Fortune's Fool

Written By: Lady Lunar Phoenix

Beta By:

A/N: This is based off Persona 4 after the game, does contain spoilers.


A picture is worth a thousand words.

That's how the quote goes. Based off the idea that it would take a thousand or more words to describe a single moment in time. Yet a picture could capture the moment in stark clarity without words. An example was the picture of the gang all together before he left, that day when the sun had been shining. The group had gotten together for once last gathering before he was to return home. It had a bitter sweet taste as he had settled into a routine and a life style that made him happy, only to be taken away again. The picture was framed and rested on his desk though normally it rested beside his bed.

"Souji? Aren't you coming to breakfast?" his mother stuck her head into the room looking around for her only son. Souji was sitting at the desk with his back to the door. He had a lot of his father in him, from the build to the unique natural gray hair color. She never did figure out how someone could be born with gray hair. But at the moment the only thing she could think of was how suddenly one letter could shut him down so totally.

"Just save me something." he replied absently still staring at something on his desk.

"Souji? Is everything ok? You've been acting odd since you got that letter." She walked in, her concern in her voice. She was half dressed for work, as she walked across the room before planting both her hands on her son's strong shoulders. The moment she touched him though, he flipped something over on his desk and his shoulders communicated his distress by tensing up. She brushed her black hair back over her shoulder as she looked on in worry. "Did something bad happen at the party?"

"Everything is fine mom, don't worry. I just need to think on something is all."

"Ok, if you say so, you're old enough to know best on your own. But if you need something don't hesitate to ask me or your father for help ok?" She replied in a last ditch effort to find out what was wrong with her son.

"I know mom, thanks."

She frowned, realizing she would be unable to break the shell he had locked himself in. Squeezing his shoulders briefly in motherly affection, she turned to finish getting ready. She'd just have to trust her son's common sense about whatever it was. But she could only hope that it would pass, she hated seeing her son so silent.

The door shut behind her with a click, allowing Souji to turn the picture he had been looking at back over. He had to think, try to figure out what had happened in such a short span of time. But he couldn't remember all that clearly, not after they slipped the slight bit of liquor in his drinks the night before last. Shadows and shafts of multicolored lights that pierced through the darkness. The scent of smoke mixing with Naoto's own scent as she napped in his arms. Holding her close as she slept, probably slightly drunk as well, with his coat resting on her.

He had a feeling that the guys were involved in that drunken state. But it was much more comfortable to snuggle with his girl in the corner hidden in the shadows. Of course all that meant was that he held close and she didn't blush this time. Or maybe she did and he couldn't see it through the darkness. Though she did vibrate slightly like she had giggled, before snuggling against his chest.

But he didn't recall anything that would hint how that picture could have happened. She was there! In his arms virtually all night! If something had happened why hadn't the gang called him? Maybe they didn't know? The trio had finally graduated high school, maybe they couldn't stay in as close contact anymore because of it? Souji sighed as he looked around, his eyes falling on the Gratitude Ema the fox gave him. What would Naoto do in a situation like this? She was the Ace Detective after all...

An Ace Detective that was well aware of the danger she lived her life in. She was well aware that there were people who would want revenge on her. Even with that knowledge she still faced her field of work with a relish. She was brave to face a life of personal danger without flinching. So had it caught up with her? He had to go down stairs, maybe someone down there had seen something when the letter had arrived?

Regardless, he wasn't helping Naoto by sitting in his room. Even if he couldn't go to the cops, he could look around, ask questions. He wasn't a detective or a cop, but he wasn't going to sit around and just let something bad happen to her! The only message that came with the picture had stated that she wouldn't survive if he went to the cops. He didn't have the same resources as she did to find out if there was more to the picture or envelope, or even if there were clues to where it came from.

So with a, shaky, plan of action he finally left his room and snagged himself a slice of toast off plate on the counter. Munching on it, he strode out the door like a man with a mission. Down the hallway, towards the elevator and from there he went to the lobby of the apartment complex. It was a beautiful day, outside the sun was shining, reflecting off the windows of buildings and passing cars. Off to the right was front desk to the left was where the mailboxes rested, built into the wall itself. Yet until he knew Naoto was ok, he couldn't really focus on that.

"Oh, good morning Seta-san." One of the receptionists called out as he approached, waving to him with a bright smile on her face. It wasn't busy, most people were leaving for work at the moment anyways. Typical ebony black hair was tied up in a neat bun behind her head. She had a heart shaped face with soft brown eyes, her uniform was crisp and clean.

