David Fishwick – Sure I will! Thanks for reading!

Ness171990 - =D Thanks for agreeing… But still, sorry about the sequel…

Fernsfairie – Sorry Ferny… But then… I will try to make the epilogue SOOOOO long, that you will forget all about the sequel! … Hopefully.

Ambaa (chap. 5) – Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

BriaBeth – XD I like new readers!

LK-HoGwArTs-hEaDgIrL - =) I like that you like that I like that you like this story!

Mya86 (chap. 16) - =D I thank you for reading!

Newyorkiloveit - =D Thanks for the alerty!

Sobeyda – XDDDD Thanks!

Rachella23 - =D A new reader!

Ambuu – Thanks!

FaithfulHPReader – Ya, it was!

Firecrane930 – A new reader!!!!!! Thanks for reading!

Inuyashaluva245 – New reader! Yay!!!

Megan Consoer - =) New reader~ Sure!

MUCH LOVE TO ALL THE OTHERS! I have too many people to name, and you know who you are!


To all the readers, I apologise about my tardy update. I hope that you will forgive me, but I have a severe case of artists' block...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY IMMORTAL?!" Ron yelled at his next Defense teacher.

Fang smirked, "Exactly what you think. He's immortal. Never dying, lives forever, can't get older, has powers."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "Ronald Bilius Weasley, I have never met a more stupid person than you!"

Ron scowled, "Ugh."

The older man sighed, "Well, I've got to go, so goodbye, you children." He disappeared into the shadows.

"What is it with all the adults now? They just poof away to avoid questions!" Pansy fumed.

"I'm guessing their embarrassed to be talking to you, Pans, 'cause you're so hot," Ron said blushing.

-With the gang-

"Woah…" Blaise whispered.

"That's right… Double woah…" Michael echoed, looking at the huge cave.

Harry touched Luna's shoulder, "What now?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. But this room is the Memory Room. She stores memories here, and I've done ceremonies here too."

Hermione frowned, "Is that the Lethe?"

Ginny looked at where Hermione was looking and her gray eyes widened, "Who's that?"

"Who's where?" Draco asked, looking around.

"That girl… She's standing on the black water, looking at me." She whispered.

Michael grinned, "Go to her. Trust your inner self."

Hermione smirked, "Go with the force, my young padawan."

Harry grinned too, "I don't think they understand you, Herms."

"They don't have too." She replied, then she turned to Draco, "We need to tell them about Time's End…"

"Yeah," Draco nodded, "But after Ginny-"

A flash of bright light erupted from the pool as Ginny touched the surface of the water with her toe.

"AHHH!!" She screamed as she collapsed on her knees.

Blaise and Michael tried to run to her, but they were stunned from a golden light that ringed the pool.

"Oh my," Luna gasped, "Not that, not that!"

Harry said quickly, "What is it?"

"Someone's going to die right this hour!" She shrieked.

Ginny cried with pain, doubling over her knees, her head almost touching the water. Silver liquid was swirling from the surface of the still water, reaching for the black haired girl's mouth. As they touched her pink lips, they were absorbed into her skin, rippling as if a drop of water fell into a pool.

Michael wrenched himself away from the gold light, grabbing onto the nearest thing beside him – which was Harry – and gasped for air. Harry steadied the younger boy and pulled Blaise along with Luna, pale and wide eyed.

Hermione quickly cast another shield charm around the five, her spell rebounding off Ginny, who was still crying out, her hands reaching for air as Blaise continuously tried to reach for her, but Harry and Draco held him back.

"So there you are…" A silky voice murmured.

Hermione spun and her icy eyes narrowed, "Morterya…"

The Lady smiled her chilly smile, "Yes it is… Roxanne Hermione, is it?"

The Ravenclaw heir stood up straight and whispered into the quiet air, "Leave."

"Why? And miss all the fun?" The woman asked back, raising her hand slowly towards her daughter.

Ginny was panting beside the water, curled into a ball.

"Yes, and miss it you will!" Michael yelled, running at Morterya, his wand out. He began to blast her with many spells, all missing and never hitting.

She smiled coldly, "Ah… The soul bond. Too bad she'll have to feel pain…" She shot a poison-blue coloured spell at him, and Michael writhed on the floor, his pain so great, he couldn't utter a sound.

"No!" Harry screamed, waving his wand complicatedly. Hermione noted with ignored satisfaction that he shot one of the spells she created. Serpencrucius, the Pain of Serpents' Poison.

Morterya dropped her wand as black bubbling liquid grew on her arm. She shrieked in horror as it began to eat her flesh, spreading with alarming speed. Luna quickly took the advantage of her distraction to Glamour herself, into a brunette girl of 12.

Hermione's eyes widened as the spell didn't stop, and Michael still writhed under the curse of what she thought was the Cruciatus Curse.

She ran to the Ravenclaw and with Draco's help, pulled him straight on his back. Draco gasped in horror as he saw an electric blue liquid pool from the boy's stomach, drenching the floor.

It began eating through the stone, hissing and spitting as it sank into the old rock. Hermione picked him up, "Michael, hold on!"

"No!" Michael yelled, "I am going to die, there's no point!"

Ginny screeched again when Michael yelled, her head snapping back and her hands clutched the stone floor.

Blaise's eyes narrowed and he began to cast spells again and again at the Dark Witch, who began to recover from the poisonous spell.

Harry and Luna cast spells around everyone, encasing them in ice-blue bubbles.

With a small poof! … They all disappeared.