A/N- So this is my first Story that i will be updating... Ill try and get an Update at least once a week maybe twice depending on whats going on in that week... as well as makin sure my Lovely Beta bloodredeclipse has time to check it over. Well on to the Story i hope you all enjoy make sure to review it and let me know if yall have any ideas on what i should throw in to mess with their lives.... i have a few plans already! mwahahaha... and the first one begins in this chapter!
"OOH RAH!" the three of us yelled at once. We were finally done with boot camp, training, and schooling and we're on our way back to see our beautiful wives. Not only do we get to return to our wives, but we get to discover where we are all getting stationed. I swear the three of us were given the hardest time seeing as we all came in a best friends. But we hung through it and have managed to stay strong.
"God just keep us all together," I silently prayed.
I'm pretty sure the girls would go insane if they were split up. Not only that, but they have what it takes to dump us and move away together, not that they would I thought to myself.
"Edward do you got your shit ready to head to the girl's apartment?" Emmett asked as he walked back into the room.
"Yeah Em, just give me a sec. I have to grab my uniforms and then I'll be ready," I said back as I walked over to the closet. Both Jasper and Emmett had jumped on cleaning the room out, so that left me stuck packing every ones' shit. For the amount of space we had in this room, we had a lot of unneeded stuff. "Alright I've got it all! Let's get to our lovely women," I walked down to my silver Volvo and started it up.
"Alright Edward we will see you at the apartment!" Jasper yelled from his pickup.
"Peace out homies!" Emmett yelled as he revved his wrangler.
We all headed for the apartment, and even though we all left at the same time, I made it there first.I have a tendency to drive a tad over the speed limit, but hey what can I say I have a need for speed and have yet to be pulled over. Bella freaks a little about considering her dad is the Chief of Police back in Forks. I got out to see my gorgeous wife, Bella, she came running over to me. I wasn't even completely standing up when she jumped up into my arms. She smelled so beautiful, like freesias and strawberries. I'm not sure she has ever changed her shampoo or body wash, because for as long as I can remember, she has always smelt this way. Hey I don't complain though, because she's extremely amazing and I love her so much.
"Can you believe it? You are finally done with all of this stuff here. I don't think I can take anymore of Twentynine Palms I am so ready to get out of here!" Bella said as she crossed her legs behind my back. "Not to mention I'm ready to see some green grass" she glanced around us and there was nothing but sand.
"Yeah I know what you mean, Love. Now we just have to wait for our orders and see where we all go from here." I held her close when I noticed her eyes tearing up. "Bella, what's wrong?" Bells is by far one of the most emotional people I know of besides my sister Alice.
"Its nothing… " she paused looking around "You know me I'm just hoping we all go to the same place, I'd truly miss the girls. Of course I know we could always visit, but it just wouldn't be the same." A few more of her tears fell when I held her even closer to me. I walked up to the front door and then straight up to her room to set her on the bed. I placed her loving face in my hands and with my thumbs I wiped away her tears. Just then we heard Emmett and Jasper pull up and come into the house.
"Come on lets go see what the plans are for tonight" I grabbed her hand and we headed downstairs where everyone was seated on the couches.
"So anyone got any ideas of what we should do tonight? It's a Friday night no work tomorrow" Jasper said as he ran his fingers through Ali's spiky hair.
"Well i think we should have a movie night tonight in celebration for everything that it going on" Emmett noted
"Ohh I think that's a perfect idea!" Alice squealed as she jumped up. "Come on Rose and Bella"
"Where are we going? I thought we were going to do a movie night?" Bella asked as she was being pulled towards the front door
"Oh we are but since we are celebrating why not do our fun fun movie night!" Alice giggled that time and the three of them were off.
Everyone knew what that meant and we couldn't wait. We decided that since the girls had left to go and obtain the liquor, that we would grab the shot glasses needed and the snacks as well as pick out the movies. When we did this we stayed up all night long, till we all passed out.
"Alright I got Sweet Home Alabama and The Notebook for our romance" I said as I set them on the table.
"Well I have The House of Wax and Mirrors for our Horror selection" Emmett said as he placed them on the table next to mine.
"And I have Date Movie… I know very appropriate thank you thank you very much" he smirked "And Waiting for our comedies" Jasper laughed setting them down as well.
We arrived at the liquor store 10mins after leaving the house and boy was it crazy, whenever the three of us went it was like letting us loose in a candy store…. I don't think we ever go out of there under $200.
"Okay what do we want?" I asked walking down one of the aisles looking at the shelves I grabbed the Strawberry Jose Cuervo. "How bout this?" I held it up and of course I knew the answer was going to be yes. I grabbed another one because I loves this stuff and we needed double of everything.
"I've got the Tequila! Salt and limes!" Rose strutted down the aisle to me and held up the bottles
"Lets see I have two Bacardi Rums and two Grey Goose Vodkas!" She bounced down the aisles to us
Now granted had I done that half the liquor if not all of it would have been crashing to the floor, but no she had to be so graceful. We walked over and payed for the booze and then headed back out to my charger I started it up and head back to our place.
"Ow! Oww! Owww!" Alice screamed as she walked through the front door "Lets get this party started!!" She screeched that time walking into the living room to set the booze on the table.
We all sat around on the three couches surrounding the table and big flat screen TV. I leaned back onto his chest after he put Sweet Home Alabama into the DVD player.
"Alright every time anyone kisses you must take a shot" Edward announced the rules for the Romance movies.
"Does it count like right now?" I smirked up at him
He looked at me a little confused "what do you mean love?"
I leaned up and slowly kissed him on the lips I giggled as Alice and Rose followed me
"I would say that deserves a shot" Emmett roared as he poured everyone a shot and we all took them back. Throughout the movie we all did our shots and but the end of the Romance movies we a bit tipsy to say the least. As well as the three of us girls had tears streaming down our cheeks.
"Alight onto the Horror!" Emmett jumped up and stick in the first one "Rules for this is whenever anyone screams you must take a shot!" I grab Rose and set her on his lap as I leaned back starting the movie. Horror always got us girls the most drunken because we screamed as well and that meant we had to take double shots.
There was a scary part coming and I knew it so as I was anticipating at Edward grabbed my sides just as it happened and I screamed so loud that it cost me 4 shots back to back. I was starting to feel the booze now.
"Damnet Edward… That was soooo not necessary!" I started to move towards the other side of the couch but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back. And I couldn't complain as he pulled me against his strong chest wrapping his arms around me. I let out a small giggle
"Im sorry love it was just so easy to get you" Edward whispered in my ear.
We continued on with the Horror flicks. A few hours later the credits were rolling for Mirrors and I jumped up to run to the bathroom, but of course there's no way id ever be able to run drunk. I managed to trip sending myself crashing into the corner of the table in our hallway.
"FUCK!" I screamed out and that was the last thing I remember from that night. "Where am I?" I woke up around 3 the next afternoon not in my bed. So much for celebrating. I swear my clumsiness ruins everything.
A/N - Hehe i love cliffies.... i should have the next chapter up in a few days im ganna start writing it now!