"Good morning, say may I ask you something?" He inquired sounding calm and casual, as though he wasn't inquiring about his girlfriend's disappearance. He walked over and leaned against the counter just to help in looking less stressed.

"Of course! What can I do for you?" She asked eager to help, must have had her morning can of coffee.

"I got a letter in the mail, but it doesn't have any postage or any signs of where it came from. I don't suppose there's a way I can find out about who may have put it in there?" he asked innocently, but his ploy worked, probably better then he had expected.

"oooOOoooohhh... were they your girlfriends? Or secret admires, you charmer you?" She asked giving a coy little giggle. But her words stopped him short. "Yeah the receptionists were talking about it yesterday morning. Miho saw a small group of girls the night before last, and were hovering about the mail boxes. They were passing around a red envelope, talking about how this was going to be 'romantic'. They seemed to be trying to get the short dark haired girl to go along with it."

"Oh..." he felt boneless suddenly, so the girls probably dropped it off before they reached the club. But the fact that they were 'all girls' meant that Naoto had changed out of her usual standard uniform before they arrived here. "Romantic huh? Ok, thanks, you just took a load off my mind." he replied thanking the receptionist with a smile before he turned to go back to his apartment.

So that explained everything. Though why the hell are they trying to help our relationship along? Suddenly the liquor in the drinks made sense, it was intended to get them more relaxed. He leaned against the wall in the elevator a small smile on his lips. So what are you planning guys? How would you make a fake kidnapping romantic? This is Naoto we're talking about after all, she's not an actress.

He stepped out of the elevator reaching for his apartment keys as his cellphone began ringing. He grabbed the cellphone then put it to his ear while walking towards his apartment. "Hello, Seta, Souji speaking."

"Souji." His uncles voice came over gruff and business like, a detective on the case. Though Souji had to wonder if his uncle was in on the joke to. His long legs carried him quickly to his apartment as his Uncle resumed speaking. "Souji, I'm calling on behalf of your friends."

"Because they're pulling a prank on me by pretending Naoto was kidnapped." Souji finished as he shut the door, and began tugging off his shoes again. He was hungry.

There had been a pause before his Uncle began speaking. "... Yes and no. Yes, they were trying to pull a prank on you, more like they were apparently trying to help move your relationship with Naoto along. However; it's no longer an issue of 'pretend'. Naoto has been kidnapped. I'm sorry Souji. Right now we don't even have any leads as to where she is."

There was something in his uncles' voice that told him this was no joke. There was something that told him to stand there and listen to his uncle. But damn it! He had gone for over a day worrying himself sick over Naoto! "This isn't funny Uncle! Do you have any idea what I've been going through for the past day?" He snapped into the phone as he sat down on the chair in the kitchen. His voice fueled by his suppressed feelings, his anxiety and worry.

His Uncle was quiet for a moment, before he sighed and gave the reply that tore Souji's world apart again. "Someone broke into Naoto's home yesterday, she was in the middle of talking to an officer she worked along side once when she was younger. In the middle of the conversation someone struck her. From the sounds of it, she was still recovering from that after graduation party you guys held. Because of that her reflexes were slower and she was beaten into submission. The officer said she tried to fight back from what he heard, but... well you know Naoto, she's got a strong will, but she can still get overpowered. We rushed to her place, but it was too late, all that was left was her cap on the floor and some of what we think is her blood."

The phone clattered to the ground while Souji quietly covered his face with his hands. He wasn't sure what he wanted, if it was to scream, or cry, or just beat the holy living hell out of something. He knew how his Uncle spoke, he could understand that his Uncle was telling the truth about Naoto. Leaving Souji isolated, far away in Tatsumi Port Island while all this was going on in Inaba. He couldn't even look at the watch Naoto had given him, he couldn't look at the message that he was out of range of Naoto when she needed him most.


"He dropped the phone from the sounds of it." Dojima reported as he looked up at the group in his office. Everyone was downcast, their expressions focused on the same guilt, the same ideas that ran through their heads. He looked down at the pictures on his desk, having been fanned out so he could study all of them. They were all useless in the end, telling a false story of Naoto being stolen away. He stared at the first picture, a copy of the one that was apparently sent to his nephew. "So until he feels up to picking up the phone again, explain to me how a fake kidnapping was supposed to help their relationship."

