This awesome book, Looking For Alaska, belongs to John Green, in all his nerdfighter-y awesomeness.
I looked at Alaska as she sobbed silently into my shoulder. I knew that at any moment, if she tilted her head to the right angle, and I tilted mine to the right angle, and if we both put in very little effort, we would be kissing.
But we didn't get there, because within seconds of that thought being actually thought about, she was asleep, snoring slightly. I looked at the clock. It was only eleven thirty, but I felt like passing out, just like Alaska. I tried to stay awake as long as I could, but before I knew it, I was in a far off world.
It wasn't like I didn't know I was dreaming. My subconscious tried to tell me that this wasn't reality, but I couldn't come to terms with that fact yet.
Alaska just entered my room. Her hair was in a frenzy, some sticking up, some lying flat, and some in giant tangles. She was sobbing. Full, wet tears coming down her face. I tried to stand up to comfort her, but she ran to me and sat in my lap.
"What's wrong?" I asked, feeling for something to wipe the dropping mixture of snot and wetness from her nose.
"Jake broke u-up with m-m-me!" she stuttered, wrapping her arms around me. It was an awkward position, her on my lap, with her arms clutching to me, but I wasn't complaining. My subconscious tried to tell me this was just a dream, but I batted him away, and focused on making Alaska feel better.
And suddenly she looked at me. I could tell from the sudden tension that something important was about to happen. I couldn't move my arms at all to comfort her, so I stayed stock-still waiting for her to do something. The tears were still running down her face, but slower.
And then she leaned forward. Not enough for her to kiss me, but just a centimeter closer. I eagerly moved forward a bit too, and we were almost there. Almost. She moved closer. And then I did too. And then she got so close, but stood up.
She walked to the other end of the room, and stood with her back to me, her arms crossed. I stood up and walked towards her, confident in my next move. I grabbed my arm and spun her around.
I thought: This isn't Alaska.
I thought: We were so close!
I thought: Since when have I been trying to hook up with the Colonel?
And the Colonel was standing there, yelling at me.
"Why were you trying to hook up with Alaska?! She has a boyfriend!" The Colonel screamed. I tried to talk, but my mouth wouldn't let the words out. I wanted to shout 'She broke up with him!' but my body failed me.
The Colonel then turned back into Alaska, and ran at me. She threw her legs around my waist and hugged me. My subconscious laughed at me, as if asking, 'Do you still think it's reality?'.
Alaska pulled back from me, and then. And then with her body still changing from the Colonel and back, and with tears still coming from her eyes, and with all that snot still there, she kissed me. It wasn't a best friend-I'm-going-to-kiss-you-goodbye kiss. It was an I'm-going-to-kiss-you-hello kiss. And best friends didn't kiss you hello.
I woke up and Alaska was playing video games.
"I would say hello… but I don't want to encourage your little friend there." Alaska said boldly, tilting her head towards my pants.
And there, standing upright for everyone to see, was deputy Miles, ready for duty, sir. I covered my face and Alaska laughed.
"It's normal. I understand. Jake gets them all the time." She said nonchalantly, while evilly destroying zombies. I took a deep breath and prepared to maneuver out of this situation, so there wouldn't be any awkward moments.
It was only a dream.
The End! Didja like it? Sorry if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes. I pumped this out really quick! Reviews are always appreciated!