Right then. This idea just popped into my head and wouln't go away. So now you're stuck with it. Enjoy ;)

"Rose!! Quick, come quickly!!!" The Doctor yelled from the depths of the TARDIS. Rose ran towards the sound of his voice. She reached the kitchen and found him on his knees, on the floor, surrounded by the contents of all the cupboards. He was shaking uncontrollably. Rose crouched down beside him.

"Doctor, what's wrong?" she asked him worriedly, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Rose, it.....it's ....... terrible, absolutely terrible! We..... We've... RUN OUT OF TEA! "He finished abruptly, hands on his head, as if he were in pain.

"Is that it? He called me in here for that, when I was perfectly happy doing nothing, to tell me that we need to go shopping" Rose thought, bitterly, standing up. "Well, that's not so bad. Come on, sit up" She said gently, helping him to stand, "I'll make us a cup of coffee, yeah?" She got out two mugs and set about making it as strong as she could. She had never understood why he refused coffee point-blank. She turned around a few minutes later, with the mugs filled to the brim with swirling brown liquid. The Doctor was staring at her, fearfully.

"No. Not coffee. I can't "He whispered, eyes fixed on the two mugs in her hands, as if they were bombs.

"Come on, it won't kill ya! Just a little cup of caffeine, then we'll go and get some tea, yeah?" she stepped closer, shortening the distance between them, and the Doctor almost flung himself to the other end of the room, the he realised that Rose was between him and the door. He backed into the corner, trying to get as far away as possible from the liquid. "Come on! It's getting cold!" She pleaded to him, stepping right in front of him, and lifting the mug up to his nose, which he flatly refused to sniff at.

"NO! I WON'T! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DRINK THAT STUFF! IF YOU DO THEN YOU'LL REGRET IT ROSE TYLER!" He yelled at her. She was surprised at him. He sounded as though he was talking to someone who was torturing him.

"COME ON YA BIG WHIMP!" She yelled back, forcing the mug into his face and emptying the contents into his mouth and down his throat.

That's when things started to go wrong. Very, VERY wrong...............................

The Doctor had gone mad. He was running around like the lunatic that Rose knew she had unleashed when she forced the coffee down his throat. As soon as he had swallowed, he collapsed to the floor and onto his knees, groaning. Rose fell down to see what was wrong. He had been shaking enough to turn his body into a drill and burrow his way down to another level of the TARDIS that Rose knew existed somewhere, even if she hadn't found it yet. He raised his head to look at her, and she almost fell back in shock. His eyes were so dilated so much, that there was only the smallest amount of his brown irises left. It was a spooky sight!

"Coffee!!!" H e whispered "Coffee bad! Bad coffee, bad coffee, bad coffee, bad coffee, bad coffee, badcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeebadcoffeegoodcoffeegoodcoffeegoodcoffeegoodcoffeeGOODCOFFEEGOODCOFFEEGOODCOFFEEGOODCOFFEEGOOD!!!"

He was screaming now, yelling at the top of his lungs, his hands clutching desperately at his head, his eyes squeezed shut as the coffee began to take effect.

"COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COFFEECOFFEECOFFEECOFFEE!!!!" He jumped up and ran from the room, still screaming the same word over and over again. Rose looked on in horror.

"What have I done?!" She thought, watching him leave the kitchen and run head-first into the wall opposite, then jump up like it was nothing and continue to spin down the corridor, towards the console room, completely out of control.

That was three days ago. Rose didn't think that he'd slept since. He hadn't stopped moving yet either. She had tried to get the TARDIS to help her contain him until the coffee wore off. But the ship seemed really annoyed with her for giving him the drink in the first place, and would only help when the Doctor threatened, unintentionally, to cause serious damage to her circuits and almost getting himself electrocuted, like he was now. Rose watched on as he somehow managed to climb up the Time Rotor and shimmy himself all the way to the top.

"Come on Doctor, come down!!! Please!!" She yelled at him.

"HeyaRoseyoushouldcomeuphereitsreallyfunlookwhatIcandoweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" He yelled back, now swinging upside down by wrapping his legs round a stray cable and swinging like a monkey would in a tree.

The TARDIS had had enough. She waited until he was partway through a swing, and then suddenly tilted the room 90o. Rose fell against the console but the Doctor wasn't so lucky. He lost his grip on the cable and fell past the captain's chair, (which was now only a few feet from the ground, and looked like it was still attached to the wall) and disappeared. The room returned to the right angle and Rose ran to where the Doctor had fallen.

"Doctor!" She gasped, leaning over the chair and staring at the floor. The Doctor wasn't there. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and spun around. The Doctor's eyes were still so dilated; it made him look like a demented rabbit caught in the headlights. He had a large cut on his forehead, and blood was starting to trickle down his face, but it looked like he didn't even know it was there.

"WhatwasthatIthinkthatmyshipwastryingtokillmebutI'mtoogoodforheraren'tIRosethoughIdon'tknowhwyshewouldtrytokillmeallIwasdoingwascheckingthateverythingwasworkingohsheisastrangeshipc'm'ere!!!" He grabbed her around the waist and somehow managed to make her lie flat in the air, facing the ceiling with her legs fastened around his neck. The he started spinning round and round ant maybe 400 miles an hour. Rose had no choice but to hold tight to his hands as he kept on spinning, otherwise, she knew she would fly across the room. He started to slow down and stopped yelling "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" at the top of his voice, only to say very quietly: "Oh, that'll be the coffee worn off then!"

Rose only realised what it meant a few seconds later, and it was almost too late. He suddenly stopped spinning and started to fall forwards. Rose put her hands behind her to cushion her fall, but the Doctor didn't have that luxury, he had gone completely limp. Rose landed on her bum and only had enough time to pull her legs out from around the Doctor's neck to avoid breaking them. The Doctor's face hit the floor with a nasty sounding crash. Rose scrambled to him and turned him over, putting his head into her lap and stroking his hair. His eyes fluttered open, bleary and unfocused, but thankfully, they were back to normal.

"Welcome back!" She whispered. He stared at her.

"Rose Tyler, sometimes you just don't know when to not get involved. Don't ever do that again!" He gasped, breathlessly. Rose bowed her head, reaching for a kiss. The TARDIS monitor chose that moment to start ringing. The Doctor sighed, and sat up. He stood and walked over to the console, pressing a few buttons as he went. The monitor lit up and a man's face appeared. He was tall and had short black hair and side-burns. He was wearing a smart suit, a pink shirt and a dark blue tie.

"Whaddya want?" The Doctor growled, angry that the idiot had chosen that specific time to ruin their moment.

"Are you the Doctor?" The man asked breathlessly. His strong Welsh accent obvious.

This question struck the Doctor as a little odd. Normally those people who try to make contact with the TARDIS know who she belonged to.

"Who want to know?"

"My name is Jones, sir, Ianto Jones. I need your help!"

"What's wrong?" The Doctor asked, bending a little closer to the screen.

"It's the Daleks, sir. They've taken Jack! They're torturing him now. You have to come! They're asking for you! You have to come now sir!" The screen was fading, the sound becoming harder to decipher "Please sir, you have to come, they're killing him! Plea- " The screen faded entirely, giving way to static.

"Rose" The Doctor whispered, turning to face her "Let's go and save the captain!" He yelled, and slammed down a switch.

Review please. I want to have 5 before I update. I'm soo mean!!