"It... well... You know... Naoto likes to read detective novels, so we thought maybe pretend like someone was trying to forcefully be her new suitor since Souji was away..." Chie explained, it had been the only time she had lifted her head since they had received the news.

"It was supposed to be as though the pictures were a challenge for Souji to come back and prove himself as hers... It was supposed to end with them having the night to themselves at the Inn, including letting them have the hot springs together as well." Yukiko elaborated her voice leaden by her sadness.

"Look, we didn't know! We swear we only had the best of intentions." Yosuke added, though Dojima waved away his words.

"I know, but this was just poorly timed. I'm heading the case regarding her, her grandfather is coming here, so I'm going to take time talking to him. So here, when he finally picks up the phone you guys should talk to Souji." Dojima switched the phone over speaker before getting up and leaving the group without a leader to take over, so that they could explain to Souji what had happened.

Yosuke finally spoke up as he listened for Souji. "Hey? Souji? Can you hear me?"

"It... It was a nice idea." The voice was calm, barely a tremor of any other emotion other then the same patient tone of their leader.

Yosuke stood there with his mouth falling open in shock. Around him, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji and Teddie all stood there with various expressions of growing disbelief. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why aren't you angry at us? Why don't you hate us? We sent that picture and got the two of you drunk! Now Naoto's gone! How can you say 'It was a nice idea'?!"

"What do you want me to say Yosuke? You didn't know this was going to happen, and I know you guys meant well. I just don't see the point in wasting my energy getting angry at people who had good intentions. Not when I have someone else that I can take my anger out on when he's found. Besides, it sounds more like you guys are beating yourselves up enough without me throwing alcohol on the wounds."

"I heard some of the other cops on the case talking, Souji. Even though I haven't spoken to him, the officer that Naoto was talking to is in Port Island. He works behind the desk during the day, but at night he goes onto his beat. Maybe you could talk to him about what happened?" Chie offered after clearing her throat. "We're going to do everything we can to help Dojima-san find Naoto. So please, don't worry."

"Do you know where he would be?" Souji asked quietly.

"The station is in the mall. You remember? Where Club Escapade is? Paulownia Mall." She replied quickly, before suddenly adding. "Do you want us to come over there? We've all graduated, and we have spare time to go there."

"We can ask Rise if she knows of any place we can stay." Yukiko added speaking up from her seat.

"No way we're letting you go through this alone Senpai." Kanji spoke up as well.

"Right! Sensei, you've been the best to all of us! We won't let you down!" Teddie added coming close to the phone, as though being closer showed more determination.

"Thanks guys, you're the best." Souji replied, there was faint sounds in the back ground as though he was leaving a room. "Say, do you recall seeing anyone strange the night you dropped the picture off at my apartment?"

"No... No one strange." Chie admitted, she had already thought about that night over a thousand times racking her brains out on it. It tore at her over and over again, why go after the smaller girl? "I don't get it Souji, why would someone go after Naoto?"

"Because she's a detective. She's been solving cases for a very long time, and sometimes criminals can't handle that. She said so herself that she had made enemies by the cases she solved." Souji explained, his voice sounding softer.

"So? What does that have to do with kidnapping her?" Yosuke asked in annoyance his arms folded across his chest.

"A man's pride." Kanji replied simply his eyes on the floor.

"Oh not that again, what does a man's pride have to do with kidnapping Naoto?" Yosuke asked in annoyance.

"A man who gets busted and goes to jail because of a little boy solving their crimes." Kanji answered simply his expression somber, his shoulders sagging while Yukiko and Chie looking increasingly alarmed.

"So?" Yosuke asked realizing he was missing something, some part of him praying they didn't elaborate. The room felt too stifling, as though there was some unspoken current of energy about to snap in the room and if the wrong thing was said it was going to go crashing over their heads.

"So what must be going through their heads when they find out the boy is a girl?" Chie asked her voice choking on itself.

Everyone jumped as the sound of a fist hitting the wall snapped out through out the room before the phone line went dead.

Yukiko stood up on shaky legs before gathering up the pictures they had taken. They weren't important to the case, no one needed them, all they did was take up space on a desk. But she remembered almost fondly when they jumped Naoto so they could have the picture taken. Ganging up on the smaller girl and wrestling her into those ropes. A defiant detective, glaring up at the camera person, challenging the person to take that picture.