My first fanfic, so tell me what you think! J

Her Blood

He held her arm in his hands, and greedily drank her blood. He felt it burn like acid down his throat, followed shortly by the rush of power, coursing straight to his head and slowly working its way to his fingertips.

He was there with her for what seemed like hours, when in reality he was there for only seconds.

She flashed a devilish grin down at him and whispered softy, "that's my boy". He dropped her arm as if it had burned him, and then he looked her in the eye. She couldn't ignore the powerful glint in his eyes, and his pupils slowly consumed his irises, then the whites of his eyes.

He gave her a small half smile as she slowly dismounted his lap. He felt her blood now coursing through him, like an all time high. Better than any drug on the market probably, because usually drugs made it difficult to think. Thoughts become sluggish, and incoherent. Not this.

His thought process has never been clearer. His vision seemed to become more defined, and se did his hearing. It was too unbelievable for human comprehension.

But then again he wasn't entirely human now was he? Or at least, he doesn't consider himself one. Not anymore. Not since what happened to his brother only a few months ago.

But Dean was back now. So everything should have gone back to normal right? Well, as normal as possible he guessed. But no. He felt he had crossed a line. A line which there was no crossing back over. His old life was done. Finished. And with it went his humanity, and his brothers trust.

Dean was never completely accepting of his abilities. Even when it was the small stuff. A vision into the future here, and small burst of telekinesis there. He was much stronger than that now. Three weeks ago he had used his telekinesis to his advantage, and he had complete control. Then while that scum bag demon was pinned to the wall by nothing but his power, he sent it to hell without a second thought.

Then two weeks ago, he pinned the demon Alistair to the wall, and tortured him with only his mind. He twisted and burned the demon while it was still in its vessel. He smiled when he saw the pain etched in Alistair's face. Then the demon baited him. He dared. He had said, "go ahead. Send me back...if you can."

Sam's smile widened. "I'm stronger than that I can kill." The demon screamed and tried to move, but was still held to the wall forcefully. Then, without so much as a second thought, the demon was dead, killed by Sam's mind alone.

However, before his encounter with Alistair he had, had his fix. Ruby straddled his lap, much like she did tonight, and let him drink from her. As her blood mixed with Azezel's he felt much more powerful. Much more alive.

He also felt an addiction. He knew he was addicted, and a small part of him was sickened by it. Only a small part. The rest of him loved the feel of it in his veins. In his heart. In his mind. Demon blood.

Why fight it anymore? He knew what he was. He knew what he was destined to do. So why continue trying to be the hero? He sighed as those thoughts came to mind. He knew why. Because of Dean, and his Dad. amd his mom. It used to be because of his girlfriend Jess, but he realised that he cant even really remember what she looks like. Not since he died.

So for now he would continue to try and play hero, until the darkness consumed every inch of his soul, or until he died.

Ruby was still smiling at him, and he was smiling at her. He stood from his bed, and noticed how swiftly he now moved. His smile somewhat wavered at the thought of losing himself now. The thoughts weren't too strong though, his eyes were still black.

His gaze shifted toward the door when he heard it open, and saw Dean walking through the threshold carrying a bag of food. Sam was a little shocked, even with his new and improved hearing he didn't hear the grumbling of the Impala over his thoughts.

His eyes moved toward where Ruby had been standing and noticed she was no longer there. He was alone with his brother.

"I got you something to eat. Eat it or don't, whatever floats your boat." Dean said without making direct eye contact with Sam.

Dean closed the door and walked over to the small table by the closed window. He sat down in the old uncomfortable chair and began rummaging through the bag he had just brought with him.

After Dean took the first bite of his burger, he noticed his brother still hadn't moved. He stood frozen by his bed.

"Sam?" Dean questioned innocently. He then saw the lost expression on his brothers face, but that's when he noticed his eyes.

Dean bolted out of his chair and went for the duffel bag he kept next to his bed. Not once taking his eyes off of Sam. "You get the hell out of my brother!" Dean shouted furiously. His fingers then wrapped around the strap of the beg and yanked it onto his bed and began to dig for the flask of holy water.

Sam's lost expression was replaced with a confused one. He looked squarely at his brother and said, "I-I'm not possessed, Dean."

Dean stopped digging around in the bag. "What?"

Sam cleared his throat. "I'm not possessed!"

Dean now looked scared. He took two hesitant steps toward his brother. "Sam...what the hell happened?"