Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm definitely in the mood for some more hilarity, and I wanted to test my skills at a humor fic..So please read and if you like it, or have any suggestions, please review me and tell me how I did at the humor. Oh, and who else is the best character to start out with humor, other than the all mighty...SOKKA!! Hahaha, enjoy, everyone!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender!!

Sokka sat in the chair in the corner of the gaang's new living room. They were settled, after the war, in a nice house in Ba Sing Se. The chair was fluffy, and it was his favorite. It was in the corner of the walls, where the two walls met.

He leaned back, a sly smile on his face. He wiggled his eyebrows twice, and leaned back even farther.

"Ohh, Suki likey!" he joked, smiling slyly once again. Suki raised her eyebrows, in a -you-are-so-cool, sarcastic way, then continued her conversation with Toph.

Sokka jutted his chin out, and placed his elbow on his knee, his head on his hand. His normal stubborn position...Except he usually wasn't in a chair during those times...

Sokka fell backwards off the chair, landing butt-first in the crevice of the walls. The entire room burst out laughing, and the once full-of-himself, Sokka, blushed.

Suki was inside, working on a project she was doing for Sokkka and Katara's grandmother. It was almost her birthday, and she wanted to make something nice. She had decided on a life-size outline of her, and filling it with poems, waterbending ways, and all the things Suki knew she'd like.

While, on the contrary, Sokka was planning a joke for his grandmother. He would make her something nice, of course, but first she'd open the joke.

But he was having infinite trouble thinking of something an elder would like. He had tons of jokes, sure, but which one should he pop on grandma?

Just then, an idea struck him.

"Suki!" he called, running into her room, where he saw her, laying down sideways working on her project.

"Yeah, Sokka?" she asked, rising to be eye-level.

"I just had the most brilliant idea for my prank on Gran-Gran!" he replied, nearly jumping from excitement.

"Huh?" she asked, not ready to believe it until she heard it.

"Okay. Okay. I'm thinking of getting a fake bird, and putting it in the front yard before she goes bird watching!" he laughed.

"Okay," Suki said, actively agreeing, "but where do you plan on getting a fake bird?" she asked.

"A stuffed one?"

"Yes. Where at?" she asked again.

"There's one right outside!" Sokka said, laughing at 'her' stupidity.

"Show me," she said, not budging on her -see-it-to-believe-it rule. They walked outside, and Sokka pointed out to the tree about 6 feet in front of them. Suki ran to the tree, and examined the 'fake' bird.

"Yeah! This'd work. If it were fake, not dead," Suki said smartly, walking past him.

"Don't worry, we'll get you help some day," she called over her shoulder, joking. Sokka, for the second time in one day, blushed at his 'blond' moment.

The gaang was just getting ready to leave for Gran-Gran's birthday party. She had decided to come down to their house for the party.

Unfortunately, it was mostly made up of her older friends, and no offense, but pretty boring.

"Can we at least do something fun?" Sokka complained after the party was over. Gran-Gran was sitting in the lawn chair.

"Frankly, I agree. It was a bit tiring...," Gran-Gran commented. Katara nodded, and sat down next to Gran-Gran with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Let's go over here," Sokka said, lying a bit. Toph, Suki, and Sokka went to the backyard, and sat down on the ground.

"What is it?" Suki whispered. Toph crinkled her brow.

"Wow, obliviousness is spreading," he commented, "wow. You didn't see Katara's face?" he continued.

"Yeah, what about her face?" Toph asked.

"Oh, wow. Couldn't you see the obvious way she said -go-plan-something-I'll-distract-Gran-Gran?" he laughed. Suki gave him a saddened, yet confused look.

"Sometimes I wish I had the bond with you that you have with Katara," she muttered, nodding.

"Ha! C'mon guys, let's make this party worth while!" Toph laughed, getting up and looking around.

"First, we need something to throw around. Ya know, like dirt or mud or..," Toph trailed off.

"Or water! The hoses!" Suki said, her finger in the air. She may not be good at punch lines, but sometimes her ideas, man, those sometimes rule!

