I'm a bad person its been forever since I updated.

I couldn't keep my hands off of my stomach. The whole car ride home I sat in the backseat next to a sleeping Lash, running my hands over my slight bump.

"Cora, dear they will be there for the next few months will you let them be" my mom giggled looking at me through the rear view mirror.

I sighed my hand stopping its actions, resting on my stomach. "I know. It's just to surreal to see them really in there" I looked up at her through the mirror.

"I know baby. I had to keep myself from crying." she admitted. "He's a right fine boy Cora." she referred to Lash.

I turned my head to study him. His head was lain against the window. Shaggy dark brown hair smashed against the glass. Underneath his thick black eyelashes his chocolate brown orbs, that usually held trouble hide. His lips weren't thin as hell or plump as sin but in between. Just perfect to kiss.

"Not polite to stare" he mumbled

"Like you know how to be polite." he grunted in response. We were pulling on to our street and a couple houses away when I spotted the familiar black sports car sitting in the driveway.

"Daddy!" I yelled darting out of the car as soon as it stopped. I'm a total daddy's girl. "Dad?" I called opening the front door.

"In here Corrie baby" he called back. I jogged into the living room where his voice sounded from.

"Hi daddy" I through myself into his open arms. "I've missed you"

"Missed ya too baby you are getting kinda heavy" he said lifting me off the ground. "Momma said you had something to tell me"My heart stopped.

"Corrie?" Lash called walking in the door. Shit. My dad's gaze landed on the stretchy idiot that just walked in the door. "Hi" Lash stopped in his tracks and gave a nervous laugh.

"Ben, sweetie!" my mom exclaimed kissing his cheek. How she never told him about Lash was beyond me.

"Daddy, this is Lash, Lash this is daddy" I stepped away from my parents and made my way towards baby daddy. There was a thick tension in the room.

Hmph" my dad glared. I looked at my mom asking silently for some help.

"Right" light bulb. "Ben help with dinner please." mom ushered an grumpy looking daddy out of the room. " Better get some rest Corrie you look like death, it will only be quiet for so long" I grabbed Lash's hand and rushed off to my room.

"Dad hate me much?" Lash through himself down on the bed. I glared at him.

"I'm his only daughter, blame him for the hostility? Wait till he finds out you impregnated me." I laid down next to him covering my eyes with my hand. "You are so dead" rolling over I snuggled into his side.

"True but I can always hide behind you" I smacked his chest. "I was just joking Corrie" he wrapped his arm around me. It made me feel so safe, so loved.

"Lash." I opened my eyes feel into deep chocolate pools. 'hmm?" I bit my lip. "I love you" I blurted out. "I know" he nodded and pulled me closed to him. I glared up at him.

"So, what's your dads power?" I laughed "He can do my whole bolts of lighting form the hands thing"

"Great" I nodded "mhmm. Comes in handy at keeping boys away."

He scoffed "Didn't work this time. May have scared Peace away but not me." I busted out laughing. He actually thought that I was with Warren. "What's so funny?"

"You think I dated Warren?" he nodded. "I never dated Warren, sure we were like best friends." I giggled. "Besides Pete Fraser, you are like the only one I've ever dated.

He got this smirk on his face. "Only one other boy-friend?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Lash only one other" he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Mine" I laughed. I closed my eyes for what seemed like 5 mins.

"Coraline,Colin, Lash dinner!" my mother called up the stairs. I woke up on one side of the bed Lash sprawled at an odd angle next to me.

"Get your stretchy ass up" I nudged him with my foot. "Time to face daddy"

I'm so sorry please review still. They are like cupcake cones lol.