Alright first part of chapter 7 is sad, but it ends on a happy note. I hope no one was super-attached to Berrynose and Hazeltail, cause they are deadsies. I had to! If I just kept making up kits and not killing any cats ThunderClan would be over-run! Somebody had to die, and I don't like killing senior warriors, I love the senior warriors!

I have it all worked out, the cats the most deeply affected will gain some new relationships from all this pain, so later on down the road, they will be happy, you'll see! OH! And once again Thank you to everyone who's been reviewing! Keep it up! Sorry about the long AN hah! ENJOY!

Mousefur POV

Almost every cat had gone to pay their respects to Berrynose and Hazeltail. Their bodies lay in the middle of camp, bathed in moonlight. The cats who knew them best remained, keeping vigil for their fallen clan-mate. Daisy, Mousewhisker, Toadpaw, and Rosepaw were their of course, their noses pressed into the fur of their fallen kin. Also keeping vigil were the deceased warriors former mentors, Dustpelt had his nose pressed against Hazeltail's fur, and Brambleclaw remained close to Berrynose, his former apprentice. Honeyfern and Birchfall were also there, their noses pressed to the tom's cream-colored pelt. Both cats fur was no longer wet and tangled, Daisy and Mousewhisker had groomed the cats thoroughly, sending them to StarClan with the soft, fluffy fur every cat remembered them having.

Mousefur approached with Longtail, the sun was rising and it was time for the elders to bury the cats. A few still keeping vigil looked up suddenly startled, as if they didn't know how long they'd been mourning.

Daisy had a look of pure torture in her eyes. "It's not time yet is it?" the queen whispered. "Please let me stay with them for a while longer." she begged.

Mousewhisker stood closer to his mother, "We can't stay with them forever." the heart-broken tom told Daisy.

Mousefur's heart broke for the cats. It was not easy losing one of your kits, let alone two in one night.

"They died like true warriors." She told them solemnly. "Protecting their clan, and each other."

Mousewhisker nodded, but Daisy looked as though she were far away, she licked each of her kits one last time, before allowing her remaining kits to help her to the nursery.

Brambleclaw was whispering something to his former apprentice, as was Dustpelt before both toms stood and retired to the warriors den

The only cat who remained was Honeyfern. The she-cat was visibly distressed. She never kept secret her feelings for the cream-colored warrior, and now that he was gone she seemed completely lost.

Longtail approached the she-cat, "He's with StarClan now." the tom tried to comfort her.

"I know" Honeyfern murmured, never looked away from Berrynose.

"We must bury them Honeyfern, the sun is rising." Mousefur meowed.

Honeyfern stood and nodded, but before turning to leave she looked straight at Mousefur. "I would like to help." she announced, her voice quavering.

Longtail nodded, pressing his muzzle to the she-cats shoulder in a form of silent comfort. Before any of them could move though, Mousewhisker re-appeared.

"I would like to help too." The tom meowed.

Mousefur nodded this time. "We could use the help, thank you."

Honeyfern and Mousefur lifted Berrynose, while Longtail and Mousewhisker lifted Hazeltail, they took them to the outskirts of camp to the burial place. Both the young cats were distraught after the burial, comforting each other as best they could.

Mousefur could tell Longtail wanted to say something to help the two cats, "They need time, not words Longtail." she whispered to her mate.

He nodded his head, and the two elders made their slow approach back to camp, leaving Honeyfern and Mousewhisker to pay their last respects to their fallen friends.

The camp was still quiet, most cats either just going to sleep after their vigil, or just waking up to perform their warriors duties. Not even the kits could be heard playing in the nursery. It was as if Berrynose and Hazeltail's deaths had cast a shadow over ThunderClan that every cat could feel.

Mousefur and Longtail entered the nursery together. Squirrelflight had moved in about half a moon earlier, expecting kits with Brambleclaw. She and Whitewing had made the kits go to sleep, worried their playing would upset Daisy, who was sitting far off from the other queens in a sort of trance. Longtail took up his usual nest and closed his eyes. The days events tiring the tom out.

Mousefur was about to do the same, but she felt she should at least try to comfort Daisy. She wasn't sure why, she knew nothing she could say would help, but some motherly instinct told her to try.

Mousefur sat close to the white queen, and slowly starting licking her pelt, with long rhythmic strokes. She could feel Daisy relax a little with every stroke of her tongue. Just when Mousefur thought maybe the queen was falling asleep though, Daisy whipped around, face to face with Mousefur.

"Was I wrong to bring them here?" the white queen asked, her eyes pleading.

"They were loyal ThunderClan cats." Mousefur meowed, "They would not have been happy anywhere else."

"But they'd be alive." The queen finished, her voice trembling.

"No one knows for sure, all we know is that their in StarClan now, together." the elder hissed.

Daisy seemed to brighten a little at this news, "You really think their in StarClan? Even though they weren't clan-born?"

Mousefur nodded, "StarClan watches over all cats, clan-born or not." she assured her.

"I feel so use-less, I have no kits." The queen choked.

