Ok so this one shot has been bouncing round my head for a while and it wont go away. So I am putting it down on paper. In the first chapter Jasper helped Bella ease some of the tension caused by Edward not having sex with her. I wanted Edward and Bella to get their happy ending so this is the result with Jasper and Alice lending a hand. Yes this is very OOC and not what would happen usually. But hey this is just fiction so if you don't like this then don't read it.
Usual disclaimers apply.
Chapter 2
Bella lay in Edward's huge bed and stretched languorously against the cool sheets. Edward had just left her to go hunting with some of the family. Bella knew that Jasper and Alice had stayed behind to watch over her just in case.
Since her encounter with Jasper a few weeks ago Edward had been trying much harder to be intimate with Bella. He was more comfortable with touching her over her clothes and on the bare skin of her stomach. His kisses had been more possessive and demanding, Bella was glad they were making progress, but her mind still sometimes wandered at her memories of making love with Jasper.
She could still recall the taste of his mouth, the hardness of his body, as he possessed her. She didn't regret what happened but she did regret that she couldn't share that with Edward. Something would have to happen soon or else she would combust. Her heartbeat and breathing were already racing at her thoughts, and hanging round with a house full of Vampires nothing was secret anymore.
"Oh Bella" Alice's clear voice sang through the house
Bella got out of bed and walked to Edward's door. Opening it she stepped out onto the darkened landing.
"Alice" She called
"My Bedroom" Alice giggled
Bella cautiously walked towards Alice's room. The hallway was dimly lit and Bella didn't want to trip and hurt herself. Arriving outside Alice's bedroom door Bella knocked quietly.
"Come in Bella" Alice called out
Bella opened the door and stepped inside, as she surveyed Alice's room she gasped slightly. Scented candles were burning on every available surface. Alice was stretched out on the bed with Jasper, Alice clad in a Red satin nightie, Jasper in his silk boxers.
"Bella come here?" Alice asked her and she got onto her knees on their huge bed.
Bella walked slowly to them feeling self conscious and guilty at her interruption of their time.
"Bella stop it you have nothing to feel guilty for" Jasper commented.
As Bella got to the bed she stopped, Alice drew her into her arms and gazed at her face.
"I know you are feeling wound up and anxious, but I know Edward is as well. So tonight Jasper and I are going to help you finally get what you want from Edward" Alice promised.
'You mean it, he and I can…" Bella left the rest of the phrase unsaid.
"Yes darlin you both need this and all Edward needs is the right sort of motivation" Jasper chimed in
"And we don't have much time to prepare. Jasper can you please run Bella a bath" Alice ordered
Jasper walked quickly into their bathroom and spun the taps in the huge bath. He added bubbles and then he went to the cupboard to pull out a huge fluffy towel for Bella. Once the bath was filled he turned the taps off and walked back into the bedroom.
Alice was talking quietly to Bella and as Jasper walked in she looked up and smiled at him.
"Come on Bella bath time" Alice laughed
Bella rolled her eyes but she smiled and followed Alice into the bathroom. She quickly undressed and clambered into the bath the bubbles hiding most of her body.
"Bella to make this work we need to give Edward a head start so I am coming in there with you and then when we are both in Jasper needs to come in and commit what he sees to memory ok?" Alice explained
Bella giggled immediately catching on to what Jasper would do when he came within Edward's mind reading abilities. Alice slid off her satin nightie and then she climbed into the bath behind Bella.
She picked up the soft sponge and poured liquid gel on it. As she started to gently wash Bella's back she called out for Jasper.
"Ok Jasper we're ready"
As Jasper walked in he saw the smooth curve of Bella's naked back and his wife's hands gently washing it with the sponge. Both of the girls felt the lust come charging into the bathroom instantly.
Both of them looked at Jasper and saw his feral black eyes as he gazed at them both his mouth was slightly open and they saw how his throat convulsively swallowed the venom that had pooled in his mouth.
