks in disbelief.
"Is there any other?" he asks with a smirk
Where he's greeted with familiar faces of family…
"Hey, lemme try something ok?" Eric asks Hyde then opens the hospital door softly. "Mom!"
"What?" both Red, who's sitting in a hospital bed, and Kitty, who is standing beside Red, shout back before turning to see Eric.
"My baby!" Kitty exclaims before running to Hyde, past Eric's open arms, holding on to Hyde for dear life.
And friends…
Hyde and Eric enter a living room, which looks like the Pinciotti living room, to find in it Donna, Brooke, and a dark haired man talking as Kelso is nervously sitting on the couch.
"Kelso?" Hyde asks in disbelief with anger in his tone of voice.
Slowly, Kelso looks up at Hyde who is now standing above him.
"No." he says trying to have an accent but failing, "I am Fez. I look this way because, I want be like Kelso so much because…" he's now lost his 'accent' and had put on his dopey grin, "he's so hot and awesome!"
"Jackie?" Hyde asks in disbelief, as he sees Jackie Burkhart walk through the swinging door of the living room.
"Steven?" she asks in just as much shock.
"Quick block the doors!" Donna shouts and Eric and Kelso run to block the swinging door behind Hyde as Brooke helps Donna block the door Jackie had just come from.
And this guy…
The mysterious dark haired man steps forward, "I'm Will." He tells Hyde with a small smile, "Jackie's fiancé."
"And for this nobody calls me!" a man with a thick accent shouts and it's no other then Fez with his arms crossed over his chest.
Along with new scenarios…
Hyde and Jackie are glaring at each other, obviously in the middle of an argument, Eric quickly jumps in the middle of them.
"Come on you two, can't you be civil for just a day?"
"I can so be civil." Jackie says snooty like.
"Yeah?" Hyde questions, "Well I can be civiler."
Jackie frowns at him as she steps closer as replies, "Well I can be civilest."
"I can be civilerest." Fez says from his seat and they turn to look at him, he just shrugs, "What I'm just saying."
And some old ones…
"Dumbass." Red says from his hospital bed.
Eric pats Hyde's back as Hyde sits on the chair beside Red's bed. "Welcome home, man."
Jackie and Will are seen sharing a basket of fries while laughing, then are seen entering the basement hand in hand, and then Jackie is seen smiling as she leans against the Vista Cruiser while talking to Donna.
"Damn it, Forman. How does she do it?" Hyde asks
"Do what?"
"Be so hot and annoying at the same time."
"Ok listen to Eric, Hyde." Eric says as he and Hyde sit at the Forman kitchen table, slowly he says, "She. Is. The. Devil."
Kitty and Jackie are standing under the back porch. Jackie looks tired and a bit frustrated as Kitty has a slight smile as she holds a cigarette between her fingers.
"Ugh! Mrs. Forman if I ever start falling for Steven Hyde again…you have my permission to shoot me."
Jackie and Hyde are then seen kissing in an elavator
Bringing her hands together, one still holding on to her cigarette, to make a gun Kitty says, "Pow!" before laughing a Kitty laugh and adding, "That just never gets old!"
"Donna what am I gonna do?" Jackie asks Donna and Fez as they sit in a kitchen that looks familiar.
"Aye." Fez says, "This is as messy as my root beer Oreo ice cream float. Nothing can help this problem go away."
Because some things never change…
Circle. Pan to Hyde.
"Man this stuff can do everything."
Pan to Fez
"Yes it can make all problems go away!"
Pan to Kelso.
"Yeah! Hey Eric we should take some to Red. Maybe it'll make the cancer go away!"
Pan to Eric.
"Hey man that's a great idea. Just like your idea to sell snow."
Pan to Kelso.
"I know!"
And he wouldn't have it any other way…
Jackie and Hyde are seen arguing in the basement. "This is all your fault!" Jackie yells.
"My fault?" Hyde asked, "None of this would have happened if you wouldn't have slept with Kelso!"
"I didn't sleep with Michael!"
"Yeah." Hyde replies in his Zen manner, "Just like it didn't hurt me, like two stabs in the back."
