Um…hello everyone. You may not know me but you will later on. MY name is Violet Andrews, and I'm very excited for the adventures ahead. I have brown hair and eyes and I am Native American, so at least now you know how I look. I may as well tell you my role in all of this I am to be a new Xiaolin Dragon. Of what you may ask, well you'll have to find that out by reading this chapter. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it.

A few days passed after Raimundo was named Shuko warrior and leader of the Xiaolin monks. Shen gong wu, only a few Shen Gong Wu activated and evil was pretty quiet (except for Jack Spicer who yet again failed in his plans of world domination). But soon a great rift in the balance of the world started to open. Master Fung new immediately what the cause was, and decided it was time to prepare the young warriors for yet another great battle.

In the training field you could see the young monks working hard for future battles, Omi and Kimiko were sparing against each other while Clay was running through the obstacle course. Raimundo was training alone with his weapon Blade of the Nebula. Which had changed since his promotion to Shuko warrior. Each was busy with something different, but as soon as Master Fung had entered the premises they quickly withdrew from their activities and lined up to face him. For they could sense that there was to be big news judging by the look on his face.

"Be at Peace young monks" he said, "for I have great news." This lighten up their expressions and were at ease they then waited to hear the great news he had to offer. "First let me tell you about some new rules, since Raimundo has been made Leader and Shuko warrior he has now a new found authority in Xiaolin Showdown's" he explained then motioned toward Dojo to give him an ancient looking scroll.

When he opened it a faded blue orb appeared above it, and a person like figure could be seen. "If ever in a xiaolin showdown, when it looks as if one of you" he motioned toward Omi, Kimiko, and Clay, "is about to lose the showdown then Raimundo can replace you with himself and complete the showdown." The person in the scroll demonstrated with another person figure looking like he's losing the battle then the other from before coming in and winning the challenge. "Raimundo can also call a rematch after the battle, if a showdown is lost and go for double or nothing but he can only do this once." The monks beamed by suddenly having a new advantage over the enemy, all except Raimundo who knew there was some sort of catch. "But wait young monks there is more".

'I knew it' thought Raimundo, 'there is always a catch'.

"Your enemy if wanting can decide to fight your leader directly making it so that you cannot switch out of the match, losing your disadvantage. He or she can also then call a rematch against who was to be their original opponent without Raimundo's aid." The monk's faces then sank but also they were determined to make sure that their enemies did not know of how to halt their newfound advantage.

"Now" continued Master Fung, "I have exciting news my young pupils there are to be new students arriving to the temple." Kimiko, Omi, Clay, and Raimundo all stared at Master Fung wide eyed in shock and disbelief.

"New students Master Fung?" asked Omi, "do you mean more Xiaolin dragons?"

Master Fung nodded, "Precisely Omi, but who they are and where their location's are, are not yet revealed. So it is up to you four to find out." All of a sudden five glowing spears of different colors surrounded Master Fung, they then flew to the four each was given a different one then the other.

Omi received a purplish orb as soon as the glow subsided the Chinese symbol for Sound appeared in black lettering. Clay received a greenish orb with the Chinese character for Wood. Kimiko received a light blue orb with the Chinese character for Lightning. Finally Raimundo received two orbs a white orb with the Chinese character for Light, and a black orb with the Chinese character for Darkness. Each of them stared at their orbs with wonder as Master Fung explained the orbs' purpose.

"Each orb symbolizes a different dragon to be, you will find the one that the orb has chosen for you to teach, and train."

"Teach?" asked Kimiko confused.

"Yes Kimiko teach" said Master Fung, "you see each of these Dragons to be, have not discovered their powers. Like all of you, they will one day discover martial arts skills that they did not have before. They will be confused and need a teacher to tell of them of their destinies. Which is what you will do."

He motioned toward each monk as he spoke, "Omi will mentor the Dragon of Sound, for within water sound can travel grand distances. Clay will mentor the Dragon of Wood, for they work together to form the land of the earth. Kimiko will mentor the Dragon of Lightning for lightning is both destructive and necessary just like fire and can also cause fires as well. Finally Raimundo will mentor the Dragons of Light and Darkness for these elements can be tricky just like the wind. Plus they'll will need to be on their guard the most for evil will seek them out, they will wish to destroy the Dragon of Light while wanting to possess the Dragon of Darkness."

