Chapter 17: Memories

The other day it was just like always at PPTH. House came as usually late, threw his robe on a chair and sat down to read some newspaper and drink his coffee.

Cameron was at the Emergency Station and had just a new patient. A young blond girl at her age.

Her leg was cut off because of an accident.

"You know I climb every Wednesday since eleven years from 8 to 10 am but never in my career happened such a bad mistake. I tripped over my own feet, how embarrassing is that, by the way your hair looks fantastic" the woman spoke very fast and Cameron had to smile because she reminded her on Elliot, so squizzy and always excited. She took the necessary stuff and helped her patent.

At the same time Chase and Foreman were sitting at the cafeteria and observed the people around them.

In front of them passed two men, one a bit older than the other.

"You're such a moron, Frida, how couldn't you write down the right numbers, seriously why do I waste my worthy time with you" they walked away.

"Remember Cox and J.D, exactly the same ones" Chase laughed and drank his coffee.

Foreman admitted it and they started talking about the past few days.

Wilson was having practice and had a nice conversation with Malcom, a boy who just found his missed brother.

It would be great, if Clark would be here with him right now, he thought and sighted.

House got bored and so he decided to visit his boss.

He took the elevator up and walked into her office without knocking.

She was sitting at her desk and chatting with someone on the other line.

House could catch some words and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes Perry, then we'll meet us on the 20th of May, many greetings"