Disclaimer: I. Do not. Own. Tsubasa. (I'd be fine with just owning Cloney but NO~, they wouldn't even let me have him!! .)

Syaoran stared as the boy broke through the mirror and placed his eye and half his heart in the eye socket of the mirror image in front of him.

His real eye burned in pain, and he doubled over, his hand covering it, making him blind to the world.

He removed his hand and continued to watch as images flashed by: Fai laying on the ground, blood falling down his face, world after world being enveloped in flames, a pale arm tainted with blood.

And somehow, he knew that he was behind all of this, that he was the cause for everything that happened here.

Tears began to roll down his cheeks and he collapsed to his knees. The mirror image, those dead lifeless eyes, it fit.

The cold and piercing rain, the intense ache of his right eye.....

who are you?

Arms wrapped around his shoulders, and the tears flowed faster.

"I-I'm not real, am I?" Syaoran asked.

"No......." A voice identical to his whispered.

He leaned his head back so that it rested on the chest of the original.

"I'm not going to be myself for much longer either..." Syaoran whispered.


Syaoran turned around, coming face to face with his original.

"I want you to stop me. I want you to do whatever it takes so that they will be fine, so that I don't hurt, and I don't kill. It doesn't matter if I die, as long as-" Syaoran broke off.

The original wrapped his arms around Syaoran, holding him in a tight embrace.

"I will, I promise," The real Syaoran whispered. Tears ran down Syaoran's face, and the original was crying slightly as well.

Chapter 210- R!Syaoran's POV

I looked down at the face of the boy I cared about. He was dying. He was going to die because he protected me.

And I hadn't even been able to keep my promise to him. And he had had to suffer so much more for that.

He did have a heart. I knew that. But he couldn't control his body, and with that, he couldn't control his mind.

And I couldn't stop him as he asked me too.

"You must have wanted to travel with everyone. Kurogane, Fai, Mokona, Sakura and Syaoran!"

He was the one I wanted to travel with the most.


Well, I have been in MAJOR Tsubasa mood lately (especially with the OAD. WAI!) therefore I wanted to write this seeing as well, yeah, I had this idea in my head. I know, it was short, and probably wasn't very good, but oh well.