Chibi: Right…this is what happens when I'm bored and begin to place plots to songs during car trips.

Disclaimer: As I said, this is based sorta off the song 'Over the Hills and Far Away' though I version I found was done by a New Zealand pipe band (Pipin'Hot). Either way, I don't own the song or Naruto. They belong to people that are more creative.

((Afterthought: YAY!!! First Shikaneji Story!!!))

It had all started one winter's night. Shikamaru sat alone in his small, one room apartment. It had been well over a year since he had moved from his parents and, as of yet, he had little to complain about. He slept when he wanted and no one disturbed him very often.

It was just as he was settling into one of these moments of relaxation after being out that his door was forced open with a powerful explosion. Before he had time to blink, he was on the mildly clean floor and his arms bound tightly behind him.

"Nara Shikamaru, please come with us." A masked man asked.

Recognizing the masks, the young Nara blinked. "What do ANBU want with me?" He asked, though received nothing more than a rough shove toward the door.

Leading him through the silent streets, the young chuunin's mind began to figure out where he was going. As expected, the dark towers of the Konoha holding cells loomed overhead. He felt his stomach drop.

A cell door opened and he stepped in without looking back. Still bound, he turned and sat on the single bed and waited. At this time, he had no idea what he could have done wrong. He had some ideas, but nothing that could have warranted treatment likes of this.

As dawn broke, more ANBU came and dragged him off to the front of the hidden villages' kage. It was then that he decided that this had to be a mistake.

"Nara Shikamaru," he turned toward the Hokages assistant, Shizune, standing a little to the side. "You stand accused of robbery. Last night, someone stole a scroll of great importance from the Hokage towers. We have proof that it may have been you."

A guard produced a weapon and showed it to him as evidence. Blankly, the Nara registered it as his late sensei's weapon of choice. The one that he had kept in Asuma's memory. "Do you have anything to say in defense?"

Dropping his head down in defeat, he shook his head as hot tears stung his eyes. He had an alibi, but he could not bring himself to say it. He couldn't. He would hurt too many people…

…he could already see the ominous spires of the countries prison and the guards that held the dangerous men within.


"Is this really okay?" He panted watching the dark haired minx below him writhe from the attention he was getting.

Lusty, pale eyes met with a dark brown set and a reassuring smile found a way onto those tempting lips. "As long as Kiba doesn't find out…" He explained gently. "I wish we didn't have to sneak around like this, but we don't really have a choice."

Nodding his head in understanding, Shikamaru leant down and claimed those rosy lips as he pressed into the others tight entrance.

Pulling back from the kiss, he swept back the sweaty dark bangs sticking to the others forehead as his face contorted in discomfort. Before long, they began to move against each other in search of release. Shortly after, the duo came together.

Slowly lilac eyes slide open and stared up at his lover. "Aishiteru, Shika." He breathed. "I wish there was a way I could leave Kiba without causing problems…but until that day this is the only way we can be together."

"I love you too, Neji." Shikamaru whispered back. "We'll find a way, I promise."

**End Flashback**

'I'll return to someday Neji.' He thought to his lover. 'I'll keep my promises…both of them.'

"Since the evidence is stacked against you I will have no choice but to sentence you to ten years in jail." Tsunade explained her brown eyes watching as the defeated Nara nodded his understanding.


One month passed and already he was accustomed to the life of a criminal within the walls. Admittedly, it easier to deal with, with the letters of progress he got from his friends and family…and of course Neji.

The most recent one, he could not stop looking at though. With a small smile playing on his lips, he looked out his bared window.


I pray you will return one day. As sure as the rivers reach the seas, back in you arms I swear I'll be.


Though this letter is shorter than the ones explaining Neji's break up with Kiba and many other things, Shikamaru kept his promise in mind.

'I'll return to you Neji, I swear, back in my arms is where you'll be.'

Right, another story done. Hope you enjoyed

Review please