A man of pride and integrity...immediately meant me. People thought I was powerful and just but really, I was your average man, trying to come out on top in a society that discriminated me because of my race...growing up in a muggle orphanage was not easy! It was more of a hindrance than blessing, really.
Oh! I am quite sorry for rambling...i am actually writing in this, 'journal,' as I am on guard duty. Arthur should be relieving me soon, it would be his first shift back on since the attack. I could tell he hated the fact of again even thinking about these halls, but he also was trying to fight Voldemort, and to make a better world. Though you'd think if he was working for something so noble, he wouldn't have been brutally attacked.....Viciously torn...and emotionally unsettled. I could barely take time to think of what had happened, but I was determined, tonight, to get Arthur's take. We needed to write it down for information anyway....
It is so dark and slim and claustrophobic in this corridor. I felt so condensed and oddly tired. I only had a few moments left until Arthur would get here, most likely...so I will set this journal aside for now, and I will pick up later, where I left off about my childhood.
I see Arthur coming, I shall reveal more in time.
a\n: hope you enjoyed!!!! please review and if you have an idea on what Order member you would like to see next, leave it in your review