"None-sense!" Mousefur snapped. "You mother all of ThunderClan's kits! Every kit that has grown in this camp has known your motherly love and affection. Half could not have even nursed if it wasn't for you! Do not be mouse-brained Daisy, for as long as you are in ThunderClan you will have kits to watch over."

"Thank you Mousefur." Daisy whispered.


Thistlekit POV

Thistlekit awoke to find his mother Mousefur, sleeping soundly next to Daisy. He thought it a little odd sense the two were never really the best of friends, but didn't dwell on the thought for long. Bumblekit said today he and his sisters were becoming apprentices! Which meant it would only be another one-and-a-half moons until it was Thistlekit and Dapplekits' turn!

He stumbled out of the nursery to find his den-mates. All the queens seemed to be napping after their vigil last night, and he didn't want his ears clawed off for waking them. He found his den-mates near the fresh-kill pile, play fighting.

The tom-kit silently stalked his way towards the group staying low to the ground, but just as he was about to pounce on Spottedkit, he felt a paw holding down his tail.

He hissed in frustration, turning to see Thornclaw.

"You'll never sneak up on anything with your tail waving around like that." The senior warrior purred.

Stupid Thornclaw! Always ruining his fun! "They weren't paying attention! It didn't matter where my tail was!" the kit complained.

"Oh it matters, you'll see." Thornclaw meowed, rather smugly Thistlekit thought.

Before Thistlekit could try to escape from Thornclaw's grasp though, Dapplekit came running over.

"Hey Thornclaw!" The tiny kit yowled, "Will you teach me how to hunt?"

Before Thornclaw could answer, Thistlekit dashed his sisters hopes. "We can't even leave camp yet mouse-brain!" he hissed in his sisters face.

Dapplekit ignored her brother, looking to Thornclaw for his answer.

"I'm afraid he's right Dapplekit, but don't worry, soon you'll be apprenticed and your mentors will teach you everything you need to know." The golden-brown tabby meowed.

"Who was your mentor?" Dapplekit squeaked.

"Your mother was my mentor." Thornclaw answered, smiling at the kits shock.

"Wow! Really? I hope you can be my mentor!" The tiny she-kit yowled.

"We'll just have to wait and see." He said, finally releasing Thistlekit's tail, and walking towards the high ledge.

Thistlekit grasped his tail and started washing it. "Stupid fur-ball!" He hissed.

"He is not!" Dapplekit spat at her brother. "You just don't like him cause he caught you sneaking!"

Thistlekit shook his head, there was no arguing with his sister once her mind was made up. He hoped she didget Thornclaw as a mentor, maybe it would keep the bossy fur-ball away from him!

Just as he was about to try pouncing Spottedkit again, he saw her brother Owlkit running up to him.

"Firestar's calling a meeting!" The light brown kit squealed.

Sure enough Firestar was on the high ledge, yowling for a clan meeting to start. A few cats emerged from their dens, some still looking tired from their long night. The sun was shining behind Firestar making his pelt glow like fire. Thistlekit gazed up at ThunderClan's leader, he wished he was that brave and respected!

He saw his den-mates padding towards the high ledge, their parents Millie and Graystripe following them on either side.

"Today has been a sad day for ThunderClan." Firestar started, "Berrynose and Hazeltail have gone to join StarClan, and we mourn their lose. But I have called this meeting for a more happy cause, we have three kits ready to become apprentices." he announced.

"Briarkit, please step forward." He asked.

The she-kit came bounding forward, too excited to dignified.

"Briarkit, from this day forth until you are given your warrior name, you will be known as Briarpaw. Brambleclaw, you trained Berrynose to be a fierce warrior, I trust you will do the same for Briarpaw."

Brambleclaw nodded, the memory of his first apprentice still fresh in his mind. The two cats stepped forward touching noses.

"Blossomkit, from this day forth until you are given your warrior name, you will be known as Blossompaw. Sorreltail, you helped mentor Foxscar, and you are more then ready for your first apprentice. I trust you will pass on all the things Sandstorm taught you."

Sorreltail purred loudly, coming forward to touch noses with her new apprentice.

"Bumblekit, from this day forth until you are given your warrior name, you will be known as Bumblepaw. Dustpelt you have proven yourself an excellent mentor. I know you will show this young cat to be a loyal warrior."

Dustpelt and Bumblepaw came toward one another and touched noses.

"Briarpaw! Blossompaw! Bumblepaw!" The cats shouted.

Thistlekit ran up to congratulate his former den-mates. "You're so lucky!" he hissed at Briarpaw, no doubt jealous her mentor was the deputy.

Dapplekit sighed, "Well of course Brambleclaw is her mentor, Firestar is best friends with Graystripe! Besides I'm sure he's still upset about Berrynose."

Thistlekit agreed. He just hoped by the time him and Dapplekit were apprenticed, there was still some good mentors to pick from!


I have Dapplekit and Thistlekit's mentors all picked out, still need to think of two mentors for Owlkit and Spottedkit though. Next chapter MIGHT be their apprentice ceremony but I think I will make you suffer through another chapter of kit-hood first, other wise I think it's too rushed.

R&R Please!