Jackie is now crying as she stands in the doorway of a bedroom talking to someone who is walking awayshe shouts somthing at the person before closing the door and flopping onto the bed while crying.
"What the hell happened?" Red asks Hyde as they sit in Red's hospital room, "What the hell happened to those six dumbasses that used to pollute my basement?"
Hyde smirked, "Which ones? The ones you threatened to put your foot up their ass or the ones you hated and couldn't wait to get rid of?"
Red looks at Hyde seriously, "I may have said that a couple of times. But I never locked that backdoor."
Hyde and Jackie are seen standing in the Foreman driveway. Hyde looks down with his hands in his jean pockets.
"Look Jackie, I know we didn't exactly get off on the right foot but…." He sighed. "You wanna start over?"
Jackie stares at him for a few minutes, "Whatever." She tells him and he gives a small smirk.
Pan to Eric
"It's complicated."
Pan to Hyde
"No it's not."
Pan to Fez
"Oh yes it is Hyde. Love is very complicated and very delicate. Like a flower that has just bloomed on the first day of spring."
Pan to Hyde
He stares blankly at Fez.
Pan to Eric
"What? No man I'm talking about this damn brain fryer." He lifts up a rubrics cube.
Jackie and Donna are in a kitchen getting ready to go somewhere. Donna is writing something down on a piece of paper and Jackie is impatiently waiting beside her.
"Come on Donna. We've gotta go, I can't stand seeing you dress like this anymore, now that I'm here I can help you."
Donna rolled her eyes. "Same old Jackie."
"And you're the same old Donna, which is why I have so have to fix your style." Jackie says before going out the kitchen door. Donna just shakes her head and follows her.
So travel back in time with your favorite gang…
Everyone including Will and three kids are sitting in the basement watching TV. Fez is seen running with his arms open reading to embrace some one. Eric is waving a plastic light saber infront of a young boy and girl. Hyde and Jackie are sitting at a table at the public pool when Kelso is seen falling into the pool behind them
In a story that goes to show…
Kitty is seen leaning down to Red as he lays in the hospital bed, giving him a kiss. Eric and Donna are seen standing infront of two children in a living room. Fez is seen handing Red a brown paper bag, as he smiles a big smile. Hyde watches as Jackie picks up the sleeping little red-haired girl from her bed.
No matter how much time has passed…
A hospital room filled with everyone standing around, fighting back tears as they look at Red lying on the hospital bed. Hyde is seen walking down the Forman stairs to find Kitty sitting on the couch her mouth covered while crying softly. Everyone from the original gang are now standing on the Water tower.
Red and Kitty are seen sitting on Reds hospital bed, Red in his pajamas and Kitty in her uniform.
"They're growing up aren't they Red?"
"And pretty soon they won't need us anymore." Kitty says looking up at him, teary eyed.
Red wraps his arm around her shoulder "Kitty, as long as they're dumbasses and they will be forever, they'll always need you."
Kitty smiles at him before giving him a quick kiss
Eric and Donna are standing in the basement watching Kelso and Fez slap each others hands and Hyde and Jackie sitting with their arms crossed.
"We're still Mom and Dad of this group aren't we?" Donna asks looking at Eric, who shakes his head.
"No Donna. We're now Grandpa and Grandma." He tells her with a smirk.
Or how many mistakes you've made…
Hyde and Jackie are seen sitting in a waiting room. Hyde looks over at Jackie, without his sunglasses on.
"You know, going to Chicago is my second greatest regret." He tells her.
"What's the first?" Jackie asks softly.
"Letting you go to Chicago."
You can always back home
"Uncle Hyde!" a little red haired girl calls from the back of the Cruiser.
"Yeah?" Hyde asks turning around.
"Daddy's a dumb…"
"We know Sweetheart!" Eric shouts over her. The small girl continues to smile in her car seat as her father displays a look of distress Hyde smiles at the scene.
Coming April 6, 2009
"Ow! My eye!" Kelso yells off screen.
Author's Note: And that my friends, is just a peek at my new story hope it sounds interesting and you'll come back to read chapter one which will be posted on April 6 2009 (As the Preview says) under this story. Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear from you! I have some chapter done but I can still fit anything you might want to read! Thanks for Reading and have a Nice day!