DISCLAIMER; If I owned Prince of Tennis, a random cow would somehow show up during the match between Tezuka and Atobe.
SUMMARY; Because Tezuka couldn't love Fuji and wonder just exactly what the tensai was, at the same time.
PAIRINGS; TezukaFuji; possibly some OishiEiji.
GENRES; Romance; hints of Supernatural.



Nothing quite filled Tezuka with such exhilaration like playing a tennis match against Fuji.

Of course, no members were supposed to be on the tennis courts before practice started, but Tezuka had very quickly learnt that being both Student Council President and Captain of the Tennis Team could persuade his teachers to cast a blind eye to what he was doing, as long as it wasn't pushing the lines too much. Playing a match a few times each week before morning practice started against Fuji did not push any boundaries too badly.

Tezuka had always known that Fuji, if he so desired, could surpass him in tennis any time he wished. Even while playing flippantly and focussing none too hard on the game, Fuji was easily his captain's equal.

Swinging the racquet forward to meet the prodigy's serve, Tezuka felt the muscles in his arm strain healthily against the pure strength in Fuji's serve, hidden tactfully by the tensai's effortless swing. This was a serve Fuji never used against his opponents when it was not just him and Tezuka, a serve that applied a kind of spin that did not cause the ball to ricochet oddly off the floor like Echizen's twist serve, but a technique that was by far superior. Fuji's serve used a quiet, inconspicuous spin that one would usually not notice until the ball hit the racquet and transferred the spin to the racquet. Against an opponent who was not Tezuka, the racquet would be torn out of the opponent's hand by the super-spinning ball and spin wildly in the air.

Tezuka never asked Fuji why he did not use his special techniques with opponents other than himself. It was tacit that he would receive an answer more mind baffling than the original question.

Applying more effort than he usually needed to against even the strongest of serves, Tezuka countered Fuji's super-spinning serve, forcefully guiding the ball back over the net. Almost before he knew it, the ball was being driven back, and Tezuka dashed to the ball. It had been Fuji that had forced Tezuka to give rise to the Tezuka Zone and the Tezuka Phantom, it seemed Fuji was now encouraging him to develope a new technique.

Mimicking the little wrist jerk that Fuji applied to his super-spin serve, the bespectacled boy watched as the yellow ball was released by his racquet and tore across the court to a Fuji that was standing straight, having released his ready position. Gripping his racquet loosely, Fuji let his racquet meet with the oncoming hit, smiling with satisfaction as the racquet spun crazily in the air.

"Ne, Tezuka, it seems this move is more suited to your physical build than mine," commented the smiling tensai, "Call it the Tezuka Ghost, won't you?"

Tezuka never questioned why Fuji gave these techniques to him.


"Aah.. Inui." said Tezuka as his brown eyes remained fixed on Fuji, who was currently toying around with a match against Echizen, not playing even close to half of his best, "What are the physical capabilities of someone Fuji's size?"

The ever studious glint of Inui's glasses shone at Tezuka, "Ah, you seem to have finally noticed, Tezuka. You see, calculating the size and height of Fuji's body, it seems that Fuji simply defies the laws of physics. I've tried factoring in everything, the wind, the angle at which he hits the ball, the surface of the courts, the humidity of the air, even."

"I am very aware that I have never seen Fuji play to the extent of his abilities, but even now when he is not playing seriously, a tiny body such as his should not be able to produce the amount of strength nor spin on the ball that he does. Fuji Syuusuke simply defies all data, I have long since given up on trying to calculate Fuji's abilities, because according to the data, both Fuji's mental and physical limits should have been reached a long time ago."

"By the way, Tezuka, your new Tezuka Ghost is quite impressive, however did you manage to think up a godly move like that? I suspect it would've taken me many months of equations to calculate a move like that."


"Ne, Tezuka, you seem to be quite deep in thought." the smiling boy leaned over Tezuka, who was currently flopped over Fuji's bed, having been invited by the boy to study for their maths test (not that either of them needed to).

Tezuka peered inquiringly into Fuji's eyes, before sighing and closing his eyes, tugging Fuji's wrist so that the tiny boy fell onto his chest. Pulling the genius towards him, Tezuka kissed him gently. A sigh escaped him, muffled by Fuji's mouth. Feeling the tenssai smile into the kiss, the Seigaku captain opened his chocolate eyes to glance into the reflecting blue ones. Tezuka pulled back.

"You're impossible, you know? Literally, impossible." Whispered Tezuka as his hand cradled Fuji's face, "You're an enigma even to Inui, can't you explain yourself to me?"

The boy sat up on Tezuka's abdomen, his eyes startlingly bright blue against the pale skin, "You can't both love me and be trying to figure me out at the same time, Mitsu." smiled Fuji, a pause-, "I need to go to the bathroom, excuse me."

As the prodigy more or less skipped to the washroom, Tezuka leaned back and sighed, running a hand through his hair as he pondered their half-together-half-just-friends relationship and the way Fuji simply defied logic.


First chapter, if people like this story enough, I can continue it. Or I could leave it as just a kind of oneshot. (: Leave a review and tell me what you think.
-- x.lithium;