My re-take on what could have happened at the cemetery in Kissing Coffins had Alexander been a couple minutes too late. I am writing a good part word for word from Kissing Coffins, so no one gets confused, I want everyone to know whats going on and where this is supposed be taking place at in the book.
Alexander fans forgive me, I love him too, but I have an equal love for Jagger, so I had to write this.
I own nothing of Vampire Kisses, it all belongs to the fabulous Ellen Schreiber.
Chapter 1-
So dark…
I groaned as my weary eyes tried to adjust to the darkness of wherever I was.
My head rested on something soft that definitely felt like a pillow, I began to feel around blindly and eventually met walls.
My heart began to quicken and I quickly moved my hands up above and sure enough, my hands met with a hard surface.
A coffin.
I was in a coffin.
However, before I could panic any further, dim light from several medieval candelabra's spilled in as the lid was lifted to reveal Jagger, grinning most victoriously.
"Rise and shine, beautiful" He purred seductively as he looked down at me with his blue and green eyes "Time to start our life together"
Tears began to fill my eyes as I realized the horrible dream I thought had been a nightmare had been real, it had actually happened.
This just couldn't be real. It just couldn't.
But it was real, I remembered now what had happened.
I remembered how when I went to the mansion to find Alexander, I found Jagger Maxwell instead.
And the cemetary, I remembered now everything that happened at the cemetary.
-Property of Ellen Schreiber-
I awoke on my back, on cold wet grass, with raindrops kissing my face, as if in a Sleeping Beauty slumber. The silvery sky held a bright, shining moon. A spidery tree loomed over me, it's skinny, naked branches reaching toward me with witch-like fingers.
I sat up, my head aching. Then I saw it. A tombstone. Then another. Not one, but hundreds. I saw the baroness's monument. I was in Dullsville's cemetery.
As I rose, I felt lightheaded. I caught my balance on a graveyard marker. I used to seek comfort among the tombstones, but because I was unsure of how I got here, I was anxious to leave before I ended up in an unmarker grave.
Jagger, wearing black cargo pants with red seams and a white T-shirt emblazoned with the word THE PUNISHER, was standing before me.
"How did you get here? Did you follow my bus?" I asked, confused.
"It will be over in just a few minutes."
"What--my life? Forget it. I'm getting outta here!"
"Not so fast." Jagger grabbed my hand and began leading me towards the middle of the cemetery. I tried to pull away from him, but his grip was too strong and my strength had already been depleted from whatever means he used to get me there.
I'd snuck into Dullsville's cemetery many times, and invariably Old Jim, the caretaker, and Luke, his Great Dane, would chase me out. They seemed to be nowhere, now when my life depended on them.
"I thought you were looking for Alexander," I said, but Jagger ignored me and continued pulling me toward the monuments and tombs. We stopped at a closed coffin laid upon a cement bench. I could hear strange music, a mixture of wailing violins and an underlying harpsichord, coming from one of the tombs. On the coffin, a candelabra flickered among the raindrops, wax dripping down its pewter spine. A medieval goblet sat next to it.
It looked like a scene from a gothic wedding.
"What's this?" I asked, my mental fog beginning to wear off.
"A covenant ceremony."
"But where are the guests? I didn't bring a gift" Said, giddy from my daze.
"The bride doesn't have to."
"Bride? But I didn't even register yet?"
Jagger didn't smile. Instead he relit a candle.
A few feet away, I spotted a shovel lying next to an empty grave, glistening in the moonlight. I backed up slowly, inching my way to the shovel until the caretaker's tool lay at my feet.
My heart was beating so loudly, I was afraid Jagger would hear it. I took a deep breath. As he centered the candelabra on the coffin, I bent over and reached for the handle. But as soon as I grabbed it, Jagger's boot pinned it to the earth. He stood over me as I tried in vain to pry it from the ground. In the struggle, the shiny new shovel shook, and a few bit of clinging dirt fell off the metal head. I saw myself in the shovel's curve, upside down, like a spoon's reflection. However, I didn't see a reflection for Jagger right behind me. I looked back at him. He smiled a wicked smile. I hastily wiped the shovel with my sleeve and shifted to one side, peering into the shiny metal surface. All I could see were the stars above him, but his boot remained on the handle behind me.
I gasped.
"Something missing?" He teased.
I rose quickly and stepped back "You--" I began, breathless.
I tried to run, but Jagger lunged forward and grabbed my arm. He flashed his fangs at me and licked his lips.
My reality spun out of control. I was standing face to face with a real vampire. One whom wasn't Alexander. Jagger was the kind I'd read about and seen in movies-- the kind that meant to snatch me away from my family and friends and take my blood as his own. I faced pledging my life to stranger for all eternity. The radical dreams I'd wished for as just a curious goth were about to come true.
"My parents are expecting me home. They'll be sending out the SWAT team any minute now."
He held my hand with a strength I'd never felt before. I looked around for anything to help my escape.
Jagger led me to the front of the coffin. He picked up the goblet and raised it to the moon, spoke a few words in a language that I didn't understand and then took a long drink.
"Now you," he said with a wicked grin, offering me the goblet.
"Forget it!" I said, pushing the goblet away with my free hand.
"But isn't this what you wanted all along? Why else would you follow Alexander?" he asked.
"Because I love him!" I said, trying to wriggle free "And I will never love you!"
"But you don't have to," he said, and forced the goblet to my mouth.
Drops of thick, sweet liquid spilled against my lips. I spit the liquid from my mouth. "I will never become like you, whoever or whatever you are!"
Jagger's face grew strange, as if my words had been a silver stake driven though his heart.
"And I say you will!" His blue and green eyes gazed into mine as if trying to cast a spell. "With this kiss, I take thee for all eternity"
Jagger flashed his smile and leaned into me.
-Property of Ellen Schreiber-
Before I could do anything to stop him, his mouth was already upon my neck and suddenly a sharp pain spread throughout my throat and neck as he sunk his fangs deep and soon all went black.
--End of flashback--
"No…" I whimpered, as he reached down to gently grasp my shoulders and pull me up into a sitting position.
"Oh yes" Jagger replied with a sexy grin "Oh yes, you're mine now, all mine"
More will be coming extremely soon, I just simply got tired and had to stop typing, I'm also not feeling too well, I am in the final stages of recovering from a stomach ulcer, so please be patient with me. I will update most likely by tomorrow sometime.
Pleasant reviews are most welcomed, tell me everything down to what you liked and what you disliked, but please try to remain polite.
Thank you!