Each monk stared into their orb, thinking about the huge responsibilities up ahead for them, Raimundo felt a great amount of pressure for he was to train such sought out Dragons. After all he was already told that their enemies would also wish to destroy him, making it so without a leader his team would fall apart.

"There is more young monks" Master Fung continued, he then looked to Raimundo. "Raimundo" he said, "I know this will be difficult for you but it is required that you choose a Second in Command out of these four." He said gesturing to the three shocked Wudai warriors. "For if anything were to ever happen to you then your second in command would take over."

"Master Fung" said Raimundo with protest, "I don't think I can choose a Second in Command right now, its too big of a decision."

"Relax Raimundo" said Master Fung reassuring him, "you do not have to choose one so fast. Once all of the remaining dragons are found is when you must choose, the longest time you'll be given though is a month. As Omi, Kimiko, and Clay gather their pupils and teach them I want you to study their methods and based on that pick a suitable second leader. The one you choose will most likely become the next Shuko warrior in a matter of months after you have chosen."

Raimundo still did not feel right by being the one having to pick the second in command, but something within him told him it was the right thing to do. For if ever something did happen like if he were to get captured, be killed, or even worse join the Heylin side yet again, then his team would still be able to move on without him. He nodded at Master Fung showing that he understood. While the rest of the team were secretly jumping for joy, each wanted to show that they had leadership potential and wanted to advance to Shuko Warrior just like Raimundo.

Already they were making plans on how to teach their students in ways that will impress Rai. All of a sudden Clay's orb started to glow a brilliant green light.

"What in tarnation?" was all he was able to get out then became silent and stared into space as if in some sort of trance.

"Clay?!" shouted Omi, Raimundo, and Kimiko as they rushed to their friend with worry. Each of them shook him and tried to get him to move.

"Clay my friend what is wrong?" asked Omi.

"Yeah why aren't you moving?" asked Kimiko very worried.

Raimundo snapped his fingers into Clay's face and shook his shoulders, "come on dude snap out of it will ya?"

"Relax my young warriors" Master Fung said as if moved them aside from Clay, "he is perfectly alright, his pupil's Dragon powers have just activated a little is all."

Still confused and worried they waited anxiously to learn more, "you see young monks. His pupil has not come into full awareness of his or her powers, but a little has been realized which is more then enough for Clay to learn about his pupil. He at this moment is learning not only the location of the Dragon of Wood but also who this person is, and what he or she is like. This will happen to all of you as well this way, it will be easier for you to connect with your student and be able to teach them better, as well as get to know them as a person."

While the other monks waited for Clay to break out of his trance, he was able to see who exactly his pupil was. First he found the location of the Dragon of Wood, the earth appeared before him he seemed to be floating above it. Then a flash of green light came out of nowhere and pointed to the U.S.A The light then headed straight for what looked like the state of Washington. As the light got closer so did he finally the light pointed above an island. It was called Vashon island it wasn't too big nor was it too small, so the Dragon of Wood should be easy to find he thought.

As he came closer to the island he suddenly found himself in a forest, with mist swirling around the heels of his boots everywhere. At first there was nothing but tree's but then the green light appeared again as well did a girl. She wasn't very tall about medium length, her hair was long and dark brown almost black her eyes were also brown and she wore glasses. Her hair was braided into pig tailed braids and she wore simple jeans and a green top. Her skin was olive toned, she had a look of shyness and timidness. She looked at Clay and stepped away afraid as if he was going to hurt her. Clay stuck out his hands telling her to relax.

"Easy there partner" he said trying to comfort her, "I ain't gonna hurt ya."

Still scared the girl kept a far off distance between her and him, "who are you?" she asked.

Clay tipped his hat gentlemen like and answered, "Clay Bailey is the name, may I ask what your name is little lady?"

She was hesitent at first but after awhile she answered, "Violet, Violet Andrews".

"That is one mighty fine name you got their Miss Violet, I can see that your a shy little thing but that's ok. Ya'll must be confused about a few things I know I was at first."