"Yeah! We have, what, six?" Sokka asked. They had so many for Aang and Katara to practice waterbending. Speaking of which, Aang just walked out from talking with Gran-Gran and eavesdropping.

"Hook one to the tree up front, so whoever's up there gets sprayed, and the other five for us," he said, stealthily walking out. Sokka nodded. Gran Gran would probably just laugh at the water on her, then let them have their fun while she took a shower.

A hose was ready to squirt, placed in the tree in the front yard, and the other five were up for grabs. Toph, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki. That was five. Oh, this was going to be great.

"Since this all was partly thanks to me, I believe I shall be the one to spray dear Gran Gran," Sokka commented, as they all, except the distracting Katara, walked to the hose controls. It was possible for them to have them all on at once, and that's what they planned on doing.

"Okay, that's fine, I'd rather not make the elder mad," Toph joked. Sokka nodded and clicked on his hose, walking up front.

"Gran-Gran!" he said, and then, when she smiled and waved, he sprayed her lightly, creating a mist.

Katara warded it off, mostly all of it besides a gentle shower.

"Sokka!" Gran Gran tsked, then went inside, winking, letting them blast their energy and fun all out.

"GO!" Sokka shouted, and Katara screamed and ran to get her hose. But Toph was standing there already, clicked on all hoses, and Katara got soaked to the brim from the hose in the tree.

"And no waterbending until last, I repeat, no waterbending!" Toph called, as everyone nodded, Katara's nod a bit glum.

"Hmph," she muttered, grabbing her hose and spraying Toph in the face for a good long moment before running to spray Aang.

"Ahhh!" she screamed, aiming at Aang. He aimed back, and they were in a water-fight.

Suki was spraying a constant whiz on Sokka, but since there were two hoses, he was spraying back. And since there was water everywhere, the ground was soaked and the mud was very slippery. Suki slipped about two feet and landed on her butt.

"What can I say? Sometimes I'm a klutz in mud!" she claimed, trying to ward it off. Sokka laughed so hard her fell over, toppling almost over her.

"S'okay, Suki!" He covered her in kisses.

Toph, on the other hand, was rolling in the mud, oohing and aahing at the pleasure of the feel of mud everywhere on her body. Then, so suddenly she didn't know what happened, Water Baby came up and sprayed her in the face.

"Katara! Grr. You're gonna get it bad, baby!" she called, running and not slipping, since she was so used to the mud. Katara, on the contrary, slipped, falling nearly head first. Aang caught her, in his arms and sprayed Toph.

By now, the yard looked like crud, there was barely enough dry space to not be in mud, and everyone was soaked. In mud and water. Both. Aang laughed hard at the war position he and Katara claimed against Toph, and he fell over with them both, rolling in the mud, laughing.

Suki and Sokka were spraying each other, then kissing. Then, they'd walk over and 'sneak attack' the rest of the gaang, yelling it as high as they could.

So, overall, it was a wonderful night. The sun had set, and the nighttime sky made the whole day look beautiful. It luminously grew over their heads.

Katara and Aang bent them all dry, and did their best at the yard. There was no where to put the mud, and mud bending was a bit more difficult.

Through the laughs, love, and falls, they had a great day. And Sokka had to say something.

"I must say, this was very fun. But, I also have to say, this is sorta like another joke, and I made it up. So, now, all my jokes do not stink, because this was completely fun!" he said, then went inside with the rest of the gaang following, all of them too tired to even brush their teeth...Ew, Katara thought. Who cares? They had fun, and these were the moments they cherished for the rest of their lives.

A/N: Kay, so maybe this was leaning toward the "Aw, cute" side toward the end, not the hilarity, but Sokka, let's just say in my mind he needed attention, so I gave him a little fic for himself.

Thanks for reading, and leave any comments you want.

And, yes, they may be a little OOC, but hey. I still can imagine the gaang doing this, their fun-loving ways. So, thanks once again to anyone who read this! It's truly appreciated!
