A/N: Heres the next chapter! Thanks for all the reviews! X


It was her. My best friend. I knew that her smile was familiar. "It's me," she smiled. I kept clinging to her, I missed her so much and now she was here. In my arms. "Oh, Bella," I smiled taking in her scent.

"Edward," she mumbled into my shoulder. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Bellie. So much."

"Bellie. I missed that nickname," she laughed.

"I missed saying it." We were still hugging, probably because we missed each other so much. "Oh, Bella, I still can't believe you're alive. I still can't believe I've finally found you," I said.

"Well, believe it. I love you, Edward Cullen."

"I love you too, Isabella Swan." We weren't inlove. We always told each other that we love each other, but as friends. After what seemed like decades we finally separated. "Thank you so much for believing me," she said. I took her hands in mine and looked her in the eye. I pictured her chocolate brown eyes instead of the liquid gold ones. "My pleasure. I've missed you, Bellie."

"I've missed you more, Eddie-kins," she beamed.

"I doubt it." She was the only person I allowed to call me Eddie. Or any abbreviation of Edward. Emmett had tried it in the past, but he ended up having an Emmett shaped dent in his wall. "Yey! You believed her, Edward! Well done!" Rose said appearing in the doorway.

"Yeah, she proved it."

"How?" she asked taking a step inside.

"Bella and I were the only two people in that concert. The bloody vampires were so old. But we enjoyed listening to their music anyway. Ok, maybe there were a couple more people at the concert. A couple of hobos and some old men. I also felt that her smile was familiar," I explained.

"Aw, you've found your best friend, Edward. I'm so happy for you!" Rose said.

"Thank you. Come on, let's go and tell the others!" I smiled. I took Bella's hand and we walked downstairs with Rose right behind us. Carlisle, Esme and Alice were watching Jasper and Emmett's arm wrestling match intently. I coughed to get their attention. Their eyes shot to my face and then at my hand in Bellas. Jasper and Emmett let go of each others hands and we had everybodys attention.


He believed me, he finally believed me. It felt so good to be with him again. It was really him. "What is it, Edward?" Carlisle asked.

"Something extremely wonderful has just happened," Edward smiled.

"Yes?" Esme urged.

"I've found her. I've found Bella."

"Of course you have. She's right there," Alice laughed.

"No, I've found my best friend. This is Isabella Swan, my best friend."

"Really!?" Alice squealed. "Some psychic I am! I didn't see this coming!"

"Oh, Edward, that's wonderful!" Esme smiled. She got up and placed a kiss on Edwards cheek and then mine. Everybody took it in turns to congratulate us. Emmett gave both of us one of his famous bear hugs. After all of the congratulations, Edward and I decided to take a walk to catch up on each other. He took me to a beautiful meadow. The sun was out and both of us shimmered in the sun, he looked beautiful. "So, Bellie, how have you been?"

"Lonely. I've never been part of a coven. I've been on my own for over 100 years. Yes, I know, how sad."

"Aw, who's a cute little Bellie-kins!?" he cooed. He knew I hated doing that so I pushed him over. Maybe it was a little too hard? He got up again and got into a defensive crouch and I ran. He chased me around the meadow. I was too slow. He snaked his arms around my waist and swung me up into the air. We collapsed into a heap. We were both in laughing fits. Just like old times. "You're such a jerk!" I joked.

"Yeah, but that's why you luurve me," he laughed.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Shut up, Edward!" I said pushing him over again. He pouted and used his puppy dog eyes. The face that I couldn't bear to see. "Aw, Eddie!" I cooed. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a big hug which I returned happily. We stayed like this for I don't know how many minutes but it seemed like hours. "Come on, let's get back," he said getting up and holding out his hand.

"Ok." I took his hand and we walked back to the house.

"Yo, Bella! Yo, Edward!" Emmett yelled from the living room.

"What?" Edward asked as we walked in.

"Where've you two been?" Alice asked. Her eyes were glittering as she spotted our intertwined fingers. "Huh, huh!?" she smiled.

"In the meadow," I replied.

"Oooh. Edwards got a girlfriend!" she said jumping up and down.

"What!? Edward has a girlfriend!?" Esme said rushing into the room. Jasper, Rosalie and Carlisle also came in. "Who?" Esme urged.

"Mum, I don't have a girlfriend," Edward told her.

"Yes, he does!" Alice insisted.

"No, I don't," Edward said.

"Look!" Alice said pointing to our hands.

"It's nothing. We're just friends. We were always like this before. A lot of people mistook us as boyfriend and girlfriend. We're best friends," I said.

"Alice, don't overreact!" Esme scolded. "I'm sorry about that," she apologised.

"Don't worry, Esme. We get it a lot," I smiled.

"Hmph," Alice pouted.

"Come on, Bells. Let's go upstairs," Edward said leading us to his bedroom.

"Nice room," I commented. I was just stunned by the amount of music on his shelves. "You still love music then?" I asked.

"Of course," he smiled. He sat on his piano bench and I sat next to him. "You remember this?" He started playing a beautiful melody that could only be one thing. Our friendship song. He composed it when we were fourteen. It was beautiful and he used to play it all the time. A lot of both of our emotions went into this piece that I missed so much. "Edward, I love it so much," I whispered. "I never forgot about this piece."

"I haven't played it in so long. I couldn't bear to think of you, Bell. It hurt too much," he said and he stopped playing. "You shouldn't have moved away."

"Charlie had a job offer that was too good to refuse. I thought you understood."

"I tried to, Bella. Believe me, I tried. But to me, all he was doing was separating us and I felt angry towards the whole world."

"I know, Edward. I know how it feels. There hasn't yet been a day that's passed without me thinking about you," I smiled.

"Same here, Bella. I've missed you so much," he said and he gave me another big hug. Oh how I missed his hugs. "You're still the same. Still my Bellie-kins."

"And you're still my Eddie-kins."


I don't know what comes over me every time I'm with Bella. I just become a whole new person. I'm not the serious guy that everybody thinks I am. I become the real Edward. All night, Bella and I were talking about what happened to us in the past hundred years. I felt sorry for her, truly I did. She was always alone and I had six vampires among me. She deserved to have company. I couldn't bear to picture her travelling alone all the time, no protection. I was always protective over Bella, I never let any danger go near her when we were human. But I guess she doesn't need it now. Bella was beautiful now. I'm not saying that she wasn't beautiful before but now she was even more beautiful. Which I thought was impossible. I had to admit that she was the most beautiful vampire I've ever come across. Even Rosalie. And Rosalie was apparently 'the most beautiful vampire in the history of our existence'. That's what everybody else described her as. But no, Bella was far more beautiful. Rosalie was never that beautiful to me really. If I were to tell anybody this then they'd think me absolutely nuts. All of this thinking only took a short amount of time while I was waiting for Bella to come back. Alice had called her out to talk. I was truly worried now. Alice and Bella. Talking. Alice and Bella was enough to scare me half to death. Ok, technically I am dead but you know what I mean. Finally, Bella came in. She looked worried. "What is it, Bella?" I asked anxiously.

"Alice said that she saw me. And you."


"We were.. Together."

A/N: Did you like? It's a bit longer than my usual chapter as promised ;) x Review please! x