"Ok I have enough to tempt Edward, how much longer Alice?" Jasper asked
"They will be back here in just over an hour"
"Ok I'll be waiting for them downstairs"
Jasper hesitated for a second then he shot forwards and kissed Alice hard on her mouth. Then he did the same to Bella his breathing harsh and shallow.
"Good luck Bella if this doesn't work I might just kill him myself" Jasper promised
Bella and Alice giggled as Jasper flew out of the room
"Ok Bella time to hussle we don't have long" Alice ordered
Alice climbed out of the bath and wrapped herself in a towel then helping Bella out she did the same to her. Sitting Bella down at her huge vanity she went to work on her face. She didn't want a riot of colour she wanted a natural look to enhance Bella's features.
When her face was finished she pulled Bella's hair up into a knot on the top of her head. A few tendrils around her face softened the effect. When that was done she pulled Bella up onto her feet and started smoothing over a strawberry scented body lotion.
Bella felt self conscious as Alice's cool hands rubbed in the lotion. But if this would get her Edward then she would do it. When Alice had finished she gave Bella a midnight blue Bra and matching thong to put on.
"Put those on I'll be right back" Alice promised as she ran out of the room
Alice was back as Bella was fastening the catch on the Bra. In her hands was a dark blue shirt of Edward's.
"Alice I don't understand" Bella said pointing at the shirt
"You don't need to understand you just need to put it on, now trust me I know this will work" Alice smiled
"Alice I'm scared what if it doesn't" Bella questioned as she put the shirt on.
"It will I promise. Now they will all be home in 5 minutes you need to be up Edward's bed"
"Alice thank you, I love you so much" Bella husked
'I love you too Bella now go this will work I promise, just go to his room and the rest will follow"
Bella walked out of Alice's room and started for Edward's she saw the lights on from the lounge and she heard the TV. She knew Jasper was down there, ready to do his part in this.
"Jasper thank you so much, I love you" Bella called
"I love you too Bella and I'm very happy to help you" He called up.
"Bella 2 minutes to go, shift it" Alice hissed
Bella ran as quickly as she could without falling and she was soon laying on top of Edward's bed on her side her knee bent slightly up. The noise from Emmett's Jeep soon alerted her to their return and her heart started to race in anticipation.
The house was suddenly filled with noise as the family arrived home. Bella concentrated on not holding her breath. Keeping her breaths steady was easier said than done but she managed it.
She was wondering when Jasper would show Edward what he had seen earlier. He wouldn't wait too long he knew how wound up she was.
She jumped slightly when she saw the bedroom door open and she saw the blackness of Edward's eyes as he walked through the door. It had to be down to desire and not hunger and her breathing hitched as she saw the feral look in his eyes. He locked his door behind him and started to walk towards the bed. Bella's heart hitched up a notch as he approached her wild lust burned into his face.
Bella sat up straighter on the bed and as she did so Edward's shirt, that had been left unbuttoned, fell open. Edward growled as he took in her curves encased inside midnight blue satin.
"Did you enjoy your bath my love?" he whispered seductively
"You saw that" Bella whispered her eyes never leaving his face
"Oh yes Jasper held nothing back" he purred slightly.
Bella suddenly felt overwhelmed by lust and confidence as Edward caressed his fingers over her shoulders. Bella realized that Jasper must be nearby to do this. But she didn't care all she cared about was getting Edward.
"Of course having Alice wash me was nice but having you do it would have been nicer" Bella told him boldly
Edward growled and slid the shirt off Bella's shoulders. "Good job this shirt is my favourite on you otherwise I would have just ripped it off"
" I shall have to find one you don't like then just to see you do it" Bella challenged him
Edward growled as he swooped on her mouth, her words turning him on so much his body about to explode. Through his lust though he knew to keep her safe. Her mouth was opening under his onslaught and he hesitated only for a second before he sucked her tongue into the coolness of his mouth.
The heat of her almost burned him and as he felt the waves of lust blast at him he knew there was no way he would be able to stop. The images Jasper had slung at him were his undoing. The sight of Alice washing his beloved Bella's back and the feeling's of Jasper as he saw them was too much for him.