Violet jerked her head at him nervous, "what are you talking about? Confused about what?"

Clay smiled and tipped his hat again, "all in good time little lady. But dont worry I'll explain when we meet again." Then the brilliant light appeared again making him and the view of Violet disappear.

Clay then found himself surrounded by the worried looks of his friend's faces. "Well" said Raimundo impatient, "did you find out anything about the Dragon of Wood?"

In response Clay showed them his orb which glowed brightly but the character changed from Wood to Flower, "yep I found out a whole lot more then I thought I was going to."

"Well what are we waiting for lets go get 'em!" exclaimed Kimiko with great enthusiasm.

But just before Dojo (a real dragon) was able to grow into his full size he shivered and said, "Hold it kiddos a Shen Gong Wu alert".

All three of them groaned while Omi asked, "is this Shen Gong Wu of any importance?"

Dojo pulled out the scroll of the Shen Gong Wu and nodded, "oh yeah check it out." He moved the scroll to their view where they could see the name and demonstration of the wu's powers. "Its Demter's Gloves this Shen Gong Wu has the power to control all forms of plant life." He then shut the scroll and Master Fung walked up behind them.

"If put into the wrong hands the Gloves could make it so that all plant life imprison the world making it helpless against attack. It is a most important Shen Gong Wu indeed."

"No problem" said Raimundo, "we get the Shen Gong Wu then head our way to Clay's pupil."

"Not neccessarily Raimundo for the likes of Chase YOung and Hannibal Bean are sure to sense the Dragon of Wood, they'll will most liely try to get to them as well. They will then either destroy them or try to convince them to join the Heylin side."

The monks were stumped how were they going to get to both the Shen Gong Wu and the Dragon, a few mor minutes of silence passed until Raimundo got a new idea. He ran to the vault and got out the crystal glasses, then ran back to the other's to tell them his idea.

"We can use these" he said motioning to the glasses, "I'll find out where the Wu is to see how far the location of the Wu and the location of the Dragon are apart. If its to far to be of a risk then we'll use the ring of the nine dragons and have our copies retrieve the Wu while we go for the Dragon, that way it is a win-win."

The other's nodded thinking it was a very good idea, Raimundo put on the glasses and after a few seconds he had the location. "Got it" he said proudly, and had Kimiko put up a map of the world on her computer. He then put up a map of the United States, then one up on Washington state he then made the map increase till he got to a map of Vashon Island. "The wu is right here".

"Hey that's where Violet is" Clay said amazed, "Violet is the name of the Dragon of Wood" he explained when everyone looked at him with confused looks.

"Oh we are most lucky to have both the Dragon and the Wu at the same location" said Omi, "it is how you say like killing two stones with one bird".

The other's laughed while Kimiko explained, "that's killing two birds with one stone Omi".

"Ah that makes much more sense, thank you Kimiko"

"The question is which do we get too first the Wu or the Dragon?" asked Kimiko.

"Simple we go after the Shen gong wu then we fetch Violet" Raimundo answered, "for she hasn't discovered her full martial arts skills yet so it shouldn't be long for us to get Demeter's Gloves. We'll meet up with Violet later once her powers are in full awareness to her."

Everyone nodded feeling that this was also the right thing to do. "Well lets go" shoted Dojo getting into his giant Dragon form, "we got a Wu to get and we have already given the enemy a head start."

Without hesitation the three Wudai warriors and one Shuko warrior hopped abored the massive dragon, but before leaving Master Fung had one last thing to say to them.

"Young monks once you have made contact with Violet send Dojo to me, and I'll talk with her and her parents so to convince to train at the temple. Be safe young one's and good luck." With his final word the Xiaolin monks headed off into the sky to gain a new wu and a new friend.

And as he watched them leave Master Fung grew a worried look upon his wise face, "Soon they will learn that not only will they gain new allies, but new and powerful foes will soon rise as well. They must all be prepared for their is a great battle ahead."


Well there's the first chapter I hoped you liked it!

Violet: I wonder what is going to happen to me?

Me: Don't worry you'll be safe.

Violet: Who are these new foes that Master Fung was talking about?

Me: SMiles and snickers "Its a surprise read the next chapter and find out if you want to know!"