To hell with his self imposed rules and restraints. She was his and tonight he would make sure she knew what that meant. Edward gentled the kiss and then dropped his eyes down to her bra. Although from the time she had been with Jasper he knew what she looked like naked. Touching her and tasting her would be something different for him. His fingers traced the cups of her bra, his cold fingers skimming over the top of the rounded curves.
'Take it off" Bella whispered
Swallowing slightly Edward found the catch at the front of the bra and he undid it. Pushing the cups aside Edward gazed at her beautiful breasts topped with rosy pink nipples that were swollen in desire. He slowly lowered his head and licked one softly. As he did so Bella hissed and arched her body closer to him.
He dipped his head again but this time he sucked the hot peak into the coolness of his mouth.
"Edward, fuck, yes" Bella screeched
He teased and tormented her peak and then switched his attentions to her other one. All the time her hands were clawing at his shoulders and hair. As Bella writhed on the bed her slim thighs fell open and Edward was bombarded by her smell.
"Bella fuck" he yelled as he let go of her nipple
"Oh Edward please more, please I want you" Bella begged as her hands reached for him
Edward leaned down and ripped the thong from her body, her body bare for him and open to his gaze. Turning to himself he pulled his Jersey over his head. He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them to the floor, stepping out of them he walked to the bed in just his boxers.
Bella could see his arousal through his boxers and as she felt renewed confidence hit her she sat up. Her seductive smiled disarmed Edward as she pulled him towards her; her fingers skimmed the top of his boxers and as she pulled them down his huge erection bobbed slightly.
Bella's mouth went dry at the sight. He was huge and he was all hers. She kept her eyes on him as he climbed onto the bed. He lay down next to her his hands gentle as they caressed her body. His hand traced round her breasts his fingers pulling at her nipples.
His hands traced her ribcage down to her heated centre he gently teased the opening with his fingers as he gazed at her face. He saw the desire and the lust there so he probed her heat more.
"Oh Edward yes" She gasped
"Is that good my Angel" He whispered
"Yes so good please more" She begged
Edward inserted two of his fingers inside her and curled them upwards slightly. As Bella screamed and thrashed at his actions she caught hold of his own erection. Her small fingers immediately started caressing the swollen head.
"Bella ah God yes" Edward yelled
As Bella felt her core tightening up she speeded up slightly.
"Bella fuck hold on a moment" Edward begged
It was too late Bella felt the heat consume her and her body erupted into sensation.
"EDWARD" She screamed as her body arched
Edward held on for all his might he wanted to be inside her when he came. As her body calmed Edward pulled her up onto her knees with her throbbing centre flush with his erection. He raised her slightly and in one smooth stroke he slid inside her.
"Bella shit" he yelled as her heat grabbed him
'Oh Edward please harder my love I cant wait" She begged him.
Edward grabbed her hips and pounded into her. He wanted to be gentle with her but he was out of his mind with need. But she wasn't stopping him, in fact her words and actions were encouraging him on. He felt his whole body start to be overwhelmed by his actions and he knew he needed to come soon.
"Bella please my love I'm close" Edward begged
"Yes Edward me too" Bella gasped
Bella exploded around him her core grabbing him and milking him relentlessly. It was too much for Edward as his body erupted into hers. For a few blissful seconds Edward saw stars as his mind became overwhelmed with sensation and feelings.
They both collapsed to the bed Edward laid on his back and he pulled Bella close to his chest. Her heartbeat calmed him as it slowed down slightly.
'Oh Bella, I love you" He whispered
"I love you too Edward, so very much" She replied
As her eyes fluttered closed Edward started to hum her lullaby. Their wedding in a few weeks was now merely a formality. Bella belonged to him mind and body.
"Alice, Jasper I know you are both near. Thank you both, Thank you so much" he whispered anxious not to wake Bella.
They didn't need to say a word Edward hear their thoughts at how happy they both were.
The End
Yay he managed it. Of course with Alice and Jasper helping how could he have failed? Hope you all enjoy this if